Being a Panster to the Nth Degree

I give you credit, I don't think I could pick something up years later. I'd lose the feel. Longest I've gone when leaving off and coming back is a few months and it took work to get the first and later parts of the story to mesh.
I finished a story in January that I'd moved away from back in 2009. Meanwhile, the only story I've ever really tried to outline has been at the very top of the "slushpile" since about 2005. I know how it ends, I just haven't been able to get it there.
The story I was writing for the Nude Day challenge has decided it would much rather be a spooky Halloween story. That's fine -- if I get an idea for a Nude Day one.
The story I was writing for the Nude Day challenge has decided it would much rather be a spooky Halloween story. That's fine -- if I get an idea for a Nude Day one.

Yeeeah, that happened to me this last time: the Halloween story decided it would prefer to identify as a Valentine story. Worked out well, but still.:LOL: