Writing Challenge: 50 Words -- With a Twist

Recent - suspend - wish

April lay on her side, letting her most recent regret suspend in the air. Tommy Williams, that boy a French kiss from all those years ago stood on the TV screen accepting his latest Oscar. She only was left accepting her wish to go back and let him do it.

Movie - Song - Flat
Movie - song - flat

April wouldn't let herself go to the movie theater again. She couldn't bear to see Tommy Williams sing another song - the man was just flat out gorgeous! So her social life consisted of Netflix and chill - minus the chill, of course. Except Tommy was on Netflix also....made her cry...

rejection - dim - olive
rejection - dim - olive

April sat in the dim room dunking her olive in her martini. All these years and she still hadn't gotten over Tommy Williams's rejection. Now that he had gotten another Oscar, his face was everywhere. She needed to move on, but how? He was still the perfect man for her.

Regret – paralyze - relative
Regret - paralyze - relative

April tried to date others, but then she'd see his picture in another magazine - the picture that would paralyze any chance of her finding happiness in another's arms. The amount of regret she felt was relative to the amount of pain in her heart. Another martini - another lonely day.

Tension - garlic - scenery
Tension - garlic - scenery

The scenery was perfect for Tommy Williams's new movie. But in his trailer the air was ripe with tension. Tommy had received a photo of himself and some girl. Tommy's face was crossed out with something red. At first he thought it was blood, but it smelled like garlic. Spaghetti sauce?

Function – frisbee - jealous
Function - frisbee - jealous

Was I jealous of his success? His looks? Or was I just upset he wasn't with me? I picked up a frisbee and slung it against a picture I have of him on my wall. The function of that was to make me better but he continued to smile....

Slab - balloon - clarinet
Slab - balloon - clarinet

Although he was an Oscar winner, he still had a terrific sense of humor. He attached the picture to a red helium-filled balloon. While the picture floated away, he played “Who Are You?” on his clarinet. People clapped as they gathered around the cement slab used as a launching pad.

Treason - acute - lunch
Treason - acute - lunch

Another Hollywood minute on TV involving Tommy - with the picture she sent! Treason! He was supposed to remember their spaghetti lunch together! She felt an acute stab of anger slice through her soul. This was not child's play anymore. She would surely get her revenge now!

Meandering - sticky - courage
There I was, meandering through the forum when I saw his name. Somewhere deep inside it struck a chord, but I finally got up the courage to message him. It wasn't long before I realized I could end up in a sticky situation...then, I fell with abandon. It's amazing.

Gumption • hair • cowboy
He was pulling his hair out trying to figure out what to say. Then he had the gumption to look at her Tumblr... he smiled and thought to himself that he was no longer going to be a space cowboy but would become a gangster of love.

Elicit - flower - smile
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Elicit - flower - smile

He had a plan - at least he thought so. He'd use a flower and a smile to elicit joy and happiness from his new bride. As he walked into the bedroom, he heard joy and happiness already taking place. Maybe he should have discussed his plan with her in advance....

Timing - toddler - turmoil
Timing - toddler - turmoil

It was Easter and in all the turmoil of their two year-old toddler hunting for eggs, Sam turned to Shelly and handed her a plastic egg. Inside, she found a bracelet. As he leaned over to kiss her, their toddler shoved his egg-filled hand up between their faces. What timing!

Rabbit, traditional, pinecone
Rabbit - traditional - pinecone

She was a traditional girl - white wedding dress, pinecone decorations for Christmas, the works. But when her new husband wanted to buy a live rabbit for Easter, she put her foot down. There had to be a better tradition, so he bought a chocolate bunny instead. She was pleased!

Doctor - evict - parallel
Doctor - evict - parallel

In a parallel story, a doctor received a gift that made him smile. His landlord planned to evict him from his office space. The landlord was about to give the notice to the doctor when a very sick child came in. The landlord walked away, notice still in his hand.

Patronage, meticulous, odd
Patronage, meticulous, odd

I felt it odd that Alice only offered her meat patronage to one man - Sam the Butcher. Then I found out why. He was very meticulous in his cuts of meat - only the best would do. And he liked how Alice looked in her housekeeper dress! She was pretty smart!

Prerogative, fiduciary, peanut
Prerogative, fiduciary, peanut

When I was younger I had a fiduciary handle my late mother's estate. I hated it when he wanted me to make a decision. My knowledge of estate business could fit into a peanut. “It is your perogative” was his favorite saying. I was glad when it was all settled.

Weary, type, canyon
Weary, type, canyon

"You're not the type to stress over this decision," she said.

"I know," he answered, "but I'm growing weary of this hanging over my head!"

He took a deep breath, and then said, "Okay, Grand Canyon first on the trip, instead of last!" A sense of relief washed over him.

Bottle, sugar, drain
Bottle, sugar, drain

She set the last of the baby bottles on the drain mat. It took a long time to clean them as they had to be washed then boiled. But now the job was done and she deserved a treat. She poured a cup of coffee and added a little sugar.

Sympathy, largesse, optimum
Sympathy, largesse, optimum

Roland Connors III leaned back in the leather office chair, his Italian loafers resting on the mahogany desk. His life was running at optimum levels, enjoying the largesse of his father's good business sense. But it was boring! However, he knew he would receive no sympathy for his woes....

Wisdom, objectify, winsome
Wisdom, objectify, winsome

Jane was old enough to have the wisdom to understand that is was wrong to objectify a person. But, honestly, what is a red-blooded all-American girl supposed to do when she sees a man who not only has a six-pack, but sports a winsome smile? I mean, come on now!

Smirk, pander, comedy
Smirk, pander, comedy

He saw the smirk in her eyes. She wanted to pander to his desire to lose his virginity. She wanted to take it, and then leave him desiring for more.

But the comedy of the situation was that he was gay...he was not interested in her at all!

Sunrise, government, choices
Sunrise, government, choices

Sunrise awoke the senator and cast soft shadows on his sleeping aide. What weakness was in men such as him, whose strong will and discipline brought them to the center of government, such that tempting choices that started with a shy smile now could undo all he had worked for.

shadow, unruly, restraint
Shadow, unruly, restraint

Powerful men in government - such as the senator himself, needed to be careful. His constituents did not send him to the capital to be unruly when the need for restraint was evident. The naked young aid laying next to him cast the shadow of doubt in his own mind.

Corruption, forgive, cereal
Corruption, forgive, cereal

As Jack ate his cereal, he perused the newspaper. It seemed as if every article was about corruption in various governments. He glanced up at his wife who had that Look.
“Forgive me, dear, what did you say?”

“I said, the mechanic overcharged me again.”

“Corruption everywhere.”

sleepy, envelope, certainty
Sleepy, Envelope, Certainty

"With certainty, I can say what is in this envelope."

Lord Baron voiced his assumption regarding the parcel. "Sleepy military tactics have landed the western territory in hot water again. The pitiful lord will beseech me for backup in a poorly-written recanting of recent attacks on it, as always."

Loquacious, Nothing, Obscure
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