Ask Doctor Liz ... Again

I wouldn't know, Liz.. I was in jail! :rolleyes:

I know. And again, I'm really, really sorry, JJ. But if I remember correctly, you took the opportunity to keep on recruiting new patients in jail too. Isn't that where you met Bambi and Skye and Nikki? You don't have to answer. I know you always say "what happens in jail stays in jail" ;):):heart:
I know. And again, I'm really, really sorry, JJ. But if I remember correctly, you took the opportunity to keep on recruiting new patients in jail too. Isn't that where you met Bambi and Skye and Nikki? You don't have to answer. I know you always say "what happens in jail stays in jail" ;):):heart:
Lmao! :D:heart:
I know. And again, I'm really, really sorry, JJ. But if I remember correctly, you took the opportunity to keep on recruiting new patients in jail too. Isn't that where you met Bambi and Skye and Nikki? You don't have to answer. I know you always say "what happens in jail stays in jail" ;):):heart:
Have a Great time tonight Dr ... I'm sure you'll be at the top of your game for my treatment!! :kiss::kiss:
My accountant said I was crazy for putting a pool table in the breakroom.

idk, personally I think it's helped me get to know my employees a lot better.

I did let him talk me into having a surveillance camera installed and streaming it
on our website so that I can monitor it when I'm not there.

I never remember to turn the darn thing off though and apparently that has
caused an increase in blue and purple balls with some of my clients. But that's
just been good for business as far as I can tell.

Plus, I want everyone to see that I'm a cool, chill, hands-on boss.

My accountant said I was crazy for putting a pool table in the breakroom.

idk, personally I think it's helped me get to know my employees a lot better.

I did let him talk me into having a surveillance camera installed and streaming it
on our website so that I can monitor it when I'm not there.

I never remember to turn the darn thing off though and apparently that has
caused an increase in blue and purple balls with some of my clients. But that's
just been good for business as far as I can tell.

Plus, I want everyone to see that I'm a cool, chill, hands-on boss.

Liking the way you encourage your employees to be healthy and engage in vigerous excercise
Doctor Liz, can you look at this? It's badly swollen. . . .

Dear Self Diagnosing,

Hmmm ... well I'm glad you made an appointment but I really want to impress upon you how important it is in these matters NOT to self-diagnose.

It's actually not badly swollen at all. In fact, it's what we in the medical profession would call nicely swollen.

You can either pop it yourself, or for a small professional services fee, either I or one of my lovely assistants can pop it for you. Your choice.

- Doctor "There's No Such Thing As Badly Swollen Around Here" Liz
Dear Self Diagnosing,

Hmmm ... well I'm glad you made an appointment but I really want to impress upon you how important it is in these matters NOT to self-diagnose.

It's actually not badly swollen at all. In fact, it's what we in the medical profession would call nicely swollen.

You can either pop it yourself, or for a small professional services fee, either I or one of my lovely assistants can pop it for you. Your choice.

- Doctor "There's No Such Thing As Badly Swollen Around Here" Liz
Since I misdiagnosed myself, I think it better if I have that done professionally. ;)
I love Dress Down Friday...😊

Oh good. I just threw something on this morning in the dark because my husband was still sleeping.

Are you sure it looks okay? It's not too casual is it? I was running late so I didn't even have time to
throw on a bra or panties. And I forgot that the seam was split and it was going to be so windy today!

I have to maintain a professional appearance since I need my patients and my staff to respect me,
so please be honest. Don't just tell me what you think I want to hear. I can take it. I promise I won't
cry if you say something mean. I'll wait and cry later in the bathroom or something.

So, imagine me holding a clipboard in an examine room and counseling you about your relationship,
your desires, or ways to improve your sexual performance. Would you take it? Or just smile and nod
politely while you ignore whatever it is I'm saying because you think I look like I just rolled out of bed?
Which I did. But that's beside the point. Did I take Dress Down Friday too far this time?

Why is it that when I get up in the morning for work I immediately want to crawl back into bed?
Why is it that when I get up in the morning for work I immediately want to crawl back into bed?

Dear Wanting To Crawl Back In Bed When You Wake Up,

Well, it could be for any number of reasons ....

#1 - your current lover is hung like a horse and often dreams about Heidi Klum (or looks like Heidi Klum if you like other girls :) )

#2 - you live next to an all night motorcycle repair shop that closes right around the time you have to get up

#3 - you're convinced that your Hitachi has separation anxiety and you want to do the right thing and make sure it feels needed :devil:

#4 - you're a news junkie, currently binging some fantastic show (deets please if so!), or you've got a double life as a sexy, kick-ass crime fighter

or, #5 - there's something going on at work that is making you either nervous, or exhausted, or not wanting to be there. (it can be someone too)

If you are generally living for the weekends these days, then the good news is it's not a health issue. If you have energy on the weekends at least it's not a physical health issue (yet).

But mental stress has a way of messing with our physical bodies hard, so wanting to crawl straight back into bed after you wake up is a problem and it's a problem that you shouldn't let continue for too long or it very well might start causing other, even more serious problems.

If it's work-related stress then I suggest you buy an Hitachi (or better yet a sybian :heart: ) and do some sexual healing every night when you get home.

If it's inter-personal related stress then I suggest you examine the situation and think of 3 ways to put some distance between yourself and the person or persons causing you stress. Examine each one for its pros and cons and either pick one and implement it, or think up 3 more ways to distance yourself.

If you're also exhausted on the weekends then go see a doctor. I have several friends who had Covid and got better, only to regress back months later. "Long Covid" is a real thing so go get checked out.

If it's just a bad case of the blahs get out and get some exercise. ESPECIALLY when you feel like you don't want to. Or, find someone, or several someones, to have frequent, physical, sexual intercourse with.

Nothing regens your batteries better than:
a) something with batteries
or b) even better someone else

Let me know how it's going or if there's anything else you'd like to share about what YOU think might be really going on. The more deets the better.

Please do check back in!

- Doctor "I'm Serious About The Sex Stuff" Liz

Oh good. I just threw something on this morning in the dark because my husband was still sleeping.

Are you sure it looks okay? It's not too casual is it? I was running late so I didn't even have time to
throw on a bra or panties. And I forgot that the seam was split and it was going to be so windy today!

I have to maintain a professional appearance since I need my patients and my staff to respect me,
so please be honest. Don't just tell me what you think I want to hear. I can take it. I promise I won't
cry if you say something mean. I'll wait and cry later in the bathroom or something.

So, imagine me holding a clipboard in an examine room and counseling you about your relationship,
your desires, or ways to improve your sexual performance. Would you take it? Or just smile and nod
politely while you ignore whatever it is I'm saying because you think I look like I just rolled out of bed?
Which I did. But that's beside the point. Did I take Dress Down Friday too far this time?

Well Doctor...

That is quite an outfit you have there. It definitely looks like you’re taking the dress-down to the max. Maybe next Friday should be dress-up Friday instead 😊. And don't worry about the wind, although as the air conditioning is broken I've opened all the windows so it might be a little gusty.

As to the clipboard look - I think it matches the ensemble very nicely. I particularly like the way you handle the pen. Holding it between your teeth because of the lack of pockets shows initiative, and your patients are clearly in good hands. Bit worried about that one guy though. He does seem to have turned awfully red and breathless. Maybe you should check on him? It wouldn't do to have his heart give out before you gave him your special treatment now would it.
Since I misdiagnosed myself, I think it better if I have that done professionally. ;)

Dear Finally Coming To His Senses,

Wise choice.

Would you like to choose who, or how, you would like to have this swelling remedied?

Or would you prefer Doctor's Choice?

- Doctor "I Have Some Ideas But I'm Always Open To Suggestions" Liz
Well Doctor...

That is quite an outfit you have there. It definitely looks like you’re taking the dress-down to the max. Maybe next Friday should be dress-up Friday instead 😊. And don't worry about the wind, although as the air conditioning is broken I've opened all the windows so it might be a little gusty.

As to the clipboard look - I think it matches the ensemble very nicely. I particularly like the way you handle the pen. Holding it between your teeth because of the lack of pockets shows initiative, and your patients are clearly in good hands. Bit worried about that one guy though. He does seem to have turned awfully red and breathless. Maybe you should check on him? It wouldn't do to have his heart give out before you gave him your special treatment now would it.

Dear Polite Advice,

Aww, thank you! Aren't you sweet?

He actually requested my Special Treatment but there seems to be something wrong with his credit card, so we're waiting to run it again.

Hmmm, he does seem to be turning pretty red though. He might be another charity case.

JJ!!! I need you please! It looks like I've got another charity case for you to deal with. STAT!!!

(and yes I'll cover your dry cleaning bill again if any of his "charity" gets on your clothes)

- Doctor "You Wouldn't Believe My Monthly Dry Cleaning Bills" Liz
JJ!!! I need you please! It looks like I've got another charity case for you to deal with. STAT!!!

(and yes I'll cover your dry cleaning bill again if any of his "charity" gets on your clothes)

- Doctor "You Wouldn't Believe My Monthly Dry Cleaning Bills" Liz
Well it never happened before, so why would it now? But it's nice to know you got my back if it ever does. :D
Dear Finally Coming To His Senses,

Wise choice.

Would you like to choose who, or how, you would like to have this swelling remedied?

Or would you prefer Doctor's Choice?

- Doctor "I Have Some Ideas But I'm Always Open To Suggestions" Liz
I'd rather have the full treatment from the doctor. ;)