My story was already featured on sun 11/14. My turn has come and gone, and a big thanks to all who commented on it, all of whom I thanked personally either in the thread or in PM.
I think next in the queue in terms of order is probably Varian P., and after her, Den Sel, if I'm not mistaken.
I'd like to offer up a new piece that's recently posted. I'd love to get feedback on it as it's my attempt at something very different from my other writing. It's 5700 words.
sad thing indeed to be losing one's mind.
carry on varian.
start the thread, standard title, include questions.
sorry, very big work committments here.
However, as there has been limited response to Varian's post, I'd be open to extending that story's period for another week. It's not as if there's a long line waiting and it's all the same to me. In this case, I will go up sometime in January since I will be off-line for the latter part of this month.
Either way is fine. Just let me know of what's decided.
Hi DS,
I'd prefer to go ahead. I realize a Christmas lull is settin in, but it's possible that some readers are having a Varian overload (as if such were possible!).
So go ahead an post your story, with the standard thread title, and prefaced by whatever you want to say about yourself, and your intent with the story, and any questions.
This of course means that your story may stay up for a while, perhaps over Xmas, but I'd as soon it were you. OK?
Den Sel is up this week 12-05-04. We are open for volunteers thereafter 12-12, although there may be a 'break' over Christmas and New Years if everyone's too budy.
I will try to contribute as often as possible, but I don't feel comfortable right now with putting up one of my stories. I have too much going on in real life and I don't have much time for writing or submitting stories.
So, for now, folks, we'll hang fire till someone "of the right sort" volunteers a story. As simple 'traffic director' I don't feel obliged to go searching in the underbrush; I see the obtaining of volunteers and material as something we all are to attempt, equally; equal obligation, to the extent there is any at all.
Not quite ready to volunteer but maybe near to it.
Got your PM invite/encouragement to come here, so here I am just saying Hi.
Got a piece submitted, it's about the fourth version and I still find embarrassing phrases, but so be it. Let it go, change it later.
Guess I should offer a critique on some others, and I will.
Are these critiques for those who ask for them? Is that the idea? Rather than offering a critique on any old story here? that would take place elsewhere? You know it takes a person a little time to find their way around this beautiful place.
So anyway...
I'm here - any ideas anyone has... right here.
Working on the words, and coming here. Really.
Okay, it's up - the story I mean. Inside my nerves are on massive overdrive, feel like a shy man undressing in front of a dozen models.
Yes, I'm need to critique a few others.
Any suggestions? And I need a couple hours to calm down, too, please.
And look, I already see weak areas in this thing - one, where the character walks on 'light pads' or something, which makes sound like she got glow in the dark feminine napkin slippers or something - and the breast description, yeah a little much, the Mongol thing... but unlike the first attempt which I found embarrassing enough to have deleted, this one I will leave no matter what.
Thanks so much!
Still nervous, still shaking. haven't even gotten to the second button.
Oh... it's called Grand Opening, prelude... New
As for suggestions, try the more recent ones, like Den Sel's. Every 'official' thread is dated in its title. All say, "Grassroots Discussion" Almost all other threads are largely drop ins, not actually involved in the process.
Hi Penny,
Posting here, asking to be put in the queue does it, since you've offered critiques in the past. Your story could go up as soon as the 9th Jan.
Let me know, here.
PS, from what I can tell you're definitely of 'the right sort.'
Tried to PM you yesterday, but got a box full error.
Yes, I would still like to volunteer, but I have few stories to select from of the appropriate size. When do I need to make decision & do I just start the thread with the indictaed title at the specified time?
to Den Sen
please give us a link to your story so we can find it and comment on it or if you have done so please explain to this first timer how to find it.
If you're interested the way to proceed is to offer a couple critiques of officially selected stories [labeled Grassroots Disc.], THEN put your name in the queue here.
Simply posting your story or a link, is best done at 'Story Feedback' forum, here at Lit. It won't necessarily get you much response here (depending on whether a couple folks are 'in the mood' for giving free critique).
Dear Pure
thanks for the advice. When I wrote my post above I wasnt asking for a critique of one of my stories but how and where to post a critique of someone elses. I worked that out. But may i now take up your kind offer (well I hope it was meant as an offer) and greatly daring ask whether its in order to ask for a story I have submitted and is still pending to be critiqued or whether it it s better to wait for it to be processed?
Stories used may be works in progress or submmitted and/or already posted. We are in a lull, and the queue is probably no more than one, so let me know when you've submitted critiques on two of the "official" stories; each in its thread, labelled 'grassroots discusion.'