You know when you do stupid things...

*blushing and hiding*

Sowwy.. there's another of my stupid little human tricks that gets me into trouble.

Re: *blushing and hiding*

BardsLady said:
Sowwy.. there's another of my stupid little human tricks that gets me into trouble.


What non-human tricks get you into trouble, then?:confused: ;)
*scratching head and thinking*

Hrmmm, I think I'll have to wait until Halloween to figure that one out. hehehe. I have a couple ideas, but I need to iron out the wrinkles first.

Svenskaflicka said:
*cough, wheeze, harrrrrrrrrumph!!!*

Pretty please... Either type Svenska or SF... not "Sven" or "Svens"... Sven is a boy's name.

*sharpening claws on armchair*:catroar:

irritates me when people call me "chick" = )
I get annoyed when people call me "Bob." It's short for "Kate" dontcha know? :rolleyes:
Ah, Loulou-mou, I've missed you.

*Loved* your story, wonderful language and characters, great partnering described and made real and palpable. Fine *adult* erotica, a feat on Lit. Brava, bella.

inspired, Purrditta :kiss:
perdita said:
Ah, Loulou-mou, I've missed you.

*Loved* your story, wonderful language and characters, great partnering described and made real and palpable. Fine *adult* erotica, a feat on Lit. Brava, bella.

inspired, Purrditta :kiss:

Thank you Purrditta, it's nice to be missed. :kiss:
I've been very busy over the past few days; the girls go back to school soon, and I've been making the most of the last few days of their holidays. Also been busy sewing name lables in school uniform.

A huge thanks for your very kind words about my story. I feel that is one of my weaker ones, but it is the first chapter of my 'novel,' so I had to start with that one. I am pleased with it in the respect that it sets up my main characters well, it does give a good feel for their personalities.

I've had some great feedback from it, all of it very adult in nature, too. So perhaps that is a good reflection on the story. I'm a stats addict, so humour me while I quote the stats for my story... Rank: 4.57, votes: 36, views: 6997, feedback emails: 20, 19 of which very pleasant and encouraging, 1 of which a little odd, but not in a bad way.

Lou-lou :heart: