😎 That Feeling When...

That Feeling When ... you write a really long, emotional, detailed reply to a PM and when you hit 'post reply' it says the 'Oops sorry' message, can others relate?
Then you (me) forget what keys to use to copy and paste and are in absolute fear of losing 5-10 minutes work on a rambling PM. I worked it out in the end and the PM got sent, but fuck that was stressy!
Zero stress hack: screenshot your message and you can easily highlight and paste the text from the image 😊
TFW when you are trying to get a bolt started into an engine and it’s in a tight spot and after 30 minutes of trying ….. it finally threads in correctly !!!!!
TFW you're working on Saturday morning but you're the only person in the entire office building so you can skip up and down the halls acting silly if you want to. 😆
The best time I ever had in the office was when we were moving locations. We had huge rolls of bubble wrap. There were about 20 of them and they were all stood up together at one end of the corridor. They were about 2 metres high and a metre wide each. We took it in turns to run up the corridor and jump into them. Sometimes they would topple over and the person would fall amongst them with some falling on top. It was a lot of fun but all the rolls didn’t survive 🤭
TFW You’ve gotten drunk at a wedding reception and hop up on stage and sing ”I touch Myself” whip out your penis, get into it, use it to play the air guitar and don’t notice everyone is staring at you until afterwards. 😲
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TFW You’ve gotten drunk at a wedding reception and hop up on stage and sing ”I touch Myself” whip out your penis, get into it, use it to play the air guitar and don’t notice everyone is staring at you until afterwards. 😲
You are back to your own design ruler again. They are staring because they are wondering who told the story that made you whip out the world’s smallest violin 😁
TFW you finally finish filling in the last of the holes you dug in the backyard and are thoroughly convinced that no one will ever find the evidence.

It's Miller time!
TFW the deodorant stings your armpits so much you run around the bedroom doing The Funky Chicken.