Why the nickname?

wow what an informative thread!

Hail to MzChrista, our savioress!

I'm sorry, I just had to say that. All the other explanations were cool to read too. You know, some nicks really had me wondering ...

MY nick sounds kinda easy to explain, but in fact it's not. I will need a little time for that, so please excuse me while I do some digging.

<< walks away with shovel on her shoulder ... >>
There is a woman at work that has a degree in plant biology. She's now a computer programmer in our group. I wonder.... nah.

I explained once before.. my nick was chosen in a hurry because I wanted to lay claim to my one anonymous post on lit in a hurry. In retrospect, I might have given it half the thought I did to the post, especially since I don't even remember the post at this point.

cymbidia said:
Cymbidium orchids are an unusually hardy temperate zone species of orchid that not only survive but thrive in places and under conditions that would kill or maim other, more delicate orchid species. I thought that an almost poetically apt nick for a strongly masochistic submissive like me when i took it five or six years ago. All i had to do was to change the ending because i'm far too vain to have a nick that ends with a "dum" sound. ;) To make this all the more perfect, i have a degree in plant biology. I had to have a plant-type nick, you see? It was fated.
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My nick name , what it means and where it comes from.......... keep thinking to myself if i am honest, they are all gonna know just how crazy i really am, but since i've learned to deal with all my skelotons in my own way and being honest is a very big deal to me and i've truelly already laid moist of my dirty little secrtes out in the open here I might as well lay out another one.

I think most of you know already that I was molested as a child by more than one family memeber from as far back as i can remember up u ntil i turned 15. I was also rapped in 1996 the details at this time are not important, but that night I was rapped I sunk into a whole I almost did not come out of a defense mechanism my brain used to help me survive was to split itself inot multiple perssonailties, and when I went in counseuling i discovered I had been throught counsel as a child but did not rememebr having done so for the same thing Mutiple personiality disorder.

I do not know how many personilality they determined where locked inside my head somewhere but two of them were fiesty teenage girls who doned the middle name elizabeth which is a variant of my real name.

Kirabeth was one of those personialities she was the only one I came to know in away, she was the side of myself I hated, I hated what she made me feel I hated what she tried to turn me into and yes I speak of her as a totally differnt person becaus ein reallity she was and is. She is also the only one I leanred to deal with in learning to control her I regained mylife and myself. and so using the nickname kirabeth just reminds me of the struggle I had to go through in oder to regain mylife.

I hope this make since and you all don't truely find me a nut case now. (over look all the spelling errors they were just to many to fix)
Re: wow what an informative thread!

SexySusan said:
Hail to MzChrista, our savioress!

I'm sorry, I just had to say that. All the other explanations were cool to read too. You know, some nicks really had me wondering ...

MY nick sounds kinda easy to explain, but in fact it's not. I will need a little time for that, so please excuse me while I do some digging.

<< walks away with shovel on her shoulder ... >>

Thanks but I got a problem with that meek shall inherit part. Meek gonna inherit a nice set of welts around me.
Thats some heavy shit, kirabeth, but sounds like you got a good grip on things, so fuck them that try to judge you.
Thank you MzChrista,

I just leanred to deal with things one day at a time in my own way and to be myself and enjoy life I think thats about all any of us can do just be ourselves and live life to its fullest no matter what comes our way.
*just realized i finally reached my 100th post*
yessssssssssssssss I'm getting an av.

now all I have to is find the perfect one.

(know this doesn't fit but I just had to do it, cause it took me forever it seems to reach 100 but I did it finally)
Hey kirabeth, you definitely have some crazy skeletons in your closet, no doubt about that. But you know what? Most of us do. Most of us didn't have to go as far as you did to protect ourselves, but that's the way life is.

Personally, i have/had three younger siblings. Two are/were disgnosed paranoid schiziophrenics. One of them, my only brother, the youngest, killed himself in a really gruesome way when he was 19 - and left the note addressed to me. I got to tell our parents. The other one, the sister just younger than me, has lived out her life but in a fog of events so screwed up and so different from the way any of the rest of us remembers *anything* - and always terribly horribly irredeemingly hostile and negative - that none of us has much contact with her at all.

Maybe having a few extra personalities around to help shoulder the burdens during the bad times isn't such a terrible thing? Seems to almost beat the hell out of killing yourself before your life got started or making life a misery for yourself and everyone around you each and every day.

I'm not making light of the tremendouns pain and rebuilding you've suffered and undertaken in your life. I'm applauding your courage and commending your determination to walk on, head up, stronger than so many who stumble and fall before clarity takes hold.
My story....

Well my husband introduced me to lit...I am sure someday he might regret it though... I had a really hard time trying to think up of a nick....I have a couple that I use else where...but they didn't seem to fit this board. So I choose this so that if anyone ever asked him who he was married to he could just say ohhh WhatsHerName...cause I figure he was gonna have a hard time remembering my name when all his blood supply was focused elsewhere.;)
Thank you Cym for sharing your story with me.
and letting me know again that i'm not the only one out t here who has had things to deal with in their lives that shape us and mold us into who we are and make us all the stronger and better for it.
My name is fairly self-explanatory.

I enjoy forceful sex... I like to be on the receiving end - I like to be the one being forced.


That's about all there is to it!

I was actually quite surprised to find that such a simple name hadn't already been taken!
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My id was conceived about 4 years ago when I first discovered bdsm. I was trying to come up with a handle/nickname for myself in chat and my partner said, "honey, you are worthy of anything you want to call yourself." I looked at her and said, "worthy one?" she agreed and it stuck.

Only later did I hear of the term "worthies" in chat. Now, sometimes I wonder if people think I am being pompous.

I am not pompous and don't feel comfortable around anyone who is. :)
Long before people had online nicknames it was common for folks in the BDSM scene to take "scene names". I have friends I have known for 20 years whose real names I do not know.
I don't even remember why I decided to take this one, but I assume there are at least a few film buffs out there who recognize that I appropriated the name of Cary Grant's character in Mister Blandings Builds His Dream House.
Well it is my name it should be JenJo but that was taken. So I went with JenJ I shortened my first and middle names and combined them.
Rick DeVille:
" Obviously"
It's obvious to me, I don't know if it's obvious to everyone else.

So, in "reality" (if there is such a thing) you are... "Always"??"
No, Always was that other lesbian who called herself Sheila until I got here (she was a Never stalker in denial). She had some sort of like/heckle relationship with DCL, and a bad habit of shoving her foot down her throat. She made a bad joke after 9/11, lied because she was catching flack for it, said lie was exposed to all and she scampered from the forum never to be seen again.

" There's some fucked people in the world cause it didn't work."

I don't know why you say they're [deleted] people. I mean, if muffin is good than killer muffin must be great. I could go for a killer muffin right now. Maybe a killer apple cinnamon danish.
Rick DeVille:
"I'm not as dumb as Billy Bob appears."

I'd already figured that one out Rick.
Sandia... for no good reason at all.

But I liked it, so I stuck with it.
Risia is a feminine derivative of the latin verb risir which means "to laugh." It is also the name of a (Norse?) goddess, a warrior spirit.

The name preserves my RL initials and is a numerological fit to my real name. It is also my ritual name, the one I use when working magic and under which I've published a few things in the Wiccan press.

It's the only name I've ever used for my dominant net persona, going back to at least 1992 and the old BBS systems like ISCA and Skynet.

Too much information? LOL :p
RisiaSkye:"It is also my ritual name, the one I use when working magic and under which I've published a few things in the Wiccan press."
Oh [deleted]. That’s why I suck as a pagan. I forgot to pick a cool name to retain my secret identity.

That's an obscure goddess then cause i've never heard of her.

Also, how does RisiaSkye preserve the your RL initials? :)
Never said:
RisiaSkye:"It is also my ritual name, the one I use when working magic and under which I've published a few things in the Wiccan press."
Oh [deleted]. That’s why I suck as a pagan. I forgot to pick a cool name to retain my secret identity.
Well, I'm also a member of the Justice League, so that could be part of it.

Also, how does RisiaSkye preserve the your RL initials? :)
In formaldehyde, obviously.

I'd ask you how you're posting when you're 3,000 in the past this month, but then I'd expose myself as the uber geek I am.

Formaldehyde? Don't mind if I do.
my mum had a thing about the russian royal family :rolleyes: i am called anastasia and everyone has called me tassie as long as i can remember.

god im unimaginative...
Admittedly, I was looking for a bit of attention when I finally registered at this site. It took me several days to decide what I wanted...I wanted to be tempting, attractive, tantalizing....hence, TantaLiza....Liza for short...

I've learned much while here and am to the point where it doesn't matter whether I tantalize anyone or not...I just like to meet people and possibly make friends. I've got one I'm getting closer to now and it's giving me a chance to be very happy for a change....

Thanks for this thread...it's given me an insight on other nick names...I like these much better than my childhood nicks...lol
