Why it is important to doubt the gatekeepers....

šŸ¤£ Come on now, be honestā€¦ or maybe you simply donā€™t remember how immediately after Trump said ā€œHey Russiaā€¦ā€ that the leaked documents were released.

Donā€™t believe me or the news? Do you believe Robert Mueller?


Russian officials began to target email addresses associated with Hillary Clinton's personal and campaign offices "on or around" the same day Donald Trump called on Russia to find emails that were missing from her personal server, according to a new indictment from Special Counsel Robert Mueller.
One, that release was inevitable. You were looking for a connection between a flat tire and an engine failure because of the timing. (Please don't make me have to explain my analogies- that's just exhausting.šŸ˜‚
šŸ¤£ Come on now, be honestā€¦ or maybe you simply donā€™t remember how immediately after Trump said ā€œHey Russiaā€¦ā€ that the leaked documents were released.

Donā€™t believe me or the news? Do you believe Robert Mueller?


Russian officials began to target email addresses associated with Hillary Clinton's personal and campaign offices "on or around" the same day Donald Trump called on Russia to find emails that were missing from her personal server, according to a new indictment from Special Counsel Robert Mueller.
One, that release was inevitable. You were looking for a connection between a flat tire and an engine failure because of the timing. (Please don't make me have to explain my analogies- that's just exhausting.šŸ˜‚)

I don't trust SHIT Mueller said or thought. He has a long history as a shill for leftists and the very establishment swamp that needs drained. (The same swamp that just crowned your Dem presidential choice without one vote from the people, but I digress.)

I lost ALL respect for PBS and NPR when they ran reports and stories celebrating the life and accomplishments of Fidel Castro and said they would never allow a conservative to do live interviews on certain topics ever again because they couldn't edit them.

Finally, the Trump campaign got the same e-mail targets. They SHOWED the records of them. They just weren't stupid enough to open the spam. EVERYONE was Russia's target. Or did you forget that some of the biggest anti-Trump rallies, ones the mainstream media promoted, including after he was elected, had deep Russian involvement? Of course you did. The gatekeepers scrubbed that information too.
Republicans were in charge of the House for a good chunk of the Obama presidency. Show me your ā€œevidenceā€ and ā€œresearchā€ that they (Obama) exerted influence upon a private citizenā€™s right to free speech.

House Republicans were the ones who called for twitter employees to come testify on media bias when the clip I just shared was the instance of such an act coming to light. STFU fraud.

Here. Lemme help ya cos the next words out yer pie hole should be:

That was wrong. The president using the office and the powers of the executive branch should not infringe on a private citizens right to free speech. Someone shouldā€™ve been fired. The president shouldā€™ve been reprimanded and face consequences. Maybe just maybe, itā€™s indicative of his desire to further Weaponized the federal government into lawfare. Are there any other instances of trump, his acolytes and campaign expressing such desires? Hmmmmmm. I wonder.
In your OP you cited All Sides as a reliable neutral neutral site. I disagreed with you and pointed out how they lean to the right. All Sides doesn't rate CNN as hard left. Why did you agree with All Sides before, but now say "CNN is one of the most corrupt, biased, dishonest sources out there"?
I didn't say I agree fully with everything All Sides says. I am probably far more conservative than they are. I said they made a very valid point and did a good job of showing the work so it can be verified. Something.... you haven't even attempted yet?
Are you of the belief that there are no factsā€

Science is a process. Hypothesis are made, tests are conducted, observations are analyzed, results are evaluated by other scientists. At anytime new information can be discovered and considered. When tests reveal new results new hypothesis are tested and new findings are announced.

Anyone with clear and provable information can challenge and influence scientific conclusions.

Opinions have no validity without proof. Political ideology can fund research but it cannot end the discussion.

The right wants issues regarding scientific issues in the hands of politicians, not scientists because science doesnā€™t always align with their political ideology.
Oh, I definitely believe there are facts. I just believe that your side lies about and hides just about every one of them. Because they are owned, bought, paid for, and hate everything about this nation. THAT is who your information gatekeepers are.
Here. Lemme help ya cos the next words out yer pie hole should be:

That was wrong. The president using the office and the powers of the executive branch should not infringe on a private citizens right to free speech. Someone shouldā€™ve been fired. The president shouldā€™ve been reprimanded and face consequences. Maybe just maybe, itā€™s indicative of his desire to further Weaponized the federal government into lawfare. Are there any other instances of trump, his acolytes and campaign expressing such desires? Hmmmmmm. I wonder.
I said he was wrong in that. Did you do the same when Obama and Biden did that to reporters? Remember Tara Reid? Remember the reporter who literally had her computer hacked by the Obama WH and was fired for attacking the WH position and actions? Remember the Obama use of social media and their bragging about their illegal access to private accounts? I could go on, but you probably can't Google THAT information anymore either.
Oh, I definitely believe there are facts. I just believe that your side lies about and hides just about every one of them. Because they are owned, bought, paid for, and hate everything about this nation. THAT is who your information gatekeepers are.

