WTF...and other stuff

CharleyH said:

HOWEVER my sexy little vixen - you're wrong on the bible front! Lilith was a Black woman who stole Eve from Adam, and together, they decided enough was fucking enough, ate from the tree of knowledge, and Adam, the god damn sub he was, ate too, and THEN had the nerve to blame Woman! And even though Lilith is considered wikkid, she at least had the balls to transcend the walled garden - Eve followed her lead, and Adam didn't. He was a kiss ass:) So that's an aside - sorry . . . :D

I've read the bible because I do love a bestseller ;)
I may be wrong as far as theological study and the like but I don't recall Lilith being mentioned;)
It's a jewish thing, intermingled with my brilliant mind for - um - semiotics - no you won't find it in the Bible - that was purely written to control the masses.
lol I was just joshin ya I cos you said I was biblically wrong
I'm familiar with Lilith but I still contest what you say ony because I'me feeling a little debatey:D The story of Lilith is not actually found in any authentic Rabbinic tradition. Although it is repeatedly cited as a "Rabbinic legend" or a "midrash," it is not recorded in any ancient Jewish text The tale of Lilith originates in a medieval work called "the Alphabet of Ben-Sira," a work whose relationship to the conventional streams of Judaism is, to say the least, problematic.

:D Religion interests me because of the fanaticism involved. I've seen perfectly rational people become rabid about it.
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RenzaJones said:
lol I was just joshin ya I cos you said I was biblically wrong
I'm familiar with Lilith but I still contest what you say ony because I'me feeling a little debatey:D The story of Lilith is not actually found in any authentic Rabbinic tradition. Although it is repeatedly cited as a "Rabbinic legend" or a "midrash," it is not recorded in any ancient Jewish text The tale of Lilith originates in a medieval work called "the Alphabet of Ben-Sira," a work whose relationship to the conventional streams of Judaism is, to say the least, problematic.

:D Religion interests me because of the fanaticism involved. I've seen perfectly rational people become rabid about it.

And I know you were . . . just trying to articulate the facade of my most unknowledgebly (sp) knowledgeable mind . . . how the hell do you speel that without spellcheck? LOL
Liar said:
I love a good discussion. There is nothing more interresting than to untangle and learn someone else's point of view. But time and again I run into the same wall when trying to understand matters like these. The 'you wouldn't understand because you're not me' wall, or even the 'I have no obligation to justify my views because you're white' wall. I'm not saying that that has been a problem in this thread, only that a variation of it, much more sober and less isolationistic, did rear it's head.

So please understand that if I throw screwballs in discussions like this, it is not because I want to miscredit anyones opinion, but because I want to force them to explain them better. Niether I mean to upset anyone. Only to learn.


I may have been one to throw up a wall but sometimes it really is just a "black (or whatever) thing. As a woman who has never carried a child to term it's impossible for any one to explain what it's like in a way that will allow me to truely get it. Such is the case with race.
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Re. walls, think of it this way, Liar: it's like men and women trying to figure each other out. Some can come very close, but no gender will really know what it's like to be/grow up/live like/act/think/feel/etc. like the other. Same with race. I put that in italics because I don't think of race so much as cultural backgrounds.

best, Perdita
I don't think of race so much as cultural backgrounds.

And Lord knows, you run up against culture clashes in the damnedest places. My husband and I--I should say, my second husband, to whom I've been married for almost 25 years--come, you would think, from very similar backgrounds: WASP, middle class, grew up less than 10 miles apart, went to school in the same district although different schools, his dad was a chemical engineer, my dad was a chemical engineer, his mother was a SAHM, my mother was a SAHM, we were sheltered in nice brick tract houses, yada yada yada...yet between his family background and mine, there were cultural rifts nearly as deep as those between my family and that of my first husband. Go figure.
Renza, perdita...
True. An outsider will never truly understand. But he can always learn a little bit more.

What's a WASP?
White American Suburbia People?

Liar said:
Renza, perdita...
True. An outsider will never truly understand. But he can always learn a little bit more.

What's a WASP?
White American Suburbia People?


LOL! Close

White Anglo Saxon Protestant
CharleyH said:

HOWEVER my sexy little vixen - you're wrong on the bible front! Lilith was a Black woman who stole Eve from Adam, and together, they decided enough was fucking enough, ate from the tree of knowledge, and Adam, the god damn sub he was, ate too, and THEN had the nerve to blame Woman! And even though Lilith is considered wikkid, she at least had the balls to transcend the walled garden - Eve followed her lead, and Adam didn't. He was a kiss ass:) So that's an aside - sorry . . . :D

And here I've been told that Lilith wasn't human at all, but a demon (and at that time, they wandered around Paradise freely, being well respected, and not looked down upon as today), and she was Adam's first wife, but they split up because she demanded to be his equal, and he preferred a docile, obedient servant, so God gave him Eve instead.

Lilith disappeared to live with her demon frieds, and gave birth to a lot of demons and ghosts and other dark creatures.
Svenskaflicka said:
And here I've been told that Lilith wasn't human at all, but a demon (and at that time, they wandered around Paradise freely, being well respected, and not looked down upon as today), and she was Adam's first wife, but they split up because she demanded to be his equal, and he preferred a docile, obedient servant, so God gave him Eve instead.

Lilith disappeared to live with her demon frieds, and gave birth to a lot of demons and ghosts and other dark creatures.

LOL - :rose: it IS THE MYTH isn't it? And somehow this thread speaks to more than the myth of many things - dichotmies inherant in unfortunately, our purely human existence.

Back to it - hidden away in hundreds of years of patriarchal text that we've never seen or read in my ever evolving and creative mind . . .

The question is to take hold of your natural place Svenska - But I know - I know, you're just, well according to you a docile and obedient servant. LOL . . . in sarcasm ;) Uh huh DEVIL.

HELL I'm a genius! lol Why aren't you? LOL :kiss:
C.L. Moore, one of the early woman SF writers, wrote an excellent story around this myth.
After many long days of trying to get Civilization 3 Conquests to work properly on my computer, I've finally been able to reach the tech support, who adviced me to upgrade all drivers' utilities on my computer. I've downloaded over 40MB of updates from Windows Update, and the game still desn't work. M's hudbans, who works with computers for a living, suggested I should check if my sound card was Direct X 9.0 compatible, or if I perhaps ought to buy a new sound card. I opened the can to see what type of sound card I had, cleaned out 4 years of black, sticky dust, looked around, couldn't see any sound card, called Fujitsu Siemens, who had constructed the thing, and asked for advice. Lo! they had all info in their costumer register! I got the name and version of my soundcard, and was told this should be Direct X-compatible, but maybe I should visit their website and download the latest upgrades, to make sure that it runs smoothly?
I thank them, put the computer back together, stick all the cables back in - and the fucking computer won't start. There's a glitch with the electric outlet on the computer. Not with the cables, because I've checked that, but with the outlet on the computer itself.
Now I have to take the whole machine to someone who can fix it, which means I'll have to drag a heavy box all over town, on buses, pay a fortune, and wait several days for it to get fixed, only to then finally be able to download those updates they recommended, and THEN we'll see if that works, or if I'll just have to take the game back to the shop and ask for my money back.

Does anyone know any REALLY dirty word you could teach me?
I'm deeply in love with the guys of Queer Eye For the Straight Guy. I wonder what it would take to persuade them to come over here and make-over me and my place.

A penis? Uh-keeeey... would a strap-on do?
The computer shop said that while cleaning the computer on the inside, I've probably touched too much of the things inside, causing electro-magnetic disturbances that has destroyed the electricity stuff on the inside. They think. They'll look into it, and call me to tel me what's wrong, and how much it's gonna cost.
The guarantee has run out, so I'll have to pay atleast 900:- SKR.

And, to make thigns even greater, I had to sign a release form to let them erase the harddrive if necessary. All my documents, all my pics, all programs... phooooooosh!!! Gone.

Tomorrow, I'm going to invest my last coins in one of those rubber mallets, and indulge in a little private anger management training on my walls.
The computer shop said that while cleaning the computer on the inside, I've probably touched too much of the things inside, causing electro-magnetic disturbances that has destroyed the electricity stuff on the inside.

Well, isn't that just the sort of thing a computer shop would tell you? Of course! They're not making one kronen or whatever you guys use for money over there if open up your computer and work on it yourself. I don't believe that for a moment. I mean, something happened or the thing would be working, but Jim and I have a computer that we built ourselves and we're always opening it up to put in auxiliary hard drives or more RAM or something. We had another one before that we had to keep with the screws out of the case so we could slide it off and jiggle the modem because it spontaneously came unseated for no damn reason. I'm not saying you shouldn't handle things carefully in there, but I can't think what happened was all your fault.