🎃 Halloween Candy Battle 🍬🍬 —- closed until 2025

Poor Jolly Rancher’s never stood a chance against Reese’s!

I do this as well, but instead of eating the center in bites I pop it in my mouth and suck on it until it melts in my mouth. And yes, I do get judged but suck it 😉

My vote’s for Reese’s if that wasn’t clear
Jolly Rancher's have there place but not in a delicious candy competition. They are good to suck in your mouth and to curl your tongue around when you are busy doing something and do not have the time to enjoy something deeply pleasurable.
"Reese’s is set to release a crazy new peanut butter and jelly peanut butter cup in 2025."

Looks like Reese's is already trying to strengthen its position for the 2025 Lit candy competition. I admire the aggressiveness.
Today’s matchup is one of epic proportions.
In one corner we have the chocolate heavyweight that has stood the test of time.
In the other corner we have a delightfully fruity and chewy option that slowly dissolves away if you can keep from swallowing. (Not a euphemism)

I’m going with Starburst strictly on the basis of so many other solid chocolate choices if needed but not near as many other fruity options that are as comparable.