What makes your S o u l F u l l?


Dolce con un morso
Feb 26, 2012
What makes your Soul Full? Is it your mate, food, music, sex, love......

We all have one. What makes yours full? Show it 😉
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“It is not so incomprehensible as you pretend, sweet pea. Love is the feeling we have for those we care deeply about and hold in high regard. It can be light as the hug we give a friend or heavy as the sacrifices we make for our children. It can be romantic, platonic, familial, fleeting, everlasting, conditional, unconditional, imbued with sorrow, stoked by sex, sullied by abuse, amplified by kindness, twisted by betrayal, deepened by time, darkened by difficulty, leavened by generosity, nourished by humor and “loaded with promises and commitments” that we may or may not want or keep.

The best thing you can possibly do with your life is to tackle the motherfucking shit out of it.”
― Cheryl Strayed, Tiny Beautiful Things: Advice on Love and Life from Dear Sugar

I do not believe in soul mates, but I do believe in mates that can twine into your soul. Through love, time, and hard work, one can have a partner that is as close to a soulmate as possible.
I do not believe in soul mates, but I do believe in mates that can twine into your soul. Through love, time, and hard work, one can have a partner that is as close to a soulmate as possible.

Exactly SD :rose: SoulMates are people who fit ~ US :)
You take me away...................and I don't care to come back:rose: