If I can slip in sometime mid october, that will let me recover from the halloween contest stuff AND finish this little pesky thing completely differant than anything I've written thats been bugging me :)

OK, Scarlet,

You post your story in its own thread, titled as others, on Sun Sep 25.


filthy fluff

As there appears to be a bit of a lag, I have a short (5,151 words), rather fluffy excerpt I'd love to get feedback on. It's a little attempt at writing something a bit lighter, more playful, and pathos-free, relative to my usual fare. Of course, since this isn't "Invasion of the Body Snatchers," it's still got a non-consent theme. :)

I could go any time, and don't especially care if I get a full week.



go today. set up the story in its own thread. OK?

i'm back, after a move, and lately an interruption of cable service.
thanks to all who've tended the sacred flame.

may i and we hear from possible volunteers who've commented on a story and wish to hear critique of one?


Hi scarlet.

The queue is at 0 now, so you may go Sun. I'm assuming your critiques are still being posted.

WB (What is WB? 'wrongly believed'?)
Pure said:
Hi scarlet.

The queue is at 0 now, so you may go Sun. I'm assuming your critiques are still being posted.

WB (What is WB? 'wrongly believed'?)

I suppose it means "welcome back" since you have just returned.
Hi Pure,

I would love to submit a Chapter 3 of my previous story feedback post, for review. :)
Pure said:
Hi scarlet.

The queue is at 0 now, so you may go Sun. I'm assuming your critiques are still being posted.

WB (What is WB? 'wrongly believed'?)

WB = indeed was intended to be "welcome back" :D

I'm actually not ready to post anything. So I'll go after CharlyH. So the Queue is now at 2.

And what do you mean "assuming your critiques are still being posted"? Do I need to make more crits. to post another piece?
oOScarletWingsOo said:
WB = indeed was intended to be "welcome back" :D

I'm actually not ready to post anything. So I'll go after CharlyH. So the Queue is now at 2.

And what do you mean "assuming your critiques are still being posted"? Do I need to make more crits. to post another piece?

Actually, go before me. :) I re-injured myself and with drugs I am a dreg for now. :)
Hi all,

Charley, did not mean to overlook your priority. Sorry.

Scarlet, thanks for going after Charley's postponement.

Scarlet said,

And what do you mean "assuming your critiques are still being posted"? Do I need to make more crits. to post another piece?

I haven't done the book keeping Scarlet. But the rule is two critiques for (i.e., before) each posting which seeks critiques. So, in brief, if your present number of critiques is twice the number of your postings including the one intended, then you need not (yet) make any more. I am assuming that is the case unless I hear otherwise. (IOW, according to my assumption, the answer to your question is 'no'; subject to correction by anyone who's done the count.)

I've been glad to see you participating, and I hope it's been enjoyable and profitable for you.
Just flying by to keep myself posted on this thread.
Still too busy to participate, but I haven't jumped ship...



I hate to read old stuff that people have already moved on from, but alright. If there is anyone in the group that has an old piece posted in the forum and would like additional feedback on, let me know and I'll make that one my 4th.
oOScarletWingsOo said:
I hate to read old stuff that people have already moved on from, but alright.
Seems a little pointless too, especially since the only reason you might be lacking a critique is lack of stories during the past few months.
Penelope Street said:
Seems a little pointless too, especially since the only reason you might be lacking a critique is lack of stories during the past few months.

I agree, I don't want to dredge up old stuff either, but since my return there has been little I've been able to comment on and all my other comments fall outside the 'in the past year' stipulation.

To scarlet, alex and penelope

Originally Posted by oOScarletWingsOo
=I hate to read old stuff that people have already moved on from, but alright. =

Originally Posted by Penelope Street
//Seems a little pointless too, especially since the only reason you might be lacking a critique is lack of stories during the past few months. //

[Alex]I agree, I don't want to dredge up old stuff either, but since my return there has been little I've been able to comment on and all my other comments fall outside the 'in the past year' stipulation.

There have been at least 15 stories in the past year. I believe some authors would be interested in any new comments. I'm not sure what's wrong with 'old stuff', unless it was hack crap to begin with. You could always PM the author as ask him or her if there's interest, and in what.

Second, I believe there have been five stories since (and including) June, so I do not see Scarlet's problem, even in that 4 mo. time period.

Lastly, I'd remind our distinguished group that the frequency of story postings is in your hands. I've recently requested volunteers and have not heard much.

I have 'flexed' the rules a little as to what counts as critique and to the point of occasionally considering *promised* critiques, but I believe the basic rule is sound:

For each new 'official' story submitted for critiques, there should be two prior non-trivial critiques of others' stories, critiques posted in the year previous to the posting of the new story.
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charley ---and note to wishful

go ahead and post tomorrow, Sun the 30th. Let me know if you can't, and I will do it, since I have the story. It's best if the thread is the author's, for then s/he can edit parts of it, at will, i.e modify the original questions, etc.

By the way, hasn't anyone cooked up a scary halloween story?

:p :nana: :devil:

ok, wishful, you're in the queue, probably for posting Sun Nov 6.

thanks for contributing
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I didn't "have a problem". I wasn't aware of what was considered old. I was thinking that anything without posts and active discussion for over 30 days was "old". Comments after that would seem, to me, less effective then fresh ones. I would think that the author was well out of the re-write stage by now.

So Charley is going Sunday? And I go next? Or am I going the Suday after the 6th? :confused:
Pure said:
go ahead and post tomorrow, Sun the 30th. Let me know if you can't, and I will do it, since I have the story. It's best if the thread is the author's, for then s/he can edit parts of it, at will, i.e modify the original questions, etc.

By the way, hasn't anyone cooked up a scary halloween story?

:p :nana: :devil:

ok, wishful, you're in the queue, probably for posting Sun Nov 6.

thanks for contributing
By the way, hasn't anyone cooked up a scary halloween story?

IMHO, Penelope's Halloween contest story exceeds the definition of "scary." Check it out.

Okay, so Charley's in the bulls-eye this Sunday followed in a week by wishful. Am I sorta, semi, in the ball park?

Rumple Foreskin :cool: