Dear Pure
I have posted two already, both on 15.1.05 the first of Penny Streets story (to which she has graciously replied with a very welcoming comment - thanks very much Penny) and the second of Den Sec's story which second post is currently the last on that thread.
Glad to have you turn up and join in. Your story could go up this Sun Jan 23; that would be in its own thread. I will PM you with details, if that date's satisfactory (say so here).
Please introduce yourself in this thread and give the name and a sentence or two about the story, and its title.
For all newer people:
Incidentally, always feel free, in a critique to give points that arise for *you* in the story. There is no need to stick with the questions posed, though it's a courtesy to tackle some. One reason is that the author is not always aware of every issue; by analogy, consider that it's wise for a person going to a dr. NOT to limit the dr. to answering specific questions, like "What can you do for the pain in my knee?" Consider that, as a reader, what strikes you-- good, problematic-- may strike other readers similarly; and that's ultimately what writings about, isn't it?
Dear Pure,
I would be delighted (though also scared) to have my story examined in the week starting 23rd.
Thank you
I shall write the introduction after I get your PM
thank you again
Several persons have submtted drafts. If you cant figure how to make a url, then simply paste the story into one of these boxes. They take a lot 5-10000, though you might split it.
Dear Pure and all
is it my turn or would i be too early if i post my story now? I am rather scared of comments. Penelope Street has sent me some kind and helpful comments but I begin to see how much I need to learn before I can get to anywhere like the standard of people here.
A person has turned up more or less out of the blue and opened a thread bearing an 'official label', but I've asked him/her to join the queue. I've not had contact with him, just saw one critique recently. I presume s/he intended nothing improper.
Poussin is next.
Since I have no direct power to regulate or cull, I hope people will respect the queue if they want one to continue. If a 'free for all' is desired, that's fine too; it would not require any traffic directing and my 'duties' would no longer be necessary to carry out.
I hope to hear from Mr/Ms op cit and clarify the matter, but unless I'm seriously mistaken, the situation is as described. Presumably s/he is a fine person but without correct information about procedure aroung here. That story could go up in early Feb provided s/he straightens things out and talks to us.
I think I am supposed to open a new thread for my story so I have done so as you will see. I hope i have done the right thing. I have done as Penny did and ask you to read my story then read my comments. I am also asked to introduce myself. Im a schoolteacher in New Zealand and I am trying to write something other then essays and reports. Tell me what things you want to know and I shall add something more
I don't know if a thread title can be altered; it's worth a try; but (if so) you should make it resemble the other official ones, so you don't look like someone 'out of the blue.' "Grassroots Disc., etc."
This week, one 'out of the blue' person used the official label style, and you, the 'official' choice did not. I hope the titles can be fixed, but in any case, this is notice that
1) Jim is on.
2) op cit's thread is his own doing. 'officially' it's capped (stopped, as least for now) until and if he joins the queue.
Pure and all
sorry I guess I should have waited for your PM before setting out . Well poussin knows what to do i hope. I dont know how to fix the titles either. So what I did was start a new thread with all the information copied accross from the old one. I hope its right, Thank you all
I've been out of writing for a while. Only posting on some threads.
Seems the effort of doing NaNoWriMo (and finishing it!) killed all writerly instincts for a time.
I lost all cookies, so I'm posting here in order to get notices about this forum again. Hoping to get back to contributing and perhaps even writing.
NOTE: To those responding to the unofficial thread dressed up like an official one --op. cit--. Please post here if you wish the queue to be eliminated.
That can be done if most want it that way. If a free for all situation is more to your liking, that's fine--sort of like 'story feedback' but longer. At that point, no 'traffic directing' is necessary. I have no problem with 'retiring', no hard feelings.
I know mabeuse is a maverick on this one, and that's his right. But if most everyone wants to do as they please,and have any visitor post as s/he pleases, then we need to re think the format, with perhaps me getting out of the way.
Which do you prefer
a) 'free-for-all' (unmoderated/un directed) format,
b) directed, as at present;
c) other please specify
At present, by a seeming consensus, it's directed by me assisted by folks like rumple, black t. varian.
Set up the story in its own thread, titled as the others are with "Grassroots Disc 1/30-05 etc...." If it's been posted, then give its url. If it's long, please give a stopping point for the hurried.
Introduce yourself and
list any questions you have.
To all who've supported the straightening out of this thread, thanks. I appreciate those who've helped, including Rumple, Black T, Varian, Black S, and many others. It's good that many good writers have stuck around.
Laurel has appointed me as moderator, and I hope the housekeeping will be easier now. This thread will be the queue.
I've suggested she make the first page a kind of archive. I have upgraded the information thread, so I don't have to bump it.
All of your ideas and suggestions are welcome; those esp. from active participants will be given the most serious consideration.
The plan is to continue more or less as is: I don't plan to 'screen' stories or 'direct' feedback in detail, or make this an English class.
But perhaps some writing topics might be pursued in threads other than the story ones. At present, writing-topics threads are not common in any other forum.