Why The Holocaust Must Be Questioned

Holly Delight said:
...How rank and file German soldiers, who did not morally agree with what they were doing at the camps, could live with their actions after the war is one that I don't think was truly studied. They were undoubtedly good case studies for mental health professionals.
Well, Germany does have very good beer.
Holly Delight said:

The Resistance in a lot of countries saved a lot of people with their quiet ways until the military force of the Nazis could be brought down by the Allies.

One of those people was Paul Rassinier. He was one of the founders in the Resistance in Northern France, and specialized in creating false id papers, underground newspapers, and smuggling people, including Jews, over the border from Belfort to Basil in Switzerland. He paid for that with a spell in Buchenwald and Dora.

Paul Rassinier was also the first person to discredit and debunk "The Holocaust". Ironic, isn't it?

unculbact said:
One of those people was Paul Rassinier. He was one of the founders in the Resistance in Northern France, and specialized in creating false id papers, underground newspapers, and smuggling people, including Jews, over the border from Belfort to Basil in Switzerland. He paid for that with a spell in Buchenwald and Dora.

Paul Rassinier was also the first person to discredit and debunk "The Holocaust". Ironic, isn't it?


My initial reaction is that he was delusional. Not everyone's account of the events is so clouded:

mack_the_knife said:
Does all this mean US didn't nuke Japan now? Can we stop making fake apologies every year? I mean we are simply refuting all sorts of established history on this thread, right? Did anyone on this board actually see the bombs dropped from American planes? The whole thing was probably an industrial accident, like someone left the gas on under a pot of tea or something.

Are you on something?

Where have I ever insinuated the nuclear holocaust in Japan never happened?

You are full of shit.
woody54 said:
Are you on something?

Where have I ever insinuated the nuclear holocaust in Japan never happened?

You are full of shit.
I don't know a single person who saw it going down, so it must be a lie, fabricated to ...um... make the ...uh... aleutes look good, yeah. So people'll feel bad for them, thereby granting them domination of the world.
"Oh did you hear about so and so...he actually said that the world was round...what a fukin looney. ha ha ha ha."

"yeah he's crazy as hell."

"I think we should put all those that DENY that the earth is flat in prison."

Prison...let's execute them..those fucking looney, crazys..oh yeah I forgot..over the top."

Holly Delight said:

Because the political climate was right in the 1930s in Europe and they could get away with it. Anyone with a political axe to grind with just one Jewish merchant, one gypsy family, one unpleasant incident with a mentally disturbed individual, jumped on the bandwagon and wanted ALL Jews, ALL gypsies, ALL mentally ill persons gone to solve what was really only a one-on-one incident and could have been handled civilly. These Germans had a means to be rid of all, even if the doctor who saved their children's lives was a Jew. I wonder how they rationalized that? How they could become so callous is a foreign concept to me.

Intimidation of those who did not agree wholeheartedly with Hitler was the rule of the day. Good people did not stand and be counted because those with a strong voice had already been imprisoned by Hitler in Dachau. The good people who raised their heads got them chopped off - and due to the economics of the Depression years, their families would slowly die as well.

The Resistance in a lot of countries saved a lot of people with their quiet ways until the military force of the Nazis could be brought down by the Allies.

The phrase "You are either with me or against me," is very powerful when "against me" means your family will starve. How rank and file German soldiers, who did not morally agree with what they were doing at the camps, could live with their actions after the war is one that I don't think was truly studied. They were undoubtedly good case studies for mental health professionals.

You have a very channelled view of the politics involved in Germany's problems.

As a melting pot situation, it is no different to the Bush regime "converting" Iraq to democratisation and expunging the influences of Islamofaschists from the country for Israels benefit. There is no difference whatsoever except that Bush was too stupid to write a book first explaining his reasons.

But, a policy was instituted that saw those now designated enemies of the State , being bombed, murdered and exterminated in gruesome ways such as at Fallujah and Abu Grahib. So how do rank and file soldiers from US society willingly go forth and follow the most outrageous instructions outside all generally accepted standards of decency? They just follow orders.

Now what was their real crime? Being brown Islamists living over US oil.

The Jews in Europe were vilified for their influence and control of capital.

There is no difference in reality. It is a culture clash of a type that has happened through history.

