~Zen Mountain~

bluerains said:
(from Journey to Dreamland)

Vast as the universe is, it fits inside the mind. Small as the body is, there is not enough in creation to satisfy it.

wow blue, I like this, did you write it? very deep, short and sweet with a lot to ponder.
I want her lips to smile
when I part her legs
and kiss her taste

I want her lips to smile
as I pull them upward
I think they smiled at me
stars are
a million violent explosions
at such a distance
they seem like tiny dots
in the night sky
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LeBroz said:
Thanks. When I submitted it yesterday, I was satisfied but as time went on I kept re-reading it, like a dog trying to scratch away that flea. Finally came to the solution which I put down as a comment to the write, then I submitted an EDITED version.

I hope you don't mind, but this come to mind <grin


"She's not a blonde." Bill said.

She flung her blonde hair
in a seductive manner.

"How can you tell?"
I had to ask.

"She is too smart.
I bet you a bill,
she is a brunette."

I took the bet.

For she was as dingy
as a tossed about bouy.
She came and stood next to me.
Her blonde hair, I could clearly see.

We chatted about chit
and I bought her a drink.
I think.

I finally got the nerve,
"Can I see your roots?
So I can tell rather your a blonde
or a brunette."

Shyly she replied, "Okay!"

She was a little surprised
but didn't stop me
when I pulled her pants down
and saw that...
she was a Red Head.
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My Erotic Trail said:
wow blue, I like this, did you write it? very deep, short and sweet with a lot to ponder.

no, twas nay me...
maxims from master han shan..it is..I put it in the heading...

a bit more of master Shan for your viewing....
"Put a fish on land and he will remember the ocean until he dies. Put a bird in a cage, yet he will not forget the sky. Each remains homesick for his true home, the place where his nature has decreed that he should be. Man is born in the state of innocence. His original nature is love and grace and purity. Yet he emigrates so casually, without even a thought of his old home."

"Is this not sadder than the fishes and the birds?"
My Erotic Trail said:
I hope you don't mind, but this come to mind <grin


"She's not a blonde." Bill said.

She flung her blonde hair
in a seductive manner.

"How can you tell?"
I had to ask.

"She is too smart.
I bet you a bill,
she is a brunette."

I took the bet.

For she was as dingy
as a tossed about bouy.
She came and stood next to me.
Her blonde hair, I could clearly see.

We chatted about chit
and I bought her a drink.
I think.

I finally got the nerve,
"Can I see your roots?
So I can tell rather your a blonde
or a brunette."

Shyly she replied, "Okay!"

She was a little surprised
but didn't stop me
when I pulled her pants down
and saw that...
she was a Red Head.

Whoa ~ what kind of chick is this
that has a red head
in her pants?!
bluerains said:
no, twas nay me...
maxims from master han shan..it is..I put it in the heading...

a bit more of master Shan for your viewing....
"Put a fish on land and he will remember the ocean until he dies. Put a bird in a cage, yet he will not forget the sky. Each remains homesick for his true home, the place where his nature has decreed that he should be. Man is born in the state of innocence. His original nature is love and grace and purity. Yet he emigrates so casually, without even a thought of his old home."

"Is this not sadder than the fishes and the birds?"

that is pure poetry, awesome. a perfect zen read for my nightly meditation. Thanks blue, bows (~_~) humble
LeBroz said:
Whoa ~ what kind of chick is this
that has a red head
in her pants?!

Ha, that humor and wit had me laughing.
I like the way you see things leon.
thanks for the inspiration.
The Book of Unwritten Knowledge

A friend said;
'I am going to write a book'

Title; The Book of UnWritten Knowledge
Catagory; Non-fiction - Illustrated
By; The UnKnown Prophet
250 pages

He has been rehearsing his conversation with
David Letterman,
'There is unknown Knowledge'

The Book will have no writing on the cover
or page one
and the Title and Author listed on page 3
page two, dedicated to; someone

pure white
blank pages

dedicated to; HuntMoreOften (Good Luck and thanks for the laugh)
My Erotic Trail said:
The Book of Unwritten Knowledge

A friend said;
'I am going to write a book'

Title; The Book of UnWritten Knowledge
Catagory; Non-fiction - Illustrated
By; The UnKnown Prophet
250 pages

He has been rehearsing his conversation with
David Letterman,
'There is unknown Knowledge'

The Book will have no writing on the cover
or page one
and the Title and Author listed on page 3
page two, dedicated to; someone

pure white
blank pages

dedicated to; HuntMoreOften (Good Luck and thanks for the laugh)