Okay, so you are shilling against perceived shilling and creating bullshiit about what the other side believes. āœ…

Your ā€œhonestyā€ just went off the rails.
I didn't say I agree fully with everything All Sides says. I am probably far more conservative than they are. I said they made a very valid point and did a good job of showing the work so it can be verified. Something.... you haven't even attempted yet?
All Sides is a conservative site trying to convince conservatives there's institutional bias against them.

The conservative bias in the MSM if obvious if you look at the different ways the MSM covered the candidate's ages. Both Donald Trump and Joe Biden are about the same age, but the media made the President's age a major new story while ignoring the frequent stumbles and gaffes made by his challenger. As soon as the Democrats replaced Biden with a younger candidate, the age issue went away.
One, that release was inevitable. You were looking for a connection between a flat tire and an engine failure because of the timing. (Please don't make me have to explain my analogies- that's just exhausting.šŸ˜‚

One, that release was inevitable. You were looking for a connection between a flat tire and an engine failure because of the timing. (Please don't make me have to explain my analogies- that's just exhausting.šŸ˜‚)

I don't trust SHIT Mueller said or thought. He has a long history as a shill for leftists and the very establishment swamp that needs drained. (The same swamp that just crowned your Dem presidential choice without one vote from the people, but I digress.)

I lost ALL respect for PBS and NPR when they ran reports and stories celebrating the life and accomplishments of Fidel Castro and said they would never allow a conservative to do live interviews on certain topics ever again because they couldn't edit them.

Finally, the Trump campaign got the same e-mail targets. They SHOWED the records of them. They just weren't stupid enough to open the spam. EVERYONE was Russia's target. Or did you forget that some of the biggest anti-Trump rallies, ones the mainstream media promoted, including after he was elected, had deep Russian involvement? Of course you did. The gatekeepers scrubbed that information too.

Remember when Trump met with Russians in the Whitehouse and the only pictures made public came from Russia?

When have you ever seen trump so happy?šŸ˜
Okay, so you are shilling against perceived shilling and creating bullshiit about what the other side believes. āœ…

Your ā€œhonestyā€ just went off the rails.
How so? I objected to the "birthers" argument when it was made. I have objected to blind "Trump can do no wrong" thinking on the right. I have objected to the cult of personality following, whether it be Obama or Trump. I have called both sides on their bs. Hell, I didn't even WANT a Trump run for president. I wanted Tim Scott. The man is so brilliant in his articulation of the arguments for conservatism, he's almost Reganesque. NewsMax drives me crazy because they will actually report a story everyone in the mainstream wants to bury, but then immediately make it about Trump. I am consistent. It's your side that has serious honesty issues.
All Sides is a conservative site trying to convince conservatives there's institutional bias against them.

The conservative bias in the MSM if obvious if you look at the different ways the MSM covered the candidate's ages. Both Donald Trump and Joe Biden are about the same age, but the media made the President's age a major new story while ignoring the frequent stumbles and gaffes made by his challenger. As soon as the Democrats replaced Biden with a younger candidate, the age issue went away.
If you think the MSM is biased towards CONSERVATIVES!!! God help us all if you represent any mainline thought, because you have moved WAAAAAAY to the extreme left to have them to the right of you.
Remember when Trump met with Russians in the Whitehouse and the only pictures made public came from Russia?

When have you ever seen trump so happy?šŸ˜
View attachment 2370131
Are we REALLY back to the RUSSIA! RUSSIA! RUSSIA! lines? Come ON, brah. you are rehashing old, disproven tropes only reenforced by the gatekeepers who ignore and hide facts.
look at how they're trying to revamp harris image.
Retcon. Retroactive continuity. The ā€œBorder Czarā€ bullshit the media happily trotted out, published, and are now trying to scrub. That anyone claiming itā€™s not happening are fools. Willful fools. Others and myself have shown vids of all their smug faces uttering the term.
If you think the MSM is biased towards CONSERVATIVES!!! God help us all if you represent any mainline thought, because you have moved WAAAAAAY to the extreme left to have them to the right of you.
As I said, look at the different ways the MSM covered Trump and Biden. Why was Biden's age reported on, but Trump's age ignored? The mainstream media is owned by rich Republicans and they pressure their employees to toe the party line.
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I said he was wrong in that. Did you do the same when Obama and Biden did that to reporters? Remember Tara Reid? Remember the reporter who literally had her computer hacked by the Obama WH and was fired for attacking the WH position and actions? Remember the Obama use of social media and their bragging about their illegal access to private accounts? I could go on, but you probably can't Google THAT information anymore either.

Tara Reade is an alleged allegation. A he said/she said and ultimately shown to be hearsay. When given the opportunity to go through the legal system, as E Jean Carroll did, Ms. Reade chose to renounce her citizenship and move to Russia.



Here are easily found and not hidden links to Obama spying on reporters emails. Thereā€™s no false equivalence. I wasnā€™t here, but in my own private life I argued, and my left leaning progressive friends sounded the warning how this could be further abused.
Retcon. Retroactive continuity. The ā€œBorder Czarā€ bullshit the media happily trotted out, published, and are now trying to scrub. That anyone claiming itā€™s not happening are fools. Willful fools. Others and myself have shown vids of all their smug faces uttering the term.
What you need to answer to is how Harris, as a failed debater, is now backing out from giving us a chance to see the 2 candidates
The bottom line is that my clip pointed directly to the subject you started this thread on. Guess what? Administrations spy. We agree and itā€™s bad. Only one example has been shown on scrubbing and influencing a search.

As I said, look at the different ways the MSM covered Trump and Biden. Why was Biden's age reported on, but Trump's age ignored? The mainstream media is owned by rich Republicans and they pressure their employees to toe the party line.
Biden's age was reported on because the man has very visible dementia. In fact, this was the narrative that set things up for the Harris coup.... Which the gatekeepers are also in the bag for to protect and cover up. Again, you ignore the obvious because either you are told to, because you choose not to see it, or because you have a vested interest, passive or active, in continuing the lie.
Tara Reade is an alleged allegation. A he said/she said and ultimately shown to be hearsay. When given the opportunity to go through the legal system, as E Jean Carroll did, Ms. Reade chose to renounce her citizenship and move to Russia.
Tara had very legit allegations that were ignored by her own party BECAUSE they were against Biden. Funny, your party is all about "believe all women".... until it could ruin your anointed elite. Hardly the party of the people. I hardly blame her for leaving America in disgust, if that is in fact what she did. Meantime every accusation against your political enemies has been met with "we believe her", lack of actual evidence be damned. And remember that there was provable Russian interference in the 2016 election.... The Steel Dossier. But your gatekeepers do a good job of pushing all this information down the memory hole.


Here are easily found and not hidden links to Obama spying on reporters emails. Thereā€™s no false equivalence. I wasnā€™t here, but in my own private life I argued, and my left leaning progressive friends sounded the warning how this could be further abused.
So you have one instance, when the WH REALLY pissed off the press, of links. In your private life you warned, but public outcry? Hmmm? Nope. I was a conservative. Screw em. Obama is impeccable.

And you still have yet to run the simple test posed by the start of this thread. Wonder why.
The bottom line is that my clip pointed directly to the subject you started this thread on. Guess what? Administrations spy. We agree and itā€™s bad. Only one example has been shown on scrubbing and influencing a search.

So do the searches posed in the sources cited. Prove them wrong. It's as easy as opening Google and typing words.
Biden's age was reported on because the man has very visible dementia. In fact, this was the narrative that set things up for the Harris coup.... Which the gatekeepers are also in the bag for to protect and cover up. Again, you ignore the obvious because either you are told to, because you choose not to see it, or because you have a vested interest, passive or active, in continuing the lie.
Donald Trump has trouble walking and speaking. He's visibly diminished from the man he was 4 years ago.
Are we REALLY back to the RUSSIA! RUSSIA! RUSSIA! lines? Come ON, brah. you are rehashing old, disproven tropes only reenforced by the gatekeepers who ignore and hide facts.

Disproven? Itā€™s been proven that Trumpā€™s campaign manager for 2016 was a Russian asset but Trump supporters choose to ignore it.

Is there any source for fact that you would believe if it spoke badly of your belief in Trump?

Would discount a GOP lead Senate Intelligence Committee investigation?


See Findings page vi.
Donald Trump debated President Biden before he was the official nominee.
I'm guessing that convicted felon Donald J Trump has come to the realization that there is no successful outcome for him if he debates Kamala Harris.

Cadet Bonespurs has left the field of battle.

Harris mocks Trump after he hedges (again) on presidential debate

Convicted felon Donald J Trump sent his communication director Steven Cheung out to deliver six material falsehoods that he claims allows convicted felon Donald J Trump to call off the remaining debate....

The Harris response was short, quick and brutal: "What ever happened to 'anytime, anywhere!' " :nana:
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Donald Trump has trouble walking and speaking. He's visibly diminished from the man he was 4 years ago.
You clearly have only watched the creative editing put out by your gatekeepers instead of watching full speeches and full rallies. I WISH I had that man's wit and energy! It reminds me of when Bush Sr's VP came through town when I was a kid. I got to see the speech first hand. It was brilliant. It was a defense of conservative values worthy of Regan. I was left amazed at the eloquence of the man. Then I watched the edited coverage by the local liberal media that night. They made it seem like he had sounded like a bumbling idiot. This is nothing new. Your side has always used these techniques to lie about those they hate. You have always had gatekeepers. It's just more pronounced and dangerous today than back then