who determines what poetry gets published at Lit?

Do we have the makings (pun not intended) of a treacle tart poem?

you can do the fancy forms, i'll knock out a limerick:

there once was a fine treacle tart
who's pm box gave her a start
when suggestions of custard
all sticky, and flustered,
left her reaching to pull out the scart

um, ok, that's rubbish but off the cuff rubbish so i forgive myself :D
Oh treacle tart I do beseech thee
fill my heart with thoughts of goo
cover me with custard flowing
let my secretions cover you.
Sweet perfection in your glory
think not of the weight I'll gain,
whip me soundly cream my senses
tie me thinking never of the pain.

Which is even worse lol
Cocoa and Eggnog is the best possible status for a female in the universe. My tenth grade biology teacher was cocoa and eggnog, Nabokov's writing is cocoa and eggnog, your picture belongs in that category of things that are as good as Christmas. Just to make even more sense of things, EPMD's wife is a fully-loaded baked potato. We have potato rankings for females around our age and younger. A nice looking underage girl is undercooked and therefore to be avoided. Actually, for some reason my future wife was classified, 'Raspberry Tart', which doesn't follow any of the current taxonomies.

She is a raspberry tart.
this is treacle: Treacle is the generic name for any syrup made during the refining of sugar cane and is defined as "uncrystallized syrup produced in refining sugar".

so, to call someone 'treacle', an eastendy kinda saying, is to name them sweet (and maybe sticky, lol)

this is a treacle tart: http://potsandpansprivatecatering.co.uk/images/treacle-tart.png

Looks like pumpkin or sweet potato pie. Is it taste like maple syrup? I hate syrupy sweeeeeets.
Clotted cream is nectar for the soul

I sort of understand that it's a sugar syrup. I just can't figure out what that pie you showed me would taste like. Like there's nothing that I can think of in honey terms that would resemble that picture. You gotta understand, my notions of English food comes from Willy Wonka, a week I spent in Cornball eating fried fish, and the British infantry I sang Boyzone songs with.
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I sort of understand that it's a sugar syrup. I just can't figure out what that pie you showed me would taste like. Like there's nothing that I can think of in honey terms that would resemble that picture.

Just tastes very sweet I think molasses is the nearest you will get although that's a much darker syrup
hi, and thanks for your reply. :)

A good poem is a good poem is a good poem. This much is true. To say it shouldn't matter is an idealism; unfortunately I've seen the fact that, in reality, it does. Outsiders browsing the published Lit poetry section sometimes form a warped opinion of the overall content where the good gets tarred by the same brush as the bad. Some poets I know have outright refused to consider posting work here :(

And yes, I have read poetry magazines, both print and net over the years. I used to run my own site and was offered the position of poetry submissions editor for a new poetry print magazine. We were focusing on material of some artistic and aesthetic value. It is to my deep regret that I only managed to continue my role for a short period before a dramatic marriage split caused loss of internet connection and my ability to perform my duties over the internet.

Flipping the coin, I've read plenty of dreadful zines. And they still sell despite the embarrassing copy.

There's nothing wrong with putting your work where you think it'll get read. Nothing at all. This is ultimately any individual's choice. I think, though, it's a shame the quality of material making it through isn't regularly as high as that of your own.

hey, lorencino :D

I certainly don't have you down as an elitist snob. :rose:
While there is room for a breathtaking diversity of styling in the word of poetry, it seems to me that if there are no standards of merit to meet then doggerel, exquisite writing, and the sort of stuff that has no place being called anything akin to poetry all become some muddy puddle of expression everyone paddles in only to get wet feet and maybe catch cold.

What you say about reconsidering opinions - well we're all guilty of making premature judgements or ill-conceived ones at times. The very fact that another person's thoughts made you go back and reconsider shows you are not a pedant and are open-minded enough to be willing to consider you made an error.

I suppose Lit is what it is, and your white-noise comment strikes a chord. If you can filter the good from the bad, and are happy to take the time to do so, then you are the kind of reader any poet ought to be cherishing.


So it's not just me who thinks that standards (I am not referring to the forums) are sloppy and could reflect badly on the decent writers here? I only wish some of my own material that got accepted and published hadn't been: now my own skills have grown some, I see so many things I'd change to make pieces better. Too late now, though :(


It is never too late, unless you have given up or are dead. Don't give up! That would be such a waste. However, touting your past published poems and looking upon them as "poor" or bad is a criticism that is unjust simply because you had not grown, at that time and now you have. Give yourself some credit. We all must learn to crawl before we walk, we learn to write the alphabet before we make words, and so on.

I wish you continued success in your writing and publishing. I almost think you are fishing...;)



It is never too late, unless you have given up or are dead. Don't give up! That would be such a waste. However, touting your past published poems and looking upon them as "poor" or bad is a criticism that is unjust simply because you had not grown, at that time and now you have. Give yourself some credit. We all must learn to crawl before we walk, we learn to write the alphabet before we make words, and so on.

I wish you continued success in your writing and publishing. I almost think you are fishing...;)



never fear, emma

first off, I don't do fishing. poor little critters :D
second, I have no intention of giving up writing. I write. You write. We write. It's what we do and comes as naturally as breathing; it's a part of who we are. I think it's a perfectly fair comment by anyone who's developed further in their craft to admit earlier stuff they created has the potential to be embarrassing :)

and thirdly - thanks for the kind support :rose: