A Pirates Life for Me. (IC)

"Aye, I rescued him. No Jahad should have to die the way he was going to." One-eye said. "The god's tell me you have an important part to play in this saga."

She smiled a little. It was interesting to hear someone speak of her so politely. She was used to people picking her apart and disliking her simply for her position of power. "They didn't tell you what part I will be playing did they?" She asked.

Of course, Rynver's curiosity was piqued with this information. "What have your God's told you?"
"Alas, young one. It is not for me to say. You must learn for yourself, if fate is to be properly aligned." One-eye said. "The skeins of fate are myriad and twisted, and to break one strand is to re-weave the tapestry."
Rynver's eyes narrowed at him as she sat there listening to him. "Fine... I'll buy that..." She said as she stretched on the bed and rested there, her eyes were still on him. She closed her eyes for a moment and then sighed heavily.

"Do you hate me as much as he does?" She asked opening them and staring up at the man who introduced himself as a counselor.

IC: I stepped into the shower, and unwraped the towel from my body setting it on the rack. I bent over and looked closly at the showers settings making sure it was set to water and not sonic.

I then stepped out of the shower and pulled off my one peice of clothing, my left glove. I admired the fine craftsman ship of my hand and smiled to myself. I then stopped and looked at the mirror analyzing my body.

My short dark hair had a slight curl and looked quite nice with my blue eyes. My skin was a soft white human tone. That all worked fine. It was the rest I considered changing. My body was that of a younger human, my position on this ship. My authority would seem more firm if I made myself older then the 18 to 20 body I currently had. But I just didn't feel old.

My hips could be brodened but that requires skeletal work, I can't make that decision on a fickle. Perhaps I could adjust my flesh down from my wait, and narrow it to widen the hips, but thats only a temporary solution. I wouldn't be comfortable with such poportions and my skeleton, not for long any how.

What of my side profile. I turned to expose my side to the mirror. My breasts worked with my age, if I were to go older they'd need some sag. Perhaps I could make them larger, although the cupsize is fine. No this works, why change it. I then looked at my bottom. I considered removing the curve or exagerating it. I'll sleep on it.

I then moved onto the shower and fliped on the water.
"No young one, unless i miss my guess, you were but a child at the destruction of Ogdru. I despise your government and that of the trik-ba'ad kreeyar, but not you. In truth Ren does not hate you either, but simply what you represent to him." One-eye said.
"No young one, unless i miss my guess, you were but a child at the destruction of Ogdru. I despise your government and that of the trik-ba'ad kreeyar, but not you. In truth Ren does not hate you either, but simply what you represent to him."

She nodded and could understand and appreciate that. It was understandable. Her eyes fell shut again. She was beginning to feel the day's events weighing heavily on her body. "Thank you for being so kind...." She said opening her eyes and attempting to sit up and pay him the attention he deserved.

"Do you intend to stay or will you be back?" She asked curious to see what it was the old man would tell her.
"I may return. I will speak to Ren, and make him allow you to come visit me if you so desire." One-eye said, rising from his seat. "Rengakus means more to me then you know, and then he knows. Some things are best left hidden." He said. "Good day to you Rynver Zheyn." he said walking out the door.
Ren walked alone through the streets of Wyndren Falls, going over things in his head. He didnt notice the group of people slowly converging on him. "Captain Rengakus Sejisilic Navarone'naya'gall?" a deep voice said behind him. He turned "Who cares to know?" he said, staring down the big Riada who had spoken. His hands settled on his belt, preparing to draw at a moments notice. The riada looked him at him as if here a bug to be squashed at leisure, which, if compared in size, he practically was. "You will come with us, by order of Pirate King Dolumar." he said. Ren smiled, "That's where I see things a bit differently. See, I'm not too keen on going without a fight, and no man in all the 'verse is my king. So i suppose we are at an impasse." he said, drawing his sabre and thumbing the phase switch, surrounding the blade in a slight blue sheen. "En guarde!"
Max slithered along in the shadows, following the distinct taste of Captain Ren left behind in the air. Max looked ahead, and lo and behold, there was the captain. But there was something wrong. He was being flanked and surrounded by a group of diverse people, at least 10 of them.

Max hurried forward, keeping to the shadows, getting close enough to hear the captain refuse to go quietly with the men. He drew his saber and prepared to fight. Max looked at the assembled group. There were indeed 10 of them, against one man. Fortunately for the captain, a few of them were rather close to some rather dark shadows that Max could get into, and he did, completely unnoticed by the assailants, but there was a chance that the captain saw the tip of Max's tail slide into the shadows.

Max stood up, still invisible in the shadows, save for the faint, yellow glow of his eyes. He would wait until the assailants were distracted before making his move.
One of the men came from the side, stun baton in hand. Ren easily dodged his strike and cut him down, two more came after. Ren launched a kick and sent one to the ground as he ran the other through. The rest came this time and soon Ren was on the defensive, dodging and blocking, unable to get an opening for a counter strike. He was able to fire off a kick and knock one down, and was able to strike another in the temple with his sabres hand guard, laying him out. It was then the big Riada caught him in the back of the skull with his stun baton. "Ow." Ren said before falling into the dust.

The riada picked the captain up and threw him over his shoulder. "Inform her majesty that we have him." he said to one of the other raiders as he walked off toward their shuttle bay.
rengadeirishman said:
One of the men came from the side, stun baton in hand. Ren easily dodged his strike and cut him down, two more came after. Ren launched a kick and sent one to the ground as he ran the other through. The rest came this time and soon Ren was on the defensive, dodging and blocking, unable to get an opening for a counter strike. He was able to fire off a kick and knock one down, and was able to strike another in the temple with his sabres hand guard, laying him out. It was then the big Riada caught him in the back of the skull with his stun baton. "Ow." Ren said before falling into the dust.

The riada picked the captain up and threw him over his shoulder. "Inform her majesty that we have him." he said to one of the other raiders as he walked off toward their shuttle bay.

The fight was quick, but Max had followed every move. Unfortunately, the ones who were closest to him were the first to move, so Max couldn't grab them. Of the first three to attack, only one lived. Sorta. He was knocked down, and, to Max's delight, landed close to him. Max grabbed the man, and before he could cry out, injected a toxic that caused paralysis, until the antidote was given. The now paralyzed man was dragged into the shadows, unmissed by the others.

Two more were knocked down in Max's direction, one of them already being out cold from a blow to the temple. The other was just starting to get back up when Max wrapped his tail around him, and squeezed. He was out like a light in seconds, unable to make a sound. He and the other were both dragged into the shadows as well, just as the fight ended. It would be sometime before the three that Max had grabbed were missed, if they ever were.

Max waited until the group had disappeared with the captain. Max picked up his three captives, and slowly and silently, made his way back to the ship.
Ren came to in a room he didnt recognize. Where am I? he wondered. getting to his feet a tad unsteadily. It was then he remembered. Dolumar! he realized. The door slid open and the big riada came in and unceremoniously grabbed him. "The Pirate King will see you now." he said as he dragged ren down the hall toward what must be the captains office. The door slid open and Ren was unceremoniously dropped. He swore loudly as he got up off the floor. He saw the back of a chair, and a small trail of smoke rising from it.

"I have waited for this a long time Rengakus Sejisilic Navarone'naya'gall." Dolumar said, in a voice that seemed off somehow. As if it did not befit a pirate king. The voice was decidedly feminine, but who'd ever heard of a female Pirate King?

"So you're Dolumar? I'll have you know that you are in direct violation of the code of the brethren, and i demand...."

"Silence Ren, I had no other way to get to you proper." As Ren's head cleared some more he began to recognize the voice, but it couldnt be, it was impossible.

"Turn and face me then rapscallion!" Ren barked, becoming angry.

"Very well."

the chair slowly turned, and slowly the form of a jahad female rose from the seat. Her face came out of the shadows.

It couldnt be. She was dead.

Max got back to the ship with his captives secure without incident. After arriving, he looked them up in the brig. He then moved to the comm and switched over to the entire ship.

"All officers are to report to the officers galley immediately. I repeat, all officers are to report to the officers galley immediately. That includes you, One-eye," came Max's hissing voice over the intercom. After making the announcement, he headed to the galley to await the others. He would be found waiting there when the others arrived.
One-eye heard the call over the intercom and decided that he did not care for the snakes tone. He rose from his meditation and enrobed, gathering his weapons. He walked out his door and headed toward the officer's galley, entering and sitting. "What is the ruckus Basilisk?"
rengadeirishman said:
One-eye heard the call over the intercom and decided that he did not care for the snakes tone. He rose from his meditation and enrobed, gathering his weapons. He walked out his door and headed toward the officer's galley, entering and sitting. "What is the ruckus Basilisk?"

Max was sitting on one side of the table in the galley, leaving the seat at the head that's usually reserved for the captain empty. He looked up as One-eye walked in, sat down, and then asked what was going on.

"A matter of grave importance has arisen," replied Max. "I will tell you more when the others arrive, so I will only have to say it once."

He then settled in to wait for the others.

IC: I threw on the new white outfit and strapped on my weapon belt heading to the officers galley.

Once there I spoke frankly. "Whats the trouble? Prisoner escape?"
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Max looked up once again to see the woman who was maybe the first mate, but Max wasn't sure (but he was sure that she wasn't human, at least), walk in and start asking questions. He merely looked at her and motioned for her to sit down, leaving One-eye to give the same or similar vague, mysterious answer Max had given him.

Max would wait a few more minutes for the others to arrive before starting to explain what had happened.

IC: I sat and waited a few moments before speaking. "We were given two days off ship, so I don't expect all the officers to show. As for the captain he went for a walk. Is this a matter we can handle?" I turned to one eye. "Unless the captain has returned, has that happened one eye?"
"If he has returned, then it is outside my knowledge." One-eye said. "Speak now barariku!" One eye said to max, his eye flashing with anger.
rengadeirishman said:
"If he has returned, then it is outside my knowledge." One-eye said. "Speak now barariku!" One eye said to max, his eye flashing with anger.

Max waited long enough, plus One-eye was getting mad.

"This has everything to do with the captain," started Max. "He has not returned nor will he return in the forseeable future. The reason: he's been abducted. By whom, I don't know. To where, I don't know. But I do know where to get the information."

He waited a bit to allow this information to sink in. Then he continued.

"I know he's been abducted because I witnessed it. I was tracking him during his walk, and caught up with him just in time to see him confronted by ten men. There was a fight and the captain was knocked out. I couldn't do anything to help him, but I did manage to grab three of the attackers. They are currently locked in the the brig."

He paused now to allow for questions and reactions.

IC: "One of you two interogate the prisoneers. The other should try and track where he was taken. If he is being held on world that would be best. I'll try and get the ship ready for take off incase he is now off world. That would take the most time. If he is on world we'll let the ship be and organize a resue party."

I looked at the others. "I suggest we get started unless you two have any suggestions."
cats said:
IC: "One of you two interogate the prisoneers. The other should try and track where he was taken. If he is being held on world that would be best. I'll try and get the ship ready for take off incase he is now off world. That would take the most time. If he is on world we'll let the ship be and organize a resue party."

I looked at the others. "I suggest we get started unless you two have any suggestions."

Max looked at the woman funny. She definetly was not human. A human would have reacted with surprise and started asking a lot of questions, rather than start dishing out orders for action.

"There is no use in looking on world. Before they left, I heard the leader say that they were heading for a shuttle," said Max. "He's most likely off world by now. And there is also no point in getting the ship ready yet until we know where we are going, and where the rest of the crew is."

IC: "Max, don't be foolish it takes hours to prepare the ship for launch. Especially when working from a down status like we currently are. We need the repair crews to clear the area and make sure nothing is left in a spot that will cause further damage. Our supplies aren't loaded. And the partial crew we do have isn't prepared to lunch for two days."

Looking Max in the eyes. "Now while I do appreciate the added info, of the captain either being miles away on planet or off world. I think your time would be better spent questioning our captive then telling me how to run what is currently my ship. Now I suggest that you take steps to find our captain's location, in the mean time I am going to have this ship ready to fly as soon as possible."

"One eye" I turned to the aged councilor. "Would your efforts be better spent aiding Max's interrogation or finding our missing officers and crewmen. If its the first send out two or three runners to fetch the crew. I am off to contact the dock workers."
cats said:
IC: "Max, don't be foolish it takes hours to prepare the ship for launch. Especially when working from a down status like we currently are. We need the repair crews to clear the area and make sure nothing is left in a spot that will cause further damage. Our supplies aren't loaded. And the partial crew we do have isn't prepared to lunch for two days."

Looking Max in the eyes. "Now while I do appreciate the added info, of the captain either being miles away on planet or off world. I think your time would be better spent questioning our captive then telling me how to run what is currently my ship. Now I suggest that you take steps to find our captain's location, in the mean time I am going to have this ship ready to fly as soon as possible."

"One eye" I turned to the aged councilor. "Would your efforts be better spent aiding Max's interrogation or finding our missing officers and crewmen. If its the first send out two or three runners to fetch the crew. I am off to contact the dock workers."

"One more thing, ma'am," started Max. "As Chief Security Officer, I must advise you against sharing the information that has been discussed here. Whatever you do, do not give the dock workers and non-crew members the real reason for our abrupt departure."

With that, he turned, and without a second glance, left for the brig.
"I will interrogate the prisoners, I had not expected this to happen so soon. Misread the skeins I have." One-eye said as he left the galley and headed to the brig. He sent the guards off to find other crew members, and moved over to the first cell. "Where is she? Where is Lumara?" he asked the first insistently.