Pure said:
Hi Box,
Have you done some critiques since your last posted story? I have not monitored each person. If the answer is 'yes', then yes, you may proceed on the 22nd. Confirm here.

Yes I have. Since the story about Cindy Lou was offered for dissection, I have issued critiques for stories by Black shanglan, Black tulip and Angelic Minx. The story I have in mind isn't quite finished yet but it will be by next Sunday.

I notice that you or somebody has apparently swept away most of the threads that were on this forum. I had to go to my control panel to get a list of all threads I have been in.
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Actually, the view has just been reset, Box. At the bottom of the thread page there is the option of viewing different time frames. If you choose "Beginning", for example, you can see the threads all the way back to November. :kiss:
threads are retained.

box and others,

all threads on topic have been retained and none were deleted by me.

if, as angelic says, you reset your conditions for thread viewing to 'begninning' or 'past year', you can go way back; in the former case, I see a thread dated March 2001.

threads about the business of the forum, under Killer Muffin, are all 'archived' in the sticky thread that's near the top at this forum

I will be finishing the draft of my story today with the final edit tomorrow. Since there is nothing else on the table right nor, I propose to post it here for dissection as soon as I finish it, rather than waiting for Sunday.

This is the second in the series that began with the other story I sent to the group. Cindy Lou becomes the roommate of the daughter of her employer and. The new roommate turns out to be bisexual and they get it on the first night in the apartment. I have posted three other lesbian stories and all are ranked rather poorly so I hope this one does better. I have read over the essay by Collie and I will be doing so again during the final edit. What I especially want is opinions from her and other women on the actions and reactions of the women in the story.

ok, box is up. please try to cooperate with the efforts to schedule, but no harm done in this case.
good luck
OK doc

OK, doc

doc's tome is up for this Sun 6-12.

incidentally a discussion thread was set up by me, on the issue of 'tension' in a story. contributions of any and all would be appreciated.

for convenience, i chose a recent other work by the good dr., but feel free to bring in other examples.
I need to apologize for not taking a more active part right now.
I really am sorry, but I'm swamped with work and the demands of my own study.
Writing papers and papers and papers ...

Not promising anything anymore, but I will try.

:eek: :(
Please take note

Guidelines for making a critique are contained in a sticky thread. Newcomers and others would do well to remind themselves of these.

In examining the work, remember you're not hired as proofreader. The focus should not be on fine details, 'picky points,' unless that's solicited.

In any case, simply naming a smaller problem, and offering an example or two is sufficient: "You have a comma problem, as shown in these sentences...." "Spelling should be checked." A list of 20 or 50 similar flaws is *not* called for, and should be PM'd to the author if you have reason to think s/he wants it.

Although not in force until now, the following has been added, for greater specificity:

[Added 6-16-05] It is NOT necessary to repost an entire story; rather use excerpts to identify passages you're commenting on, or simply describe/summarize the paragraph or passage, e.g., the scene when he first performs oral sex on her, at the beach.

In general remember a thread is supposed to be readable: it's a virtual discussion. If you're so inclined as to make a list of some type of error, e.g., comma misuse, do NOT post the whole list, but with suitable tactful introduction, PM it to the author. Many authors are happy to have typos caught, so they can be fixed.

If there are questions or suggested revisions to the guidelines, which merely represent common (best) practice, not commands issued from on high, please post them here.

Thank you.

da mod
Another new story to add to the queue

Hi Pure:

When you need another story for the queue, I've got one. I know I just had a turn, so no rush...just slot me in when there's a lull in offers.


I could do it on the 3rd...well, actually the 5th when I get back from the holiday weekend. The 10th wouldn't be very good for me because I leave on vacation the following week and so wouldn't be able to respond to posters.

Ok July 5. I just didn't want you to miss out, because people are gone around the 4th. But looking at the calendar, I suppose some will be back

It's hot as hell around here, but in case anyone can think,

Does anyone who's done some critiquing have a story they would like examined by our dedicated bunch?

Repeat offenders welcome.

(This is a slack time, but just thought I'd ask)

I'm willing to be eviscerated. Right now I think it's garbage as well, so I won't mind hearing that opinion from others. Advice of some applicable kind would, of course, be more helpful.
All right, let's get moving.

OK, Shang for this week of 9-11 and Scarlet next. I will mark Shangs as an 'official' thread so that contributors get credit.

PS. To retain some order, let's use PM's to add to or alter the queue (besides postings here). That will avoid overlaps, 'free for all', and keep to one per week, each Sun. Thanks to Shang for the season opener.
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oOScarletWingsOo I should post something on the 24th? And there will be a certain thread for it? :rolleyes:[/QUOTE said:
You will have to start a thread and post the story on it.
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