The Holocaust era has a religious air that prevents genuine debate with believers because much of it is based in strongly held beliefs linked to the faiths of the Jewish/Christian mould.
woody54 said:
You have a very channelled view of the politics involved in Germany's problems.

As a melting pot situation, it is no different to the Bush regime "converting" Iraq to democratisation and expunging the influences of Islamofaschists from the country for Israels benefit. There is no difference whatsoever except that Bush was too stupid to write a book first explaining his reasons.

But, a policy was instituted that saw those now designated enemies of the State , being bombed, murdered and exterminated in gruesome ways such as at Fallujah and Abu Grahib. So how do rank and file soldiers from US society willingly go forth and follow the most outrageous instructions outside all generally accepted standards of decency? They just follow orders.

Now what was their real crime? Being brown Islamists living over US oil.

The Jews in Europe were vilified for their influence and control of capital.

There is no difference in reality. It is a culture clash of a type that has happened through history.

The Holocaust era has a religious air that prevents genuine debate with believers because much of it is based in strongly held beliefs linked to the faiths of the Jewish/Christian mould.
Your pitiable efforts to establish moral equivelancy are the downfall of argument and derationalize what potential valid arguments you might have against US policies in the middle east. Hyperbole does nothing to further the argument except to polarize it further by positioning yourself so far from a reasonable ground that no potential solution could be arrived at.
mack_the_knife said:
I don't know a single person who saw it going down, so it must be a lie, fabricated to ...um... make the ...uh... aleutes look good, yeah. So people'll feel bad for them, thereby granting them domination of the world.

The pattern of devastation is unmistakable and no other weaponry could have been used. You didnt have to be an observer.
The radiation poisoning was a dead giveaway too.

This bears no comparison to the stories of gassings of Jews and each has its own level of credibility to maintain.
woody54 said:
The pattern of devastation is unmistakable and no other weaponry could have been used. You didnt have to be an observer.
The radiation poisoning was a dead giveaway too.

This bears no comparison to the stories of gassings of Jews and each has its own level of credibility to maintain.
And I've fucking visited Ouschwitz, and I can tell you they didn't bake fucking bread in those ovens. I suppose they were just flouridating the water in the showers by hooking them to the big gas cylinders, too?
mack_the_knife said:
Your pitiable efforts to establish moral equivelancy are the downfall of argument and derationalize what potential valid arguments you might have against US policies in the middle east. Hyperbole does nothing to further the argument except to polarize it further by positioning yourself so far from a reasonable ground that no potential solution could be arrived at.

I'm sorry but if you could , for a moment , place yourself in a truly objective position, I was demonstrating how horrors of the Nazi type happen all the time but no-one cares to acknowledge them as similar to their own actions because as such,it puts them as equal to Nazis. The death toll of WWII was particularly nasty by both sides but winners never cast aspersions on their own efforts but quietly let it fade away while highlighting opposing offences.

The Western powers are past masters at murdering peoples for advantage but then if you read world history, you would know this.
woody54 said:
I'm sorry but if you could , for a moment , place yourself in a truly objective position, I was demonstrating how horrors of the Nazi type happen all the time but no-one cares to acknowledge them as similar to their own actions because as such,it puts them as equal to Nazis. The death toll of WWII was particularly nasty by both sides but winners never cast aspersions on their own efforts but quietly let it fade away while highlighting opposing offences.

The Western powers are past masters at murdering peoples for advantage but then if you read world history, you would know this.
Still you try to paint equivelancy between discomfiting and humiliating prisoners with wholesale slaughter. That is akin to claiming that the dime in your pocket should be usable to purchase a Learjet, because both that dime and ten million dollars are money.
mack_the_knife said:
And I've fucking visited Ouschwitz, and I can tell you they didn't bake fucking bread in those ovens. I suppose they were just flouridating the water in the showers by hooking them to the big gas cylinders, too?

Suddenly you are an expert. You only know what you have been told by Holocaust Nuseum staffers who have a vested interest in keeping the moneygoround, going round.

Do you have any certified proof any Jews were flouridated from these big cylinders? The crematoria were a necessity to eliminate the dead but had no part in the purported gas chambers. You need to seperate the two in your thinking.

The purpose of the Camps has never been in question but what actually took place as far as deaths is up for question through conflicting evidence.
mack_the_knife said:
Still you try to paint equivelancy between discomfiting and humiliating prisoners with wholesale slaughter. That is akin to claiming that the dime in your pocket should be usable to purchase a Learjet, because both that dime and ten million dollars are money.

