Where are we going?

ruminator said:
ha!...it was the best way I could describe it.

That Jessica Rabbit is a sultry creature, isn't she?

She's many things Rumi and has many talents :kiss: :rose: :devil: ;)
Jennifer C said:
all the time baby! :rose: :devil: ;)

yup. I'm feeling the urge.....it starts like a growl way down deep and begins to build....

.....unless that's my stomach, maybe.
ruminator said:
yup. I'm feeling the urge.....it starts like a growl way down deep and begins to build....

.....unless that's my stomach, maybe.

Let it build baby, set your growl free... :catroar:
ruminator said:


Yeah.......that was nice, thanks.


Oh no, thank you...that was some GROWL...

aint it good to let yourself go!? :catroar:

Am letting down my hair and shaking it seductively around my shoulders... :devil:
Jennifer C said:
Oh no, thank you...that was some GROWL...

aint it good to let yourself go!? :catroar:

Am letting down my hair and shaking it seductively around my shoulders... :devil:

Let it down....shake it loose......flip it back with a snap and a seductive look....the last one is one of my favorites, so I suggested it..;)

...pull it back.....toss it over....wrap tight, bouncing, firm grip clenched to hold ......
ruminator said:
Let it down....shake it loose......flip it back with a snap and a seductive look....the last one is one of my favorites, so I suggested it..;)

...pull it back.....toss it over....wrap tight, bouncing, firm grip clenched to hold ......

Oh now your talking Rumi, you have a wicked tongue and I like it... :devil:
Jennifer C said:
Oh now your talking Rumi, you have a wicked tongue and I like it... :devil:

That's where I keep some of my growls. I like the ones that start with a slight and rumble and by the time it's released it has my tongue vibrating almost uncontrollably.


yup,...it's right on the tip of my tongue.
ruminator said:
That's where I keep some of my growls. I like the ones that start with a slight and rumble and by the time it's released it has my tongue vibrating almost uncontrollably.


yup,...it's right on the tip of my tongue.

A vibrating tongue?... Stop teasing me Rumi... :rose:
Wow... This is awesome Rumi! I hate the thought

but agree completely with what you are saying. I will even post one I wrote that tackles the same issues in another way. You da man!

I kind of wear my politics on my sleeve here... but, well, this is poetry!



Small town America awakens
to bright orange glows
on multiple horizons.
In the distance the wail of sirens
stunts morning activities;
dead televisions raise bilious anxiety.

Frantic citizens search
for pre-computer relics,
those old AM radios,
only to find oozing batteries
rendering them inoperable.

Cell phones click and dial;
interminable busy signals
and the fear begins to mount.
Crowds gather in the streets,
pointing and hypothesizing,
none know what happened
or what to do,
but all know their life has changed,

No decision is easy
in a world of seven billion
when one always affects the many.
History is a cunning mistress,
one must invest deeply in time
and openmindedness to see
myriad patterns with clarity.

They say the winners write the books,
but what is a winner?
We blur broken lines with rhetoric,
talking points and five second clips,
expecting the masses to follow.
Sadly, most of them do,
so stuck in trials of personal security
we make decisions without knowledge.

We allow our leaders to govern
on faulty premises with no honor
and yet we are all guilty of the same
tired cliche, we get it honestly...
"Do as I say, not as I do".

And here we are, buried in politics,
the right leading with instilled fear,
the left terrorized by the right.

I ask you, are we not all brothers,
Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus,
and those of us that choose not to partake?
Do we not all share this shrinking world?
How difficult is it to get the American
public to actually educate themselves
globally for a few weeks or months?

I see the difficulty of a paradigm change,
fighting the propaganda machine
of "Conservative" America,
looking beyond news blurbs and hyperbole,
we flounder in a web of deceit.

Very few of us truly understand
the machinations of Congress,
why some bills must be turned down,
even though there may be good in them.
The system kills innovation,
trust and honor are rotted hulks,
lying dead below gold tinted spin.

The ramblings of this frustrated poet
can run lines and lines of words,
yet nobody really listens until
life comes up and kicks them hard.

Will it take being the hated by all others
to get us to finally learn the truth?
Will it be the fear of anhilation
by an enemy we can't see to drive
our vehicle of suicidal malevolence
to the depths of Armageddon?

I fear the morning of this prelude,
when those of us who foresaw the future
are run down and hunted as traitors,
when we all recognize that we let them
take control of our lives, our world,
one black day in late 2000.

ruminator said:
The threat is manufactured
while unemployment lines increase
Packaged slick, creatively
marketed to the trembling consumers.

Sacrificing lifetime savings
to buy the illusion of security.
Pawn your future, cashing in
all common sense to give away.

Paranoia doesn't hide in the dark
sanctuary of faith and worship.
Intimidation creeps, bleeding
into your soul right off page one.

Exploding headlines hypnotize
by our willingness to suggestion.
Track the tragedy's official version
through daily withdrawls and revisions

Suspected peretrators in alledged
conspiracies by rumor link hypotheses.
Possibly presumed, yet unconfirmed
anonymous sources whisper threats.

The dots connect, quite logically
returning to the shreiking source.
Pay them well to find our fears
repackaged, bought and sold again.

it is an illusion, blue.
YOU ALL ARE SO IMPRESSING ME!!! Wonderful writes here all... so glad to see others see...
quietpoet said:

They say the winners write the books,
but what is a winner?
We blur broken lines with rhetoric,
talking points and five second clips,
expecting the masses to follow.
Sadly, most of them do,
so stuck in trials of personal security
we make decisions without knowledge.


I think people are afraid of the insecurity that comes with challenging the common perception. You showed that nicely.

Do we have a political poetry thread?

Thanks Du...for taking the time to read and comment.... :)
a conversation with R and Blue...

pm me for this message...tis too long...blue
Last edited:
Thanks Rumi!

Sometimes we get despondent, unable to move... It's like the old saying about a battered spouse... There are in shit up to their nose, but it is a warm and comfortable shit. So they don't change. Nobody in control, who understands and wants that control, would want those they have control of to really believe how powerful they are. As Blue loves to say... a scary version of morphic resonance.

I would love a political thread... I have many writes of that bent!

thank you so much for posting your conversation. I see that we are more on the same wave path then I thought. I try to live what you have just discussed with Rumi. Once we understand these truths you speak of it is easier to let go and hear the call of your oversoul. Is it easy? No... it takes time effort and deep connections with self. Then you get to learn what you already knew..
thank you dear
I guess I can revive my dying beast!

An ode to one of my favorite writers...

Awakening the Myth

Gentleman unlocks shiny new gate,
seeks desperate lurking dollars,
opens imagination’s portal,
and hotwires Akashic.

Accidents happen when
needs pull heartstrings,
occasional change with global
ramifications, timing is.

Brilliant mind questions all,
purses sinewed threads,
ties with subtlety and bows
of society awakening.

Words fountain forth,
fiction and wisdom combine,
create power, drama,
cull connection from environment,

mimic creation’s balance.
Trials of Job awaken dying
corpse of freedom,
twisted paths converge in

spiritual evolution, revolution,
fulfilling prophesies of communion.
Waters of life shared with the few
souls of recognition, awakened.

Vest of many threads,
protects and enlightens,
helps us move beyond yesterday’s
trials and pettiness, to one…
quietpoet said:
An ode to one of my favorite writers...

Awakening the Myth

Gentleman unlocks shiny new gate,
seeks desperate lurking dollars,
opens imagination’s portal,
and hotwires Akashic.

Accidents happen when
needs pull heartstrings,
occasional change with global
ramifications, timing is.

Brilliant mind questions all,
purses sinewed threads,
ties with subtlety and bows
of society awakening.

Words fountain forth,
fiction and wisdom combine,
create power, drama,
cull connection from environment,

mimic creation’s balance.
Trials of Job awaken dying
corpse of freedom,
twisted paths converge in

spiritual evolution, revolution,
fulfilling prophesies of communion.
Waters of life shared with the few
souls of recognition, awakened.

Vest of many threads,
protects and enlightens,
helps us move beyond yesterday’s
trials and pettiness, to one…

I Like that!... :)
quietpoet said:
An ode to one of my favorite writers...

Awakening the Myth

Gentleman unlocks shiny new gate,
seeks desperate lurking dollars,
opens imagination’s portal,
and hotwires Akashic.

Accidents happen when
needs pull heartstrings,
occasional change with global
ramifications, timing is.

Brilliant mind questions all,
purses sinewed threads,
ties with subtlety and bows
of society awakening.

Words fountain forth,
fiction and wisdom combine,
create power, drama,
cull connection from environment,

mimic creation’s balance.
Trials of Job awaken dying
corpse of freedom,
twisted paths converge in

spiritual evolution, revolution,
fulfilling prophesies of communion.
Waters of life shared with the few
souls of recognition, awakened.

Vest of many threads,
protects and enlightens,
helps us move beyond yesterday’s
trials and pettiness, to one…

as R said ...mission ignition...and yet...he could not do it...
ignite the wooly lambs of obedience...SS we do what me do
for patriotism....words have a way of biting us all in the arse...as martin says...
luvs to Qp..or JP as you dad says..lol/blue :kiss:
This is code for the informed!!!

Can anyone understand "R" here??


bluerains said:
as R said ...mission ignition...and yet...he could not do it...
ignite the wooly lambs of obedience...SS we do what me do
for patriotism....words have a way of biting us all in the arse...as martin says...
luvs to Qp..or JP as you dad says..lol/blue :kiss:
I am ignorant steel,
hard but malleable
compulsively drawn
time and again, back
old soul's relentless

ruminator said:
I am ignorant steel,
hard but malleable
compulsively drawn
time and again, back
old soul's relentless


oh very good Rumi... :D