🥳Your Lit Year in Review [2022]🥳

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My year has been a bit all over the place in my personal life, and I think it's poured over into my Lit time. Sometimes here for a bit, then gone within a moment, but not for long. Sometimes reading, sometimes posting. It comes in waves.

I've made new friends, lost some old ones. My chat time is precious to me, and I tend to save my energy for those who matter most. Isn't that the way it goes?

The best thing about Lit is when things happen unexpectedly in the very best way. A friendship develops and becomes a crush, then an infatuation that turns into something so amazing that it's kept me smiling for months. I'm ending 2022 on the same high note that I'll start 2023 with.
In 2022 I became a mod in the PG. I was nervous about it at first. Modding in the How To and BDSM forums is very easy for me, but prior to 2021 I only posted in the PG from time to time, never seeming to fit in. I do feel like a PGer now, though. :)

I’m not as all in at Lit as I once was, but this place is still very much my online home and I’m happy to be here.
So my year in Lit has been quite fun!

I stumbled upon the forums by mistake. I was trying to find some help with my story and found the threads. I was more of an observer at first, but it didn't take too long for me to start making posts.

I have chatted with some great and amazing people on here. I have had some ups and downs with things in my personal life as of late and the threads that I visit most often always bring a smile to my face. It's nice to come here and forget about things for awhile. It's like my "serenity now" place.
Dude I have had this account since Feb and have not been banned yet. I think last was sometime in late Dec/early Jan with Unshaven Shaman but could be wrong. I dont know but still getting after it as much as a muh fucker can and sending as many dick pics as the skanks can handle.
I've had conversations with wonderful people. I've also been ghosted and dumped without explanation quite a few times. Felt like a typical lit year for me.
I haven’t been as active on Lit this year as I have been in the past. I thought I would walk away completely and then scratched that idea.
I’ve decided to post more of what I want without worrying about what others might think. I hope to do more of that in 2023.
Do to some health and personal issues I wasn't here for most of the year. Returning recently though has had its ups and downs, was glad to be welcomed back by some of my favorite people including a special friend convinced me to start posting in the first place. Was also saddened to see some others had moved on from lit and will miss not being able to have said goodbye, but that said things always change and evolve and new friendships have developed and I'm thankful for them. I'm hopeful 2023 will be a better and more active year for me with more interaction and connections with friends both new and old.

So thank you to all my old and new Lit friends and I hope you all have a wonderful new year ahead in 2023. 🤗
It has been an interesting Lit yr. I created my account in 2020 but didn't use it until 2022.

Early in 2022 I was grieving the end of an almost relationship that ended abruptly and I needed a distraction. As a good adhd'er I hyperfixiated in this place and spent wait too much time around.

At first I just clicked around personals and found myself arguing with the incels and thats how I found a friend I still talk to this day and someone who would become a crush. I probably have spent the most time in the PG. Sometime in the summer though, I began to lose interest and stopped posting as much. I'm glad for the very few connections I created that keep me coming back here even if is just for DMs.
I stumbled into Lit forum this year without realizing what it was. I'd written erotica for a few years, disappeared then came back out of sexual boredom. I think I first posted here in February. This is now my online home, so to speak.
I've met several people I genuinely like and many others I genuinely admire. While I'm drawn to the intellectuals, I find myself sparring with the incels sometimes. It breaks up the monotony of real life, sparring with the real incels.
I've shown my face (to a select few) which is something I hadn't done in 10 years on the internet (I swore I never would again) and shown other "sides" of me I never thought I would. I somehow miss all the good pics, though. I'm still a rookie.
I've been a long time connoisseur of the stories area of the site but decided to jump into the forum section late this year. I've met a few folks, discovered some new kinks, found some awesome threads and seen things I can't unsee. Looking forward to 2023 and meeting more of you all. Happy New Year.
It has been an interesting Lit yr. I created my account in 2020 but didn't use it until 2022.

Early in 2022 I was grieving the end of an almost relationship that ended abruptly and I needed a distraction. As a good adhd'er I hyperfixiated in this place and spent wait too much time around.

At first I just clicked around personals and found myself arguing with the incels and thats how I found a friend I still talk to this day and someone who would become a crush. I probably have spent the most time in the PG. Sometime in the summer though, I began to lose interest and stopped posting as much. I'm glad for the very few connections I created that keep me coming back here even if is just for DMs ABOUT COCKATARS.
And arguing with me about pineapple. 😂
My Lit year has had it’s ups and downs. I slowed down a little with the amount I was posting and even took a few small breaks from being online. I got bored at times and didn’t feel like Lit was enhancing my life any so stepped away. I have made some new friends, strengthened existing friendships and lost a couple of friends along the way. I can be a bit of a shit friend at times and need to work on being better at this. Topics and discussions with others have taught me things about myself, some good and some bad.

I think the most important things that I will take away from this year are laughter, support and friendship for which, Lit has given me plenty of and I am very grateful for.

The people here help me to find my happy place ❤️
I don't feel like I've been hugely around that much this year, or at least not in any really meaningful way. Perhaps next year. It's a fun place, but other issues have taken over.
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