What America did to Fallujans ranks right up there with the worst atrocities Nazis perpetrated against the Ghettos. If you cant see that, you are just a bigot.
Woody once again the hammer falls directly on the head of the nail..It's the money. Nauswitch makes a lot of money each year from people that come to be made to feel bad. Not just the fee that the nauseum ( as you put it) rakes in but who the hell would come to Poland if it were not fro the camps with the tale of horror.

Well I would because I know for a fact that Poland had a lot of beutifull women..But you average joe smuck and his little family of piglets woulsn't come there.

Neither would the american taxpayer allow Israel to be supported like they are by the US. Let's face it paul Neumann and Sal mineo have gotten real boring. Time for the Zionist to make more films that brainwash us..Oh sorry they are..
What we did in Fallujah was neccessary. And even from an imperalistic mind there is a big difference between what is going on in Iraq (and I will use the absolute worst view of Bush possible, one that I don't really believe but will use) and what happened in Iraq.

Wether or not Hitler actually gassed them or wanted them to work to death doing whatever they really did at the concentration camps IS open to logistical debate. I hate to say this but the more and more of this thread I read and do research on the side the more I'm tempted to say that if the storys of the Holocaust aren't outright fake they are certainly exagerated to such a degree that it wildly changes the story. Hell the difference between 6 and the current estimate of 1.5 is mind boggling. Personally I think it is crueller to work somebody to death than to gas them anyway. The thing about it was that Jews were integrated into the system and were already a working part of Germany and Hitler through reasons purely of his own hatred sought to eliminate them any other race.

Bush is warlord who is trying to conquer the world. The history of the world as you so put it is filled with conflicts between different cultures. Right now they have a rare resource that we want and we have a superior military. As Bush understands, might makes right. We can kill them and as a result they have an obligation to do what we say. We are killing them because they are not being constructive to our goals.

The Jews were conductive to the overall German goal. Even as you claim they were bringing an absurd amount of money in relation to their population. So in a very real way Jews built the chambers they were supposedly gassed in and the ovens they were supposedly burned in. And more importantly the tanks and plans that the Germans DID use in combat. It was counterproductive, destruction for the sake of destruction to kill Jews. If we kill all the Muslims we can move the population of Texas to Iraq and take full advantage of the land. It is a wildly different case and comparisons between Bush and Hitler are both unfounded and unfair. To both men.
mack_the_knife said:
Your pitiable efforts to establish moral equivelancy are the downfall of argument and derationalize what potential valid arguments you might have against US policies in the middle east. Hyperbole does nothing to further the argument except to polarize it further by positioning yourself so far from a reasonable ground that no potential solution could be arrived at.

And seriously. Not that I can't comprehend this statement but why as this debate wears on do you people feel the need to use the biggest words in your fucking vocabularies to the point where your eyes blur trying to figure out why you used so many words to say: Your stupid.
I need to go get my colander
and put it on my head
so that I'm receiving the same channels
as people in this thread.

(Just reread that - it rhymes. Ha!)

Sean Renaud said:
What we did in Fallujah was neccessary. And even from an imperalistic mind there is a big difference between what is going on in Iraq (and I will use the absolute worst view of Bush possible, one that I don't really believe but will use) and what happened in Iraq.

I'm sorry but that is the most outrageius misinformation I have seen recently.
Iraqis never invited Americans in to change their way of life.
It is entirely on the heads of American Imperialists that they found resistance and decided to expunge it in the grossest possible way, not too dissimilar to the shock and awe softening up of the civilian population that saw tens of thousands of innocent Iraqis die just for being home. minding ther own business. You would argue all this was necessary because US foreign policy states what the US wants, the US takes. That is totally immoral by any standard. There is no difference in objective or means to seperate America from the Nazis. The actions of both are highly objectionable to common decency.

Wether or not Hitler actually gassed them or wanted them to work to death doing whatever they really did at the concentration camps IS open to logistical debate. I hate to say this but the more and more of this thread I read and do research on the side the more I'm tempted to say that if the storys of the Holocaust aren't outright fake they are certainly exagerated to such a degree that it wildly changes the story. Hell the difference between 6 and the current estimate of 1.5 is mind boggling. Personally I think it is crueller to work somebody to death than to gas them anyway.

The largest benefit to the Holocaust story is that people are trained to think it is so sacrosanct in memory of those dead, that it is not to be questioned.
This defies the whole logic of history recording and seeking the truth and no other topic encouters such blatant censorship, irrespective of what the real story is.

The thing about it was that Jews were integrated into the system and were already a working part of Germany and Hitler through reasons purely of his own hatred sought to eliminate them any other race.

Your limited understanding of Judaism and the implications of being Jewish and being Gentile, indicates you do not understand the basic lore that has kept Jews a seperate culture within nations , everywhere they have lived.
Google Judaism and the Talmud with reference to racist implications and anti Christian influences. You may find it enlightening that all is not as portrayed.
Jews do not integrate or they would have disappeared as an entity long ago. They become deeply involved in the structures of the host countries but never abandon the tie to Jewry as their predominant loyalty.

It is this apparent duplicity of motivation that inspires resentment and fear against them when Jews are more successful in many executive roles than their hosts. Jews were integrated into the financial, bureaucratic and business worlds, many at high levels but they were not integrated as Germans, they were always Jews. They lived and socialised seperately on the whole, which created the concept of Ghettos.

Hitler was well aware of the financial and political power weilded by Jewish influences and his view was to take Germany back for the Germans

Like with the Roma, people are suspicious of anyone different or seperate, so it is simple to whip up anger against them. Look how easily America has become a Muslim hater when the real enemy is a terrorist organisation the US government funded into power when it suited its interests to do so.

Bush is warlord who is trying to conquer the world. The history of the world as you so put it is filled with conflicts between different cultures. Right now they have a rare resource that we want and we have a superior military. As Bush understands, might makes right. We can kill them and as a result they have an obligation to do what we say. We are killing them because they are not being constructive to our goals.

The Jews were conductive to the overall German goal. Even as you claim they were bringing an absurd amount of money in relation to their population. So in a very real way Jews built the chambers they were supposedly gassed in and the ovens they were supposedly burned in. And more importantly the tanks and plans that the Germans DID use in combat. It was counterproductive, destruction for the sake of destruction to kill Jews. If we kill all the Muslims we can move the population of Texas to Iraq and take full advantage of the land. .
History will show that Bush is a puppet for the Israel lobby and the actions of the US are manipulated by world Zionist finance in the march towards world domination through Globalisation, the corporatisation of the world.
Yes, I have a vision that is supported by the breakdown of European power institutions since the 15 century allowing common people to be manipulated with democracy by those with the influence to make politicians and break politicians.

History shows that the controlling influences of western life, money, power and media,are highly over represented by agents of the Zionist persuasion as part of a long term strategy that exploits gentile weakness and Jewish talent.

It only took 25 Neocons to convert the US to the extreme warmonger it has now become. In the same way, the world will become globalised slavery to bankers.

It is a wildly different case and comparisons between Bush and Hitler are both unfounded and unfair. To both men

Ahh, I see my comparison has your head spinning because you cant comprehend the similarities.
The US punished a city twice because they couldn't break their spirit. The final time they killed them all. Sure the city was evacuated yet, all military age males were turned back for extinction and many families would not leave because they had nowhere to go. The end came in the form of a firestorm of the most evil modern weaponry designed to eliminate any opposing thought in the zone. Even the trees and widlife were exterminated from the gassings that took place. let alone the houses that were just blasted irrespective of who may have been in them.

I suspect you should do some research on what really took place, rather than the Foxified heroic masterstroke concept you seem to have.

Explain to me why this is different to cleaning out the Warsaw Ghettos and how you sleep so soundly at night knowing this.
Holly Delight said:
I need to go get my colander
and put it on my head
so that I'm receiving the same channels
as people in this thread.

(Just reread that - it rhymes. Ha!)


Very good :D

Imagine how boring the world would be if everyone was programmed to be identical. The politicians and psychiatrists would be desperate for amusement.
woody54 said:
I'm sorry but that is the most outrageius misinformation I have seen recently.
Iraqis never invited Americans in to change their way of life.
It is entirely on the heads of American Imperialists that they found resistance and decided to expunge it in the grossest possible way, not too dissimilar to the shock and awe softening up of the civilian population that saw tens of thousands of innocent Iraqis die just for being home. minding ther own business. You would argue all this was necessary because US foreign policy states what the US wants, the US takes. That is totally immoral by any standard. There is no difference in objective or means to seperate America from the Nazis. The actions of both are highly objectionable to common decency.

The largest benefit to the Holocaust story is that people are trained to think it is so sacrosanct in memory of those dead, that it is not to be questioned.
This defies the whole logic of history recording and seeking the truth and no other topic encouters such blatant censorship, irrespective of what the real story is.

Your limited understanding of Judaism and the implications of being Jewish and being Gentile, indicates you do not understand the basic lore that has kept Jews a seperate culture within nations , everywhere they have lived.
Google Judaism and the Talmud with reference to racist implications and anti Christian influences. You may find it enlightening that all is not as portrayed.
Jews do not integrate or they would have disappeared as an entity long ago. They become deeply involved in the structures of the host countries but never abandon the tie to Jewry as their predominant loyalty.

It is this apparent duplicity of motivation that inspires resentment and fear against them when Jews are more successful in many executive roles than their hosts. Jews were integrated into the financial, bureaucratic and business worlds, many at high levels but they were not integrated as Germans, they were always Jews. They lived and socialised seperately on the whole, which created the concept of Ghettos.

Hitler was well aware of the financial and political power weilded by Jewish influences and his view was to take Germany back for the Germans

Like with the Roma, people are suspicious of anyone different or seperate, so it is simple to whip up anger against them. Look how easily America has become a Muslim hater when the real enemy is a terrorist organisation the US government funded into power when it suited its interests to do so.

History will show that Bush is a puppet for the Israel lobby and the actions of the US are manipulated by world Zionist finance in the march towards world domination through Globalisation, the corporatisation of the world.
Yes, I have a vision that is supported by the breakdown of European power institutions since the 15 century allowing common people to be manipulated with democracy by those with the influence to make politicians and break politicians.

History shows that the controlling influences of western life, money, power and media,are highly over represented by agents of the Zionist persuasion as part of a long term strategy that exploits gentile weakness and Jewish talent.

It only took 25 Neocons to convert the US to the extreme warmonger it has now become. In the same way, the world will become globalised slavery to bankers.

Ahh, I see my comparison has your head spinning because you cant comprehend the similarities.
The US punished a city twice because they couldn't break their spirit. The final time they killed them all. Sure the city was evacuated yet, all military age males were turned back for extinction and many families would not leave because they had nowhere to go. The end came in the form of a firestorm of the most evil modern weaponry designed to eliminate any opposing thought in the zone. Even the trees and widlife were exterminated from the gassings that took place. let alone the houses that were just blasted irrespective of who may have been in them.

I suspect you should do some research on what really took place, rather than the Foxified heroic masterstroke concept you seem to have.

Explain to me why this is different to cleaning out the Warsaw Ghettos and how you sleep so soundly at night knowing this.

First lets try to keep the insults to a minimum. You are an inteligent man and if you didn't notice I respect a lot of your views. Simply its beneath who I believe you are.

I won't argue with you that both the Americans and the Nazis actions are highly objectionable, and probably evil. I'm saying they are different kinds of evil. Americans are greedy, Nazis were needlessly destructive.

Nothing should be to sacred to examine farther. I believe this on the Holocaust, just as I believe it on anything else religious or otherwise. If things are questioned and confirmed to be true how can we trust them, believe in them and more importantly learn from them?

Jews (like any other race) tend to self segregate. I won't argue that. I like wise refuse to argue that it has been a long standing goal of the jews to restore their homeland and would go to any length to accomplish it. (Hense my being willing to listen to you views, especially with so many damn facts.) But are you going to tell me that prior to the Holocaust Jewish Germans did not pay taxes? Or are you going to tell me that people who made more money in 1930's Germany didn't pay more taxes than less wealthy? Are you going to tell me that those Jews only bought bread from outside countries? I understand they declared war, but what exactly had they accomplished to harm Germany up to that point? I'm pretty much saying that Bill Gates and Micheal Jackson do a lot of funding for the military despite anything else you may think about them. Nothing more, nothing less.

America became muslim haters quickly partially because people are sheep. But as the current Muhamed Cartoons have shown. Amongst other issues if you read the news. (I don't get all, or even most of my information from Fox. Stupid conservative network) They are angry about things, justified or not they are angry. It took their leaders how long to calm down their masses after the cartoons? And tell me that there isn't a death threat out? Tell me that there is no reward for the head of a cartoonist? Why haven't these things been publicly renounced? Why isn't Osama the enemy of the Muslim world? Even if you say we are evil we would have pretty much left them alone if we weren't given an excuse. So why is the man who pulled the Tiger's tail scorned? Because on the large they agree with him.

I'd love to refute you on the world becoming a slave to money. But honestly we have two choices, be slaves to violence or slaves to money. There is no other way. Communism does not work because human beings are not a collective. We aren't a hive. We aren't ants that we live to see the continuation of our species. We live to see the continuation of ourselves. It is human nature. Communism is a beautiful idea, it just happens that human beings are not selfless and can never truly be.

I sleep soundly because I was there. I know what they were doing and like the Japanesse we didn't have a less violent option that was likely to work. As you said so clearly and so truly we failed to break their spirit. Twice (and it was really more than that). Something had to be done. Just like with the Japanesse. Now I won't argue that we shouldn't have been in that position in the first place. If you want to get upset with Bush for putting people in a life or death situation I support that view. But I can tell you that anybody who wants to kill me is inheritenly wrong and needs to be killed. Anybody who is between me and somebody who wants to kill me wants to kill me by association. He too is my enemy and thus is fair game. Personally I'm not certain we should have spared the women and children. They are just as effective at being suicide bombers? Now if you want to say we shouldn't be there, so be it. But like in Vietnam I support anything you do to not get killed.

True or not (I refuse to comment) I doubt that history will show Bush to be a Zionist puppet. Simply because I can only see two realistic ends. Either A the jews will suceed in their milenia old quest to conquer the world. And as the Winners they will write history in a way that flatters them. Or B things will continue as they do and very few people will believe that the Jews have a plot to take over the world. Either Way Bush seems to get off.

In closing the Warsaw ghettos were still producing a tax base, and probably goods of some kind for Germany. Falujah was just in the fucking way. The reasons were different. Both were massively evil but not for the same reason.

And history will show that might makes right. I just hope I'm around when people realize that it should be economic might, not military. But that isn't going to happen tommorow.
Sean Renaud said:
And seriously. Not that I can't comprehend this statement but why as this debate wears on do you people feel the need to use the biggest words in your fucking vocabularies to the point where your eyes blur trying to figure out why you used so many words to say: Your stupid.
I normally don't do that, in all honesty, it just felt good that time.
mack_the_knife said:
And I've fucking visited Ouschwitz, and I can tell you they didn't bake fucking bread in those ovens. I suppose they were just flouridating the water in the showers by hooking them to the big gas cylinders, too?

Umm...what big gas cylinders?

Nobody ever claimed that there were big cylinders, full of gas at Auschwitz.

Maybe at Ouschwitz, but not at Auschwitz. At Auschwitz, and Birkenau, the gas was alleged to come from a pesticide called Zyklon-B, which came in cans of 250, 500, or 750 gram size. It was in solid form, and only became gas when exposed to the air. Cans of this pesticide were no bigger than a small can of paint. There was no need for big cylinders.

Here's a detailed description of all the facilities both at Auschwitz and Birkenau. If Zippy reads it, he can find out how that Nizkor site lied about compressed air being used on wood pyres. There were no air compressors for either wood or oven cremation. Krema's II and III had pulsed air injectors for air feed, but those aren't the same as compressors.


Soo...you've visited Oushwitz? If it's close to or the same thing as Auschwitz, you must have noted some various things. You mention ovens, and the only place where they have ovens on display is at Auschwitz itself (NOT Birkenau), so you must have seen these things on the tour too.

For instance, what did you think of the swimming pool the prisoners had at Auschwitz I? It's close to the main gate.

Did they show you the ice cream machines in the kitchens?

The brothel for the prisoners?

The theater, complete with the posters for the original plays the inmates wrote and staged? An original copy of "The Auschwitz Waltz", composed by one of the inmates, is on display there.

Near Block 11 is the office of the Auschwitz State Museum. What did you think of Dr. Piper, the director? He usually greets tours.

When you toured what they pass off as the original gas chamber for Krema I, did you notice the sewer grate in the floor? Bad idea in a gas chamber. That sewer connects to the SS Hospital across the street - you noticed that too, right? Lots of SS patients must have been killed by the fumes.

Do tell.