The Book of UnWritten Knowledge

non-fiction - illustrated
by; Arthur Unknown
250 pages

rehearsing book pro-mos
"There is unwritten knowledge"

dedicated to; someone

pure white
blank pages
wildsweetone said:
that's quite clever lol

Hunt... and I had fun 'drumming this up' today. I told him I was going to make a poem of it and he said he would write the book, should take about one minute to print out the title and place it on a stack of zerox paper <laughing>
marital winter
when cold hearts storm
spring frolic
is no more

words are arrows
poison tip
aimed at the soul
to pierce the armour
of the one they love

photos lay in a heap
of the hot summer sun
wrapped in each others arms
not their throats

like leafs they leaves
in the autumn winds
bare roots exposed
grey haired skies linger

tug of war within their hearts
tearing each other apart
when comes the winter

written for M. and K.
free falling from heaven
like a petal from a rose

grasp a mountain
at its peak
and rest

summer comes
the white runs

babbling brooks
and enchanted streams
rivers serene

when the mass is a whole
as raindrops gather
to rise above the sea
there is a tree
with just one leaf
for the others have all gone

bare to the bottom
and roots exposed
away flew the leaf
in winters song
zmp~ heart

there is a pounding
within me
beating against my chest
with no rest

My urges thunder
when it becomes louder
an excited mind
thumping in time

and when I rest
there is length between tuds
light taps
pulsing my slow thoughts

projected words
from mental swirls
embraced or torn apart
from the heart
My Erotic Trail said:
The Book of UnWritten Knowledge

non-fiction - illustrated
by; Arthur Unknown
250 pages

rehearsing book pro-mos
"There is unwritten knowledge"

dedicated to; someone

pure white
blank pages

I would have made this into more of a poetic write than an advertisement. It has great potential and I agree, this was a clever thought.
woohooo, thanks for the play with my poem Q~

I'll submit it now,

Children of the Sun~~

A Ra'diant Hexagon over Sons of the Sun
watched as the Phaoroh King died.
Seven petal flower a deceptive demise
the vine's infinate reach in trials.

Streaking skies in drifting debrise
mankind's freedom on orbital grounds.
As comets, rockets soar
uncharted mysteries lure.

The children of the Sun
ravage sun drenched fruit,
sharpening steel and holding apron strings.
On the swells of astral planes they dream.

By Art
(edited by; Quasar)

I truely like the END PRODUCT <Grin
My Erotic Trail said:
woohooo, thanks for the play with my poem Q~

I'll submit it now,

Children of the Sun~~

A Ra'diant Hexagon over Sons of the Sun
watched as the Phaoroh King died.
Seven petal flower a deceptive demise
the vine's infinate reach in trials.

Streaking skies in drifting debrise
mankind's freedom on orbital grounds.
As comets, rockets soar
uncharted mysteries lure.

The children of the Sun
ravage sun drenched fruit,
sharpening steel and holding apron strings.
On the swells of astral planes they dream.

By Art
(edited by; Quasar)

I truely like the END PRODUCT <Grin

I made the minor changes and they did not allow the name
Children of the Sun...

the word children is taboo ..it rejected the poem on the word 'Children?"
anyway it is submitted and I did not mention the mention <grr

new name...
Breaking the Chain~~ ~~~~~
My Erotic Trail said:
I made the minor changes and they did not allow the name
Children of the Sun...

the word children is taboo ..it rejected the poem on the word 'Children?"
anyway it is submitted and I did not mention the mention <grr

new name...
Breaking the Chain~~ ~~~~~

just have to say it...
this poem is sooo. good..
in a tetra kind of way...smiles/blue
bluerains said:
just have to say it...
this poem is sooo. good..
in a tetra kind of way...smiles/blue

thanks blue

I had some help, I sent it to him and almost forgot about it and almost didn't recognise it when it returned <grin

but do not put the word 'children' in the title it will be rejected....

origianlly...."Children of the Sun"....or was it sons of the suns...googled it and there are many with this title so I come up with children of the sun.
flowing river
where have you been
before me.

in your belly
I know your churning
your current to the sea

I look up river
and I know
where I have been

looking down river
I know not what
is around the bend

I fall beside you
along the water's edge
and your still moving

flowing river
where are you going
before me
a dying star
over head and far

morning comes
in slow glowing form

how bright you are
lil dimming star

slipping away
as the Sun is born