💫🎲💫 Lit Fantasy Classes: D&D Nerds Unite 💫🎲💫

Our DM was mean tonight. First we were attacked by a beholder. And then after we killed it, it was resurrected by a group of duergar clerics. And then we had to kill a zombie beholder. And it was even meaner than when it was alive. Our paladin nearly got disintegrated.
You gave ‘em the 10 minutes they needed to cast a resurrection spell? Or did they Animate Dead, which is quicker

There’re a number of reasons looting monsters is important, rendering them into gold-worthy bits gets you loot AND it keeps ‘em from getting back up.

It all falls back on the ‘always kill the caster first’ rule of thumb.

At least your dice got a good workout! :D
I've got a couple shelves of game systems I've picked up over time. D&D and its decades of derivatives up to the current (imo) mess. GURPS has awesome source books and an utterly insane system. Different versions of the Hero System and sourcebooks like Champions. Toon, the ever insane, and Paranoia that loves to live up to its name. RuneQuest/Call of Cthulhu/Delta Green/etc.

However I (used) to love playing them more'n collecting 'em. To me, they're springboards into the imagination of the other players - how can we have fun (for many different definitions thereof!) within this framework of rules?

Yeah, I've bought many RPGs that I've not played yet, but they all have given me ideas for scenarios or stories to add to those I do play.

From larger publishers of games like Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, Imperium Maledictum to small indie publishers making games like Tomorrow City, Neon City Overdrive, they all bring something new to the experience of playing with other like minded, imaginative folks.
I'm curious if anyone here as had a chance to mix their love of the erotic with their love of TTRPGs.
There are several adult themed source books out there.
I've read a couple, wasn't particularly impressed. Kinda hard to play Fifi the Maid as a tabletop character, IMO - mechanics aren't right for the goal(s)

Then again, I did play and enjoy AAD&D - Alcoholics' Anonymous D&D. You take sips instead of hit point damage...
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I sent this to my wife today, telling her I want to run a vampire campaign.
She got VERY excited for the idea.

I told her it wouldn't be like True Blood - the vampires probably wouldn't be sexy. There wouldn't be a vampire Skarsgard.
She got significantly less excited.
What I would do to play Nadja
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I sent this to my wife today, telling her I want to run a vampire campaign.
She got VERY excited for the idea.

I told her it wouldn't be like True Blood - the vampires probably wouldn't be sexy. There wouldn't be a vampire Skarsgard.
She got significantly less excited.
As long as they don’t have a semi historically-accurate impaling fetish, it should all work out…
We don't kink shame 👀
Sorry, someone who gets off on sitting people on tall stakes needs to be gone. That’s not survivable.

If you’re into bondage and anal and can safely walk away after, great, knock yer Sox off. The history around Tepesh/Drakul should never happen again, however.
Sorry, someone who gets off on sitting people on tall stakes needs to be gone. That’s not survivable.

If you’re into bondage and anal and can safely walk away after, great, knock yer Sox off. The history around Tepesh/Drakul should never happen again, however.
Sorry you're right. I was making light of something horrific to make an anal joke. :censored:
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I sent this to my wife today, telling her I want to run a vampire campaign.
She got VERY excited for the idea.

I told her it wouldn't be like True Blood - the vampires probably wouldn't be sexy. There wouldn't be a vampire Skarsgard.
She got significantly less excited.
I played a quick two session FATE game with my kids and niece over Covid that was WWDITS in Suburban L.A. it was so fantastic!
Sorry you're right. I was making light of something horrific to make an anal joke. :censored:
S’ok, ya could say I started it with that first reply. This IS Literotica after all, not Lithistorica… I shoulda suspected someone might ‘take that the wrong way’ for lack of less of a double-entendre
I played a quick two session FATE game with my kids and niece over Covid that was WWDITS in Suburban L.A. it was so fantastic!
That sounds fun!

I've played a couple one-shots of Vampire: the Masquerade. And I liked the game itself and the GM. But I didn't like a couple of the other players in the second game. They were very judgy that I didn't know what I was doing... Like, dude, that's kind of the point of playing the one-shot. I'm not gonna know what I'm doing, and you're not supposed to get pissy about it. Go back to your years-long campaign if you're gonna whine about new players. Thankfully the GM was awesome and shut the two dudes down. But it still left a bad taste in my mouth. Which sucked, because I really like the game system.

I'll have to look into FATE.
That sounds fun!

I've played a couple one-shots of Vampire: the Masquerade. And I liked the game itself and the GM. But I didn't like a couple of the other players in the second game. They were very judgy that I didn't know what I was doing... Like, dude, that's kind of the point of playing the one-shot. I'm not gonna know what I'm doing, and you're not supposed to get pissy about it. Go back to your years-long campaign if you're gonna whine about new players. Thankfully the GM was awesome and shut the two dudes down. But it still left a bad taste in my mouth. Which sucked, because I really like the game system.

I'll have to look into FATE.
FATE can be hard to wrap your head around. It’s very loose. It worked perfectly here because my kids basically just wanted to be silly vampire caricatures and all the fights were very cartoony. But it did work, it also worked well for the G.I. Joe comic book game I ran, but I found more veteran gamers had a harder time adapting. YMMV.
FATE can be hard to wrap your head around. It’s very loose. It worked perfectly here because my kids basically just wanted to be silly vampire caricatures and all the fights were very cartoony. But it did work, it also worked well for the G.I. Joe comic book game I ran, but I found more veteran gamers had a harder time adapting. YMMV.
I'm browsing through my LGS's Discord now to see if anyone there runs FATE. Looks like it, but not as a regular thing. More like, "hey I'll be at the store running this on a random Tuesday if anyone wants to come." That sort of thing.

I also had to google YMMV. I am old.