Writing Challenge: 50 Words -- With a Twist

I turned and saw the motorcycle pulling up along the curb and coming to a stop. As he took off his helmet, it seemed that the noise and music from the party suddenly stopped, along with my ability to breathe. I stared at this man who looked like an angel.

Music, bookcase, possum
Music, bookcase, possum

He paused at the bookcase, his eyes drawn to the music box they had purchased together at the little shop called Possum Run Antiques. It had been their honeymoon. Now 58 years later, she was gone, and yet she still lived on in his memories.

Steak, tent, temper
Steak, tent, temper

My brother has a terrible temper. One night, he burned his steak and in a fit of rage destroyed the tent. I spent the night in the car, doors locked. I didn't care where he slept. The next morning, I found him in a pile of leaves and shredded tent.

Digit, personalized, prediction
Digit, personalized, prediction

She was really looking forward to the personalized massage her boyfriend was going to give her. However, she made a prediction about that massage - as usual, she knew he would try to stick a digit in her ass before he was done.

Bend, avocado, neutral
Bend - avocado - neutral

“Neutral colors matched with natural wood cabinet doors.” he growled.
He spoke trigger words into the interior decorator’s ear as he bent her over the bend in the granite counter.
“Hard wood floors. Bamboo ceiling fans.”
She let an unmistakable squeal escape.
“Bathroom … all avocado.”
Her final shudder, instantaneous.

open - house - hunting
I searched the entire bedroom leaving drawers open. I was hunting for the gift that I knew, just knew, he had gotten me for my birthday. Not finding it where I thought he would put it, I searched the entire house but still didn't find it. He was in trouble!

Forgetful - opulence - raining
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Forgetful - opulence - raining

She had been forgetful in not leaving the requisite three words to keep the challenge going. He wanted to be upset, but how could he, thinking of her in all her magnificent opulence, with beauty raining off of her like a gentle shower on fresh spring day!

Forgive - regret - snowball
Forgive - regret - snowball

We lay in bed, her head nestled into my shoulder, our fingers playfully twirling in knots.
“Remember when we were kids, and you threw that snowball at me? I will never forgive you for that,” she teased.
Laughing, I kissed my wife on the forehead, “and I won’t regret it.”

chill - blanket - finish
Chill - blanket - finish

My girlfriend invited me over to her place for 'Netflix and chill.' We sat under a blanket together and she got busy with her hands. It's nice and all, but I really wish she'd hurry up and do what she is going to do so we can finish the movie!

Basement - church - reckless
Basement - church - reckless

"Did you have to be reckless?" I called over my shoulder as I raced to the laundry in the basement. This wasn't the first time he'd ruined my panties on Sunday morning! I needed to wash up before changing them, too. At this pace, we'd surely be late for church.

Fan - vigilant - mirror
Love it, BFG!

Fan - vigilant - mirror

I stood in front of the mirror, thinking to myself, 'What the hell are you doing?' Normally I wasn't a fan of taking a selfie, but my girlfriend had been vigilant, so I was obliging her. I wished I didn't have to get dressed for this!

Stupid - arrow - macaroni
Stupid - arrow - macaroni

I put the steak on the grill on the stove top. Within minutes, the stupid alarm went off. “Cheese and macaroni!” I shouted. I shot like an arrow to the fridge and grabbed some ice in a towel. I hoped the steak didn't burn while I was on the ladder.

Crackers, ladder, personable
Crackers, ladder, personable

She was always extremely personable to him. She always purchased the kind of crackers he liked. But when he saw the ladder in the bedroom, permanently attached to the floor, he knew that kindness and crackers wouldn't be enough. He didn't want to know how she used it!

Electric, printer, sparrow
Waiting for the last few pages to be spit out, I looked out the window. Spring had arrived and the snow was gone. I could see a sparrow busily building a nest in the tree nearby. It made me smile, until the electric went out and the printer suddenly died!

Wheelbarrow - dishsoap - fugitive

Wheelbarrow - dishsoap - fugitive

It was a fun photoshoot. I put Sandi outside in a bath drawn in a wheelbarrow. Her hair was up and there was a joyful smile on her face as she searched through the suds we’d frothed up from dishsoap for the bath toy that had gone fugitive beneath them.

Point - Bounce - Laugh
Point - bounce - laugh

The girls begged him to join them. "What's the point?" he asked. "Because it is fun to bounce on a trampoline!" So he climbed up and started jumping, and soon he couldn't help but laugh at the good times he was having!

Exhaust - stairway - brick
Exhaust - stairway - brick

Mary opened her apartment door to what smelled like exhaust from a car billowing into the hallway. She quickly called 911. “It is the brick building at 100 Main, come quick!” Turns out, some fool had backed up to the open stairway door and left his car running all night.

Fool, opossum, rigid
Fool, opossum, rigid

Tonight was the night! I was rigid with excitement as I kept offering my girl shots at the bar. When we got back to my place, suddenly I realized what a fool I was! The alcohol put her out like an opossum on the highway! Tonight was NOT the night.....

Oscillate, heart, magnet
Oscillate, heart, magnet

My boyfriend decided to try and hypnotize me. He found a heart-shaped magnet and stuck it on a chain. “You are getting very sleepy. You are getting very sleepy.”

“Um... I think you are supposed to swing it like a pendulum not oscillate it like a fan,” I laughed.

Pumpernickel, treason, lake
Post 100!

Pumpernickel, treason, lake

We are having a picnic at the lake, and she pulls something unfamiliar out of the basket. "What is that - it looks burnt!" She looked at me like I had committed treason. "This is pumpernickel bread - my favorite!" That picnic didn't go well after that!

Exposed - efficient - wing
Exposed - efficient - wing

If there was an efficient means to kill someone, this wasn’t it. Charlie knew about shooting a guy as he knows about taxes, and the first three bullets missed before the fourth just winged the monster. Yet now that bullets rang out, he stood exposed ready for an attack.

channel - rare - tap
Channel - rare - tap

It was rare that this particular model would break down. He grabbed his pair of channel-lock pliers from his tool belt to tighten the last bolt. With one last tap on the handlebars, the tricycle was fixed. His daughter smiled and waved at him as she pedaled away.

Onion - daisy - prescription
Onion - daisy - prescription

It was a beautiful day, so she walked into town to pick up her prescription. Along the roadside she saw wild onion growing and decided to pick some on the way back home. She waved at her neighbor who stopped.
"Hey, whatcha doin'?" She asked.
He replied, "Driving, Miss Daisy."


Soulmate - remote - cycling
Soulmate - remote - cycling

She thought he was her soulmate. So when she saw him cycling with Bonnie Rudolph earlier, her world was crushed. Sure Bonnie was prettier than her, was better built than her, was smarter than her....she sighed - realizing her chances with him were now remote at best.

Terrier, spatula, gravel
Terrier, spatula, gravel

“What is that Terrier doing?” I asked my friend.
“Looks like she is digging in the gravel, maybe looking for a bone?”
“She may be looking for a bone, but that isn't what she found. It looks to me like my new spatula.”
“Jack!” I yelled.

Paranoia, winsome, frugal
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