Why Every Adult Should Carry a Gun

I sure am! Nevermind that this nation was made by scoundrels, scallywags, pirates, smugglers and tax cheats

So, are you going to light the fuse on your tampon or what?

So you believe in fraud, grift, and anti-democratic oligarchy. ✅

You are social ballast, the load that makes life worse for everyone else just for your own selfish interests. Yep. You’re a good Trump loyalist.
So you believe in fraud, grift, and anti-democratic oligarchy. ✅

You are social ballast, the load that makes life worse for everyone else just for your own selfish interests. Yep. You’re a good Trump loyalist.
So your unhappy because he's a Trump loyalist, but the truth is if you don't support Trump YOU are a Biden lackey.
Hey dip shit. Did you even read Arpy’s post? Did you understand his words? Are you arguing with him or me?
Hey panty waist, did I quote him or you?

There is no argument here. You support the use of an unconstitutional secret police to further your communist goals.

You would have me murdered for daring to say Watchingtown steals enough money and needs to be brought to task.

You would have me murdered for daring to say that able bodied people shouldn't get squat from government

You would have me murdered for daring to say that the only things that should be taught at any publicly supported school is STEM

Well, spurts fan.........my only regret is that the secret police man has but one life to give for communism

now what, cum-for-brains?
So you believe in fraud, grift, and anti-democratic oligarchy. ✅

You are social ballast, the load that makes life worse for everyone else just for your own selfish interests. Yep. You’re a good Trump loyalist.
I believe that I will defy, resist, aid, smuggle

All Enemies!
The Ranchito shooting here in Houston was very polarizing. The robber took the last guy's wallet, turned to walk out and got shot in the back by the guy he just robbed. Defensible in court? Arguably yes.

But then the guy who got robbed got up, straddled the incapacitated robber, and delivered a fatal shot to the base of the guy's skull at near point-blank range. That seemed to me to be a bit much.
That is not a defensive situation to shoot someone once they are down. Thats murder. Also shooting someone in the back as they walk away, over a wallet...gonna get charged for murder.
Hey panty waist, did I quote him or you?

There is no argument here. You support the use of an unconstitutional secret police to further your communist goals.

You would have me murdered for daring to say Watchingtown steals enough money and needs to be brought to task.

You would have me murdered for daring to say that able bodied people shouldn't get squat from government

You would have me murdered for daring to say that the only things that should be taught at any publicly supported school is STEM

Well, spurts fan.........my only regret is that the secret police man has but one life to give for communism

now what, cum-for-brains?

You make America weak with your selfishness and idiocy. Trump is your brain.
There is no argument here. You support the use of an unconstitutional secret police to further your communist goals.

You would have me murdered for daring to say Watchingtown steals enough money and needs to be brought to task.

You would have me murdered for daring to say that able bodied people shouldn't get squat from government

You would have me murdered for daring to say that the only things that should be taught at any publicly supported school is STEM

This is the truth, and they either are too blind to see it or too cuntish to admit it, and that's what truly sucks nationwide about this demographic. Of course, their justification is all the labels they hung on you while they were having a stiff drink from their Holier-Than-Thou Judgy-flavored Kool-Aid.

I didn't hear the trains last night, but that doesn't mean they aren't out there.
The Ranchito shooting here in Houston was very polarizing. The robber took the last guy's wallet, turned to walk out and got shot in the back by the guy he just robbed. Defensible in court? Arguably yes.

But then the guy who got robbed got up, straddled the incapacitated robber, and delivered a fatal shot to the base of the guy's skull at near point-blank range. That seemed to me to be a bit much.
I disagree. You pull that crap, you might as well hang a sign around your neck reading "Your Stuff is Worth More Than My Life". Maybe if the emasculated soyjustice system did it's job, there would be no need. "Taking the law into your own hands" is the New Necessary, since those we pay to do it have taken the route of Quiet Quitting.
In fact, men are more likely to be killed than women in the vast majority of countries, including the US1. This is why men need to be armed, so that less women and children are murdered.
I’m 61 and I’ve never needed a gun in my life. Never been mugged, assaulted, robbed or whatever. Haven’t even been in a fight since I was a teenager.

I can understand a woman wanting to carry a gun because there are some fucked up loser men out there who attack women. But men? Nah.

If you want to play cowboy or soldier, there are video games for that. Pew pew pew.
What country do you reside in? If the answer is the U.S. and you say you're 61 and never needed a gun, you're a liar. You want to know why? The 2nd Amendment isn't about sport shooting, hunting or even protecting your home. It's about ensuring the country is protected against a tyrannical government. And had that been a more pressing issue during your younger days, you'd have been caught empty-handed and other men would have had to take up your slack, do you job, defend your home for you.

As for never being mugged, etc. great! I'm happy for you. Happy for anyone that doesn't have to face that in their lifetime. You think that was something you were in control of? If so, you're delusional. You can lower the probability, but ultimately, if someone decides to target you, you're charm and quick wit won't save the day, especially in your case since they appear to be completely absent. And if someone decided to target you, I don't give a fuck how big or how much training you have had. Bring your fists to a gun fight? You're fucked.

Beyond self defense or even hunting, guns are just good fun! You're aiming a projectile at a target - that is the essence of basketball, golf, hockey, archery, baseball, etc...it's a great hobby and kids that learn responsible gun use learn responsibility in general. What, you think every gun owner is walking around with a snarl and looking for trouble? You've met so many gun owners in your life and didn't know it...probably some carrying. I've never used any of my firearms in self-defense, never had to. You think I regret owning any of my firearms? They're wasted purchases unless I use them against a human or animal? Pretty close minded. You know when I got my first gun? After getting my doctorate. Me and my wife both. Why? Because we were very active and had the idea to take up a new, different hobby. No more no less. I've taken many people who never held a gun to the range and honestly, in all but one case, they were shocked at how much fun they had. But I get you - you're the type who, if you're vegan EVERYONE must be vegan. Oh and...you take a woman to the range and she has a good time? You will be having a good time afterwards as well...IN BED. My nephew especially loved when I'd come to visit, I'd bring my entire collection. He shot his first AK-47 when he was 10. Now he's a sheriff's deputy.

But as you say, you're 61...that's not old...not that I want this for you or anyone but, don't think you'll never be a target. Maybe you won't...but that's not for you to decide, ultimately and the second you realize you need it? Well...
As I say to a lot of people, nothing is stopping you from sending in extra money so they can spend it on your ideals. Or giving to charities. Or handing it out in the street.

My wife and I do volunteer work.

She’s a family law paralegal who helps street kids - lots of trafficked youth and kids whose parents fell apart for whatever reasons.

I’ve done lots of public speaking and unpaid educational work for my trade, even did a public radio show for several years.

What do you do to help your community besides pay taxes and promote self interest?
What do you do to help your community besides pay taxes and promote self interest?
Best I keep my private life out of this. In addition, while I am not a big fan of Jesus, he was right about not letting the left hand know what the right hand is doing when giving.
(He was right about a lot of other stuff, too, but I am still not a big fan of Abrahamic religions.)