Why Every Adult Should Carry a Gun

Same here, My neighbors are a bit spread out but we are close-knit and aware of what somebody might expect to encounter if they have a mind to do anyone or their property harm. Everything around here is about trust, respect, and being there if needed. If you stop what you're doing to help somebody out here, they'll never forget it and you'll be in a happy place if you ever need a hand.
Exactly. I hadn't met one of my neighbors until his ATV died in front of my house. I went out to help him and we pushed it off the road. We aren't like best buds or anything but we talk and wave and he told me if I ever need help to let him know. That is how it's supposed to be.
Same here, My neighbors are a bit spread out but we are close-knit and aware of what somebody might expect to encounter if they have a mind to do anyone or their property harm. Everything around here is about trust, respect, and being there if needed. If you stop what you're doing to help somebody out here, they'll never forget it and you'll be in a happy place if you ever need a hand.
There are 22.3 people per square mile....I am at 1.5 per square mile...you're fucking urban....
Exactly. I hadn't met one of my neighbors until his ATV died in front of my house. I went out to help him and we pushed it off the road. We aren't like best buds or anything but we talk and wave and he told me if I ever need help to let him know. That is how it's supposed to be.
lmfao with a population density of 159.3, you may as well be in New York city compared to me, and hell even wrongways 5 times less....
Exactly. I hadn't met one of my neighbors until his ATV died in front of my house. I went out to help him and we pushed it off the road. We aren't like best buds or anything but we talk and wave and he told me if I ever need help to let him know. That is how it's supposed to be.
Last year a man lost his horse trailer when it slid off the icy highway and flipped blocking the road to my gate. that took a while to get him going again, but like you, I made a friend that day.
Lending a hand, talking, I'm mean face to face, to each other, makes all the difference.
I had this place here for years. I used it as a vacation home so I didn't really know a lot of people except my nearest neighbors. I know more people now and I really like it here. I'm a travel nut so I'm on the road or in the air during several days of the year but it is always nice to come back to the comfort of this place and the good people of the valley here.
I had this place here for years. I used it as a vacation home so I didn't really know a lot of people except my nearest neighbors. I know more people now and I really like it here. I'm a travel nut so I'm on the road or in the air during several days of the year but it is always nice to come back to the comfort of this place and the good people of the valley here.
I live on a plateau with not many people here either, though the housing boom has hit.
Right? Isn’t that the problem that people complain exists though?

You know those traffic cams on intersections that don’t seem to do much? They collect data. That data can be accessed when needed and searched by AI for whoever or whatever is wanted at some point.

Several serial arsonists have been caught by this method. Law enforcement had AI peruse the data from traffic cams and find who was in the respective areas within the timeframes of the fires. They caught the suspects this way in several cases.

They can search license plates, faces, cars with any unique features…

A simple declaration of an emergency can throw those rights in the trash - at least until they can someday be challenged in court.

Remember when Trump authorized unidentified federal agents to grab people off of the streets in Portland? No identification, no probable cause, no due process, just detained until….when? No charges, no recourse.

Trump did that.

You have no expectation of privacy when you're in public. That means the gov can collect data about you. This includes traffic cams, license plates, and so on.

It's DIFFERENT when they search your person through electronic means to reveal your LAWFUL belongings which aren't in plain sight. This is a search and the 4th Amendment prohibits any search of your "person, houses, places, and effects" without a warrant.

What you propose would be ILLEGAL. It is a sign of a tyranny. The very tyranny you say Trump is trying to impose yet the path leading to it is from YOUR VERY MOUTH.

This highlights your lying two-faced bullshit better than anything else you've ever posted here. It's not Trump we have to fear, it's YOU and those who think like you.
You have no expectation of privacy when you're in public. That means the gov can collect data about you. This includes traffic cams, license plates, and so on.

It's DIFFERENT when they search your person through electronic means to reveal your LAWFUL belongings which aren't in plain sight. This is a search and the 4th Amendment prohibits any search of your "person, houses, places, and effects" without a warrant.

What you propose would be ILLEGAL. It is a sign of a tyranny. The very tyranny you say Trump is trying to impose yet the path leading to it is from YOUR VERY MOUTH.

This highlights your lying two-faced bullshit better than anything else you've ever posted here. It's not Trump we have to fear, it's YOU and those who think like you.

You moron. What gave you the idea I’m promoting it?

Same for you other me-toos that liked Arpy’s post.

You bitches complain about government overreach, I’m pointing out how far it can go and how ineffective a personal arsenal can be to push back against modern government with modern technology.

You dumb fucks think AI technology won’t be used against self proclaimed anti-democracy revolutionaries? The FBI is know for using illegal tactics and overreach to go after dissidents.

Look what happened to the Black Panthers when they became a social power movement. They were exercising their rights and brought big government down on them, just like you dumb fuck gun nuts are doing. The NRA lost a lot of the support they had from democratic gun enthusiasts when they were throwing rallies after mass shootings. Charleton Heston was a political moron, not a gun lobbyist.

I like guns. I own several and enjoy shooting with my kids. You fucking morons are going to laugh and think its great that reasonable gun control keeps being overturned, I’m saying it’s going to create a backlash that will create a push for technology that will surpass you ability to wield or even hide your guns and you’re going to fuck it all up and get the 2a repealed.

You fucking morons think I’m the threat? You’ve been handling too much lead for way too long.

You think Trump is a savior for freedom? He’s the single biggest threat because he doesn’t give a shit about law and order. He strokes you for votes and you love him for it.
You moron. What gave you the idea I’m promoting it?

Same for you other me-toos that liked Arpy’s post.

You bitches complain about government overreach, I’m pointing out how far it can go and how ineffective a personal arsenal can be to push back against modern government with modern technology.

You dumb fucks think AI technology won’t be used against self proclaimed anti-democracy revolutionaries? The FBI is know for using illegal tactics and overreach to go after dissidents.

Look what happened to the Black Panthers when they became a social power movement. They were exercising their rights and brought big government down on them, just like you dumb fuck gun nuts are doing. The NRA lost a lot of the support they had from democratic gun enthusiasts when they were throwing rallies after mass shootings. Charleton Heston was a political moron, not a gun lobbyist.

I like guns. I own several and enjoy shooting with my kids. You fucking morons are going to laugh and think its great that reasonable gun control keeps being overturned, I’m saying it’s going to create a backlash that will create a push for technology that will surpass you ability to wield or even hide your guns and you’re going to fuck it all up and get the 2a repealed.

You fucking morons think I’m the threat? You’ve been handling too much lead for way too long.

You think Trump is a savior for freedom? He’s the single biggest threat because he doesn’t give a shit about law and order. He strokes you for votes and you love him for it.
AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHA Nobody thinks you are a threat, panty waist. the bad news is, Ugarte, we don't think about you at all

Class, what we have here is a SOCIALIST that prefers a NATIONAL SECRET POLICE FORCE unbound by any decent controls in a peaceful society

When a nation of laws is breaking the law, there is no law.

I already have 2 drones. I'm looking forward to collecting more of them. Please, Send your SWAT. Make sure you send bachelors though
AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHA Nobody thinks you are a threat, panty waist. the bad news is, Ugarte, we don't think about you at all

Class, what we have here is a SOCIALIST that prefers a NATIONAL SECRET POLICE FORCE unbound by any decent controls in a peaceful society

When a nation of laws is breaking the law, there is no law.

I already have 2 drones. I'm looking forward to collecting more of them. Please, Send your SWAT. Make sure you send bachelors though

Hey dip shit. Did you even read Arpy’s post? Did you understand his words? Are you arguing with him or me?
The enforcement of the laws of our nation and the ways and means of enforcement has been questioned for decades. The faith and trust in law enforcement, especially federal law enforcement, is at a low never before experienced. There is an ebb and flow of which side of the political spectrum feels slighted, but at the grass roots level the mistrust never seems to lessen. Perhaps one day law enforcement will get out of politics and return to fairly and equally enforcing the law.
The enforcement of the laws of our nation and the ways and means of enforcement has been questioned for decades. The faith and trust in law enforcement, especially federal law enforcement, is at a low never before experienced. There is an ebb and flow of which side of the political spectrum feels slighted, but at the grass roots level the mistrust never seems to lessen. Perhaps one day law enforcement will get out of politics and return to fairly and equally enforcing the law.
I don't usually engage here, so please take this question in the sincere tone it's intended: how are they, or any public servant, supposed to stay out of politics?

I'm more well versed in modern policing, state & national politics than I ever wanted to be, and had a parent who was a state director in the public service sector. If you are not lobbying for your interest, then you have a bunch of well intended people who have never done your job making laws that are impractical in their real world application, and want you to do your job for pennies. Its truly crazy. If you work for local/county/states/feds in any capacity youd better be in a union & pay for a lobbyist or your voice will not be heard.
I don't usually engage here, so please take this question in the sincere tone it's intended: how are they, or any public servant, supposed to stay out of politics?

I'm more well versed in modern policing, state & national politics than I ever wanted to be, and had a parent who was a state director in the public service sector. If you are not lobbying for your interest, then you have a bunch of well intended people who have never done your job making laws that are impractical in their real world application, and want you to do your job for pennies. Its truly crazy. If you work for local/county/states/feds in any capacity youd better be in a union & pay for a lobbyist or your voice will not be heard.
Are you serious with this post or fucking with me? You don't understand the difference between advocating for your pay and benefits, and enforcing the laws as written or directly being involved in spying on, interfering with, and planting and spreading misinformation against political opponents of those in power?
Are you serious with this post or fucking with me? You don't understand the difference between advocating for your pay and benefits, and enforcing the laws as written or directly being involved in spying on, interfering with, and planting and spreading misinformation against political opponents of those in power?
Thank you for the stark reminder of why I don't engage with people who decide that a sex forum is a great place to chat politics.