Why the nickname?

i remember seeing your nick when i first got to Lit...

i first saw your "TantaLiza" I.D. on the General Board and thought it was terrific! Very clever and creative.

i'm awfully glad you've come to hang out with the freaks and perverts and the sick little puppies who love them.

Somehow a steady diet of "forbidden fruit" has helped me blossom into a much happier person, even if there are those who would question my mental health.

Do pull up a chair and join us regularly. i'm not sure if i should suggest eating the fruit. Some say it's the stuff that got Adam and Eve kicked outa Paradise.. It doesn't agree with some people and sends them straight to the bathroom.

Do have a care, i think cymbidia's in there now with a loaded enema bag. Ooops i've said too much.

They're coming to get me....see you later!

*dashing off followed by men in white coats with butterfly nets*


navarre is taken from the mid 1600's French nobleman Navarre D'Aquila upon whom the movie Ladyhawke was very loosely based.

Like the character in the film, She's always been just beyond my grasp.

Perhaps now?
i took my two favorite animals and combined them then added lord. it is one of several nics i have, but the only one i use here and also i perfer this one to the others so i barely use them in the other places i visit.
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I chose my nickname while listening to a Jimmy Buffett song. I liked the sound of it.

Was given to me by an admirer. About four years ago. It stuck.

Ebonyfire <Hot, hot, hot!>
Mine was given to me by a member on the boards.

Siren once called me "kgbootie", after a bit others started calling me something along those lines. So I decided to add "Mr. Bootie". This was a play on words from the Ron Isley ( Of the Isley Brothers ) character. His character is "Mr. Biggs". So I went with "Mr. Bootie".

aka "Mr. Bootie"
Music is important to me. Couldn't think of anything right away and then I heard that Dexy's Minight Runner's song, and since Eileen didn't seem gender appropriate....
Just for fun

Truthfully, I thought I was in love at the time I registered and thought the name MissTaken would avert unwanted attention.

The name was true then, but since then, I found that I was sadly

;)mistaken in my choice of partners.

Did I mention, I love double entendres?
the reasons for nicknames are both complex and simple. Also incredibly enjoyable to hear about.
Desdemona said:
I chose my nickname while listening to a Jimmy Buffett song. I liked the sound of it.

Now, I had assumed there was an Othello connection!
i wanted a name that would reflect my heritage, and although i was unable to find a suitable Comanche word i found a Cherokee word that i felt was just about perfect.

tehya means precious, and my Love feels as if i am his precious gift. Thats a long story that no one here want to hear, so i'll leave it at that.

I wanted to create a nickname that represented the computer field, yet may not be obvious to everyone. Fdisk is a program that enables you to wipe the hard drive clean so you can start over from scratch. My prefered method for fixing a system with multitudes of software problems.
if you've ever seen the t-shirt that says "dirty girl with a clean image" that is pretty explainitive of myself. i never stood out except for my voice - always arguing some point of view, ussually to create a conflict, other than that voice of defiance i followed the rules, even the rules that i verbally bashed. i did what i was supposed to and pretty much stayed out of trouble. you know, the smart kid who thinks too much.

i joke about myself being some kind of angelic kid but i really never was. i wasn't sweet or nice, i wasn't well liked but in comparison to the hellions i seemed like an angel. underneath i'm not angelic at all. if my presence here doesn't give a great big "not an angel" warning sign idk what does. my tag is a devil with a cheshire cat grin and a halo skewed over one horn.

so i'm an "angel" but not really deep down.

eve is one of my alternate identities. she has always been a fairly small girl with black hair, an innocent looking girl with a spark in her eye and a wildly dominant side. she's the fantasy of my dominant side, what i havn't the experience or even inclanation to do in real life eve can do in my fantasies.

introducing: "angel" eve


The "T" is the initial of my first name, Tom.

"Spectre".... is a tad more complicated.

Nearly all my life, I've felt like an outsider, a stranger in this world. (I mean The World. BDSM is another matter entirely.) Nothing about, around, with, or from me made any sense. I've always been something of a ghost, separated from life by the thinnest of veils. I've always felt I had to work hard to make my presence known, and I've always made people uncomfortable wherever I go. That sinister aspect led me to "Spectre". I'm still damn good at sneaking up on people unintentionally and scaring the crap out of them, too. I've used Spectre, or some derivative, in all my computerized existence, going back to local BBS's where I was SiliconSpectre.

I've had other nicks, too. In high school, somone noticed I was large, hairy, and used polysyllables far too frequently for someone of my size and age. Combined with my literary knowledge, I became The Beast, after Hank McCoy of Marvel Comics' X-Men.

