Why Every Adult Should Carry a Gun

Best I keep my private life out of this. In addition, while I am not a big fan of Jesus, he was right about not letting the left hand know what the right hand is doing when giving.

I’m just answering your comment about giving and handing it out.

This is an anonymous forum. You don’t get any social credit for good work here, only self reflection.
That was the point of the founding of America. The monarchy had been effectively overthrown, so we settle for what is left, and try to limit it instead of making it a nanny state like the Europeans later did.

And like some would have us model now.

They're going to nanny themselves out of existence when there's an ugly right wing push back.
You think I don’t pay taxes? Quit licking your fingers while cleaning your guns.
You want the government to spend more, then, you pay more. It's really easy. All you have to do is write a check and make it payable to the IRS

It's just the taxes you are happy to pay.
What do you do to help your community besides pay taxes and promote self interest?
I feed the world

Regardless of Ten years time in grade, Granada, Panama, Sandbox x2

Regardless that a CITIZENS first obligation is to not be an undue burden on society

Now then, how about you dregs step up
I feed the world

Regardless of Ten years time in grade, Granada, Panama, Sandbox x2

Regardless that a CITIZENS first obligation is to not be an undue burden on society

Now then, how about you dregs step up

How do you propose the ‘dregs’ prioritize sending their kids to private schools when daily survival requires them to work?

The US has a ~ 12% poverty rate. Are you one of those people that considers this a good thing?

What does “promote the general welfare” mean to you?
How do you propose the ‘dregs’ prioritize sending their kids to private schools when daily survival requires them to work?

The US has a ~ 12% poverty rate. Are you one of those people that considers this a good thing?

What does “promote the general welfare” mean to you?
It means telling the lazy to get off their ass

Want welfare? We need to go back to a loaf of bread and government cheese out of a Duece at the armory

Maybe a humanitarian relief ration if they are willing to pick up trash.

12%? Yawn.
What country do you reside in? If the answer is the U.S. and you say you're 61 and never needed a gun, you're a liar. You want to know why? The 2nd Amendment isn't about sport shooting, hunting or even protecting your home. It's about ensuring the country is protected against a tyrannical government. And had that been a more pressing issue during your younger days, you'd have been caught empty-handed and other men would have had to take up your slack, do you job, defend your home for you.

As for never being mugged, etc. great! I'm happy for you. Happy for anyone that doesn't have to face that in their lifetime. You think that was something you were in control of? If so, you're delusional. You can lower the probability, but ultimately, if someone decides to target you, you're charm and quick wit won't save the day, especially in your case since they appear to be completely absent. And if someone decided to target you, I don't give a fuck how big or how much training you have had. Bring your fists to a gun fight? You're fucked.

Beyond self defense or even hunting, guns are just good fun! You're aiming a projectile at a target - that is the essence of basketball, golf, hockey, archery, baseball, etc...it's a great hobby and kids that learn responsible gun use learn responsibility in general. What, you think every gun owner is walking around with a snarl and looking for trouble? You've met so many gun owners in your life and didn't know it...probably some carrying. I've never used any of my firearms in self-defense, never had to. You think I regret owning any of my firearms? They're wasted purchases unless I use them against a human or animal? Pretty close minded. You know when I got my first gun? After getting my doctorate. Me and my wife both. Why? Because we were very active and had the idea to take up a new, different hobby. No more no less. I've taken many people who never held a gun to the range and honestly, in all but one case, they were shocked at how much fun they had. But I get you - you're the type who, if you're vegan EVERYONE must be vegan. Oh and...you take a woman to the range and she has a good time? You will be having a good time afterwards as well...IN BED. My nephew especially loved when I'd come to visit, I'd bring my entire collection. He shot his first AK-47 when he was 10. Now he's a sheriff's deputy.

But as you say, you're 61...that's not old...not that I want this for you or anyone but, don't think you'll never be a target. Maybe you won't...but that's not for you to decide, ultimately and the second you realize you need it? Well...
Perfectly said. Thank you!
It means telling the lazy to get off their ass

Want welfare? We need to go back to a loaf of bread and government cheese out of a Duece at the armory

Maybe a humanitarian relief ration if they are willing to pick up trash.

12%? Yawn.

So you pick a choose which parts of the constitution you like. 🤣 Typical MAGA.
So you pick a choose which parts of the constitution you like.
General welfare means the health of the population as a whole, not specific special interests.

"The poor" got their biggest boost from capitalism and technology reducing cost of living.

We can reduce that further by cutting taxes, unions, entitlements, etc.
I disagree. You pull that crap, you might as well hang a sign around your neck reading "Your Stuff is Worth More Than My Life". Maybe if the emasculated soyjustice system did it's job, there would be no need. "Taking the law into your own hands" is the New Necessary, since those we pay to do it have taken the route of Quiet Quitting.
You seem bitter.
General welfare means the health of the population as a whole, not specific special interests.

"The poor" got their biggest boost from capitalism and technology reducing cost of living.

We can reduce that further by cutting taxes, unions, entitlements, etc.

Ah, so decrease investment and encourage the wealthy. ✅

Elon, Jeff, Mark, …. those guys are keep America great.

Are you clueless about the accelerating development of AI and robotics? Make sure not to tax the wealthy so that can invest in labor savings technology. All we need to do is figure out what to do with decreasing employment.

How much do low taxes help the unemployed?

I doubt you’ll think much on this because you got yours, right?

Promoting the general welfare for “health of the population as a whole?” Does that mean shit to you?

Did you wear a mask during COVID?
Ah, so decrease investment and encourage the wealthy.
Government investment can be useful, like NASA and the wars. However it is most commonly frittered away.

I would encourage "the wealthy," which really means the upper half of the middle class, since they are the ones who are capable in this area.

That wealth then raises the wealth of the country and, if we keep taxes at bay, reduces the cost of living.

These are the people who bring us things like air conditioners, better cars, better food production, and the like. Technology and capitalism are powerful forces if we harness them.

AI etc cannot be stopped. If we ban it, China will simply beat us in this regard. There are still plenty of jobs that need doing well, and if we stop raising costs, the population we have will be more than sufficient.
Government investment can be useful, like NASA and the wars. However it is most commonly frittered away.

I would encourage "the wealthy," which really means the upper half of the middle class, since they are the ones who are capable in this area.

That wealth then raises the wealth of the country and, if we keep taxes at bay, reduces the cost of living.

These are the people who bring us things like air conditioners, better cars, better food production, and the like. Technology and capitalism are powerful forces if we harness them.

AI etc cannot be stopped. If we ban it, China will simply beat us in this regard. There are still plenty of jobs that need doing well, and if we stop raising costs, the population we have will be more than sufficient.


What part of the rising cost of living is due to the rising cost of real estate and housing?

More than 45% of the US rental housing market is now owned by corporate entities. Lowering corporate taxes increases the cost of living to the price the market will bear. Or don’t you believe in that basic tenet of economics?
What part of the rising cost of living is due to the rising cost of real estate and housing?
The cost is rising across the board because of currency devaluation, aka "stagflation."

Taxes get passed on to the consumer, as do all regulatory, legal, lawsuit, union, etc. costs.

More than 45% of the US rental housing market is now owned by corporate entities. Lowering corporate taxes increases the cost of living to the price the market will bear. Or don’t you believe in that basic tenet of economics?
Think of it this way: why did independent landlords sell to those corporate entities?
Answer: costs rose too much, starting with property taxes.
The cost is rising across the board because of currency devaluation, aka "stagflation."

Taxes get passed on to the consumer, as do all regulatory, legal, lawsuit, union, etc. costs.

Think of it this way: why did independent landlords sell to those corporate entities?
Answer: costs rose too much, starting with property taxes.

Corporate entities buy housing because it’s profitable and always in demand. They get to write off all their maintenance and management expenses and turn it into cash cows at the expense of and in competition with average citizens. It’s an engine of passive wealth concentration.

Developers sell their projects to local politicians as job creation while getting promises of public spending for the infrastructure needed to server their developments without having revenue streams besides raising property taxes.
Corporate entities buy housing because it’s profitable and always in demand.
Only if people are selling up. They are making profits because they have resources little landlords do not, which means that cost of living has priced out the little landlords.

Look at what has happened in NYC for an example.
Only if people are selling up. They are making profits because they have resources little landlords do not, which means that cost of living has priced out the little landlords.

Look at what has happened in NYC for an example.


You mean capitalism has consequences? Selling up? Who would do such a thing?

Your are doing a great job of explaining how capitalism with low corporate tax rates increases the cost of living. ✅
What country do you reside in? If the answer is the U.S. and you say you're 61 and never needed a gun, you're a liar. You want to know why? The 2nd Amendment isn't about sport shooting, hunting or even protecting your home. It's about ensuring the country is protected against a tyrannical government. And had that been a more pressing issue during your younger days, you'd have been caught empty-handed and other men would have had to take up your slack, do you job, defend your home for you.

As for never being mugged, etc. great! I'm happy for you. Happy for anyone that doesn't have to face that in their lifetime. You think that was something you were in control of? If so, you're delusional. You can lower the probability, but ultimately, if someone decides to target you, you're charm and quick wit won't save the day, especially in your case since they appear to be completely absent. And if someone decided to target you, I don't give a fuck how big or how much training you have had. Bring your fists to a gun fight? You're fucked.

Beyond self defense or even hunting, guns are just good fun! You're aiming a projectile at a target - that is the essence of basketball, golf, hockey, archery, baseball, etc...it's a great hobby and kids that learn responsible gun use learn responsibility in general. What, you think every gun owner is walking around with a snarl and looking for trouble? You've met so many gun owners in your life and didn't know it...probably some carrying. I've never used any of my firearms in self-defense, never had to. You think I regret owning any of my firearms? They're wasted purchases unless I use them against a human or animal? Pretty close minded. You know when I got my first gun? After getting my doctorate. Me and my wife both. Why? Because we were very active and had the idea to take up a new, different hobby. No more no less. I've taken many people who never held a gun to the range and honestly, in all but one case, they were shocked at how much fun they had. But I get you - you're the type who, if you're vegan EVERYONE must be vegan. Oh and...you take a woman to the range and she has a good time? You will be having a good time afterwards as well...IN BED. My nephew especially loved when I'd come to visit, I'd bring my entire collection. He shot his first AK-47 when he was 10. Now he's a sheriff's deputy.

But as you say, you're 61...that's not old...not that I want this for you or anyone but, don't think you'll never be a target. Maybe you won't...but that's not for you to decide, ultimately and the second you realize you need it? Well...

Friends, that is the viewpoint of a loser who is afraid of their own shadow.

You mean capitalism has consequences? Selling up? Who would do such a thing?

Your are doing a great job of explaining how capitalism with low corporate tax rates increases the cost of living. ✅
Speaking of bullshit!

"Capitalism has consequences". No, communism has consequences, capitalism has risks.

There is a vast difference in maybe losing money and being sent to the gulag