Ask Doctor Liz ... Again


The research conference was very enlightening. I learned soooo much.
I can't wait to put everything I learned there into practice.

Any volunteers?
Dear Drunk And Embarrassed,

We've all done stupid things on NYE. Trust me. So don't keep beating yourself up over a poor choice after too many over pour choices.

From our private sessions I have a good idea of what happened. And, as I said, this is a bit outside of my experience and my comfort zone. However, we all have to push our boundaries a little sometimes and that goes for me too. As a semi-licensed professional working girl, I know how important it is to talk about things. Especially uncomfortable things.

So, I invite anyone else who thinks they might have any insight or experience with your experience to reach out to you.

But also, I invite you to reach out to me privately via PM again. I promise I will listen this time.

- Doctor "I'm A Pro At Doing Stupid Things" Liz :heart:
I don't mind if anyone who thinks they might be able to help reaches out to me....thanks in advance
I may need a few private sessions know to work through things 😂

Dear Ready to Heal ;),

I won't know the best course of therapy to recommend until a few sessions in ... sooooo ... let's say every Thursday at noon for the next 8 weeks.

Or would you prefer every Saturday evening at 10 for the next eight weeks? I work from home on Saturdays but I have a guest bedroom you can stay in if you like in case our sessions run long.

- Doctor "I'm Very Flexible, And So Is My Schedule Too" Liz :rose:
Mmmm the avalanche of calls that are being placed ...

Dear Telephone Monitoring Technician,

Thank you for the update. I guess you are monitoring telephone usage spikes in Erin's area from your desk at the local phone company.

Thank you for all your "hard" work!

- Doctor "Help Is Always Just A Phone Call Away" Liz
Is anyone else tired of trying to post something on Lit and then waiting and waiting only for it
to come back and say 'Oops! Try Again Later'? :heart:
Feed the gerbils more .. especially when Dr. Liz is open for business

Since business is slow around here today
I guess I'll just get comfortable and spend
the day tidying up all by myself.
It's not dirty enough around here for me to need to bend over to do any lower dusting.

Maybe that's the problem! I need to start letting this place get DIRTY for a change! LOL
Hey don't burst my daydream bubble! You were certainly DIRTY in my thoughts...I mean the place was Filthy!:sneaky:

"Dirty boys have their place. If you make a mess,
be sure and show me so I can clean it all up."
Dirty boys are notorious for the loads of mess we can create....thankfully a friend likes wearing I don't think you will find the clean up to be a chore...

Dirty boys are notorious for the loads of mess we can create....thankfully a friend likes wearing I don't think you will find the clean up to be a chore...


It's wonderful elixir for the skin. I'm always happy to wear
a nice big, sticky mess proudly! Make as big a mess as you please!

(just try not to get it in my eyes!)
It's wonderful elixir for the skin. I'm always happy to wear
a nice big, sticky mess proudly! Make as big a mess as you please!

(just try not to get it in my eyes!)
I do aim to please (yes that means not getting it in your eyes) and thoroughly enjoy delivering big, productive quantities of my product and admire how your skin glistens with the hot mess treatment. Oh it cums with a nice hand pump in case you wish to help apply it to your skin for those special target areas. :cool:
I'm quite new to CFNM... I had a few experiences before, a past girlfriend exposed me in front of her friend but nothing crazy. Anyway, my wife and I tell each other stories, and most of the time I'm fully naked and she's clothed... and she'll tell stories of me being her slut or slave while jerking me and playing with my butt.. other times I'll be playing with her pussy and I'll tell her a story of her exposing me to her co-workers and embarrassing me, maybe using a vibrator... All that to say I thoroughly enjoyed your thread! As a novice I wanted to ask you what next steps there are, or if there are any... or any ideas you may have! Thank you, sorry for the long post

Dear Conversation Piece,

First off, let me say it sounds like your wife understands you very, very well. After centuries of being mere play things and arm candy for men, women are finally learning to take back our power and still get want we want and need from you Y-chromosome types by putting YOU on display and making YOU the conversation peiece in a group.

As far as what's next, that's entirely up to you and your wife. Communication is key. Always keep those lines of communication open. As you ramp up and extend your play, make sure that you both establish and mutually respect a SAFEWORD. Be sure to pick something unusual too so that it stands apart from your normal sexy banter. Something boring like "baseball" or something ugly like "politics" works best (unless of course one of your fantasies is being the pathetic, always mistreated water boy for an all female baseball team - then pick something even more boring like "golf" LOL)

It can "spoil the mood" to talk about your feelings or boundaries during playtime so that's why a safe word is so important. But if a boundary is crossed, or even almost crossed, be SURE to talk about it together afterwards. That sense of shared understanding will heighten both the pleasure and the trust you have in each other in future situations.

Secondly, I would hazard a guess and say what is probably next for you and your wife is probably to actually put you on butt naked display and make you a conversation piece with one or more of her friends. Thoughts lead to words, which is where you both are right now, but words very often lead to actions, which, if I understand you right, is where you want to get to. There's nothing wrong with that. Just be sure that the journey to get there is a MUTUAL desire.

Lastly, denial isn't just a river in Egypt :) You should let your wife catch you staring at the next attractive woman you see out in public. Yes, you read that right. Let her catch you staring at the next attractive woman you see out in public. You should, of course, apologize immediately when she catches you and accept without arguing any scolding that she chooses to give you. Then, the next day you should give her a neatly wrapped small present as you apologize again for your indiscretion. And that neatly wrapped small present should be in a pretty box and inside that pretty box should be a metal cock cage. Promise to wear your new metal cock cage under your clothes the next time the two of you go out in public together.

Then give her another neatly wrapped small present. Inside that neatly wrapped small present should be an expensive gold (or silver if that's her taste) ankle bracelet.

Ask her to wear the key to your cock cage on her new ankle bracelet so all the world can see that she owns you.

Let me know how it goes,

- Doctor "This Is For Your Own Good" Liz :giggle:
Lol I'd love for someone like you to... expose me... :)

Dear Thinks Any Ol' Doctor Will Do,

Good luck. According to my husband, the trouble with finding someone like me is once you do ... you're a goner. ;):)

- Doctor "Congratulations! You're A Goner" Liz
Happy Choose Your Own Nurse Practitioner Day!

(good luck. making it hard for you makes my job a lot easier lol)