I've also been Wraith on a local BBS.
"The other teachers in the school were known as Stephanie and Joan and so on, but to her class she was very strictly Miss Susan. 'Strict', in fact, was a word that seemed to cover everything about Miss Susan and, in this classroom, she insisted on the Miss in the same way that a king insists upon Your Majesty, and for pretty much the same reason.
Miss Susan wore black […] She was young, but with an indefinable air of age about her. She wore her hair, which was blond-white with one black streak, in a tight bun. […]
It was in fact always very hard to disapprove of Miss Susan in her presence, because if you did she gave you a Look. It was not in any way a threatening look. It was cool and calm. You just didn't want to see it again.
The Look worked in the classroom, too. Take homework […] No dog ever ate the homework of one of Miss Susan's students, because there was something about Miss Susan that went home with them; instead the dog brought them a pen and watched imploringly while they finished it. Miss Susan seemed to have an unerring instinct for spotting laziness and effort, too. Contrary to the headmistress' instructions, Miss Susan did not let the children do what they liked. She let them do what she liked. It had turned out to be a lot more interesting for everyone."
Terry Pratchett, Thief of Time

I can't say how much that appealed to me. That's who I am. That's who I want to be. Why Sexy? Because I didn't think I have "earned" my "Miss" yet ...
BBD...initials for a stupid online nickname I find myself saddled with these days. But I've gotten used to it, and I kinda like the initials thing. There's a r/l nick I have that comes from my actual initials so there's some synchronicity there I suppose.

Oh, you want to know what BBD stands for? It's not hard to figure out if you know where to look. Don't judge me too harshly.
Why am I he?

Interesting thread for reference purposes, if nothing else.

My nic, like many others, is old on me. Mine dates back to 1,200 baud modem dialup BBS days when I joined my first chat BBS which required a nic to log in.

I'd never had to come up with a nic before that, and the first thing that came to mind was a nickname for a linebacker for the Seattle Seahawks, Brian Bosworth. I was, and still am, a big fan of football. Bosworth was a passing fad, but at the time I admired his outrageous (for the times in sports) methods of self-promotion. If you don't know Bosworth, a more recent and more well known example of the same kind of sports self promotion would be Dennis Rodman when he was with the Chicago Bulls.

And the lack of a capital "b" in boz is not a top/bottom indicator, merely an authentic continuation of my own typing lazyness when I created the nic years ago.
mskittykatt is what i could get here LOL

katt is a nic from highschool that actually started as katt jr. because katt (who came to be mommakatt) and i were close to inseperable. there is a babykatt now too =)

my neices and newphews started calling me kittykatt or kitkatt and mskittykatt is the most commonly available nic when registering.

the other one i use - that's closer to my heart but didn't seem appropriate here was Grizabella, from Cats.
Re: Why am I he?

BBD said:
Oh, you want to know what BBD stands for? It's not hard to figure out if you know where to look.
Oh man. I am embarassingly bad at these kinds of games. Can you give me a hint? A place to start? Some kinda direction? I'm good at taking directions...
boz said:
And the lack of a capital "b" in boz is not a top/bottom indicator, merely an authentic continuation of my own typing lazyness when I created the nic years ago.
Uh huh.
Yeh, right.
You're curious about life on the bottom and you know it.
Don't be doing that wool-pulling thing here, boz. ;)

Contrary to oft-whispered suggestion, my nick is not a corruption of the name of a dread disease. Thank you for allowing me the chance to clear that up.
Thanks DRxBlue...welcum is appreciated!!

Totally love this thread...people can be so deep yet entertaining!! I'm gonna keep my eye on this one!!

Re: Re: Why am I he?

cymbidia said:
Oh man. I am embarassingly bad at these kinds of games. Can you give me a hint? A place to start? Some kinda direction? I'm good at taking directions...Uh huh.
Well it's not that hard...try the profile. There was a hint in the Daddy Dom thread, too.
Re: Re: Re: Why am I he?

BBD said:

Well it's not that hard...try the profile. There was a hint in the Daddy Dom thread, too.
C Oh told me.
Gods i'm dense sometimes.
Excuse me, please, while i slink out, dunce cap firmly in place.
Re: Re: Re: Why am I he?

BBD said:

Well it's not that hard...try the profile. There was a hint in the Daddy Dom thread, too.

Ohhhh I get it.....lol....please tell me I know one before cym....lol


edited to add....at least I got it on my own...lol
Well it wasn't exactly a mystery for the ages. lol