Casting Call For Final Thread

Ahh,.....the odd science of vampirism.

Well, I won't yell. Because Joseph does own the ruins of the house, and he has never changed his name. He simply keeps making up new birth records and death certificates after he feels someone should have expired.

He updates his owning every now and then, and they simply belong to the family.

Really, though, vampires tend to be a tad egotistical. Especially when they're older than all of these records.

And besides, how many vampires only have one house? A family can own a house, and if the owners only show up every generation or so,....who's gonna remember?

Just make sure to keep sending checks to the gardner.
Welcome Perfect :)

Sadly all the rings are taken but there is always room for another member to intermix with a new character. we would have to wait for the others give a yes or no to entering. Perhaps you could give us an idea of a character? Post an introduction here in this thread to mull over? It's a complicated story with a set ending, and I do have to give the other's say so.

I would be interested in seeing a character you can create if you are up for it? If so go ahead and post one here to go over with the other authors of this story :) It would help the decision making part.
First off, I am really sorry for stepping on any toes that were stepped on.

Second, in my expecrience, most vampires older than one hundred don't stop to think about little things like public records because they are anachronistic. As GM said, they tend to be a bit egotistical about such things, so I assumed that they would have done so.

Thirdly, as for me assuming without asking first, I did ask. Neither of you were here when I was posting, so I had to ask SweetP. Again, sorry for assuming.

Finally, I need to know exactly what it is that I need to edit my post to concerning the mansions in question. All I know as of now is that Cat's house isn't even there and John's house is owned by a DIFFERENT false name...(checking now)...Frank Smith. If there is anything else I need to know, I'd appreciate specific info before I go editing my post, because I'd like to edit it as little as possible.
Oh yeah, I forgot a few things

Sorry, but I meant to say a bit more.

The only reason I wanted ANY of that info was to help Aria get her memories back. Gumo doesn't know who the fuck these people are, so it really doesn't matter.

Also, if you were to search Gumo in Japanese public records, yes, you would find him. He has been the owner of an account that has supported one family's holdings all over Japan and Okinawa for the past five hundred years. He does not know that he could be tracked through these holdings, and isn't really worried about it, because they can't find him from those documents. As for flight records, Gumo doesn't know how to fly a plane, so his name was never on any of them. The Okama Corporation is, however (with the sole exceptions of a few slightly illegal ones, like the rented plane out of the airport where that fight with Willow occurred), and the Okama Corporation is supported by, you guessed it, that account held by Okama Gumo. In religious records, simply Gumo comes up as an Okama family ancestor dedicated to Obligation, Honor, and Propriety. If you would like to use these, be my guest, but try to be realistic in what you do with this information, because they aren't really going to do any good with anything I can think of, except for starting a financial war against Gumo so as to erode his power base, and even then, good luck, because all of the holdings in public record top out at $26 million equivalent.
Just edit out Any reference to John's house as coming back nada. And as for cat's just edit it to be a rental or something. Since the facts are obviously "controlling' someone's character, leave it as nothing viable.

GM said to me he didn't mind and he posted it here. So it's alright to refer to Joseph and Aria's homes. Sorry Vandal, I didn't know this would create a major problem over something so small and insignificant.
I did mess up with John's house reference. it was owned by his parents and he just lived there. I forgot to put in details for john's as coming back useless information. That was my error there.
Okay, here's what a more complete check of Joseph DeLonaye will bring up.

Joseph DeLonaye.

-Youngest member of the DeLonaye family, an ancient French family of major standing.

-No certain place of residence. Although he owns many homes, it is impossible to tell where he may show up. Current credit card purchases show him as to having stayed in many hotels throughout Europe and America.

-The DeLonaye family owns 35 homes. 3 spread throughout France, One (demolished with plans to be rebuilt) in New Orleans. An apartment in New York, a flat in London, and so forth and so on. Twenty of these homes are in remote locations, and the rest are spread throughout major cities.

-Joseph DeLonaye has completed over a hundred mail-order college degrees.

-Members of the DeLonaye family, all named Joseph, have served in every major documented war. (All are shown as having died in battle.)

-The DeLonaye family owns 135 peices of real estate across the planet, which are not homes.

-Joseph DeLonaye makes money through the 4 businesses he owns. One is an accountancy agency in England (which takes care of the family's expense), a popular French candy company, the world's leading supplier in sandpaper, and a small museum in southern France showcasing rare peices from the last 1800 years.

-Joseph DeLonaye (current) is show as having married Aria Rae Smith and having had one child, Micheal DeLonaye. All three have current death certificates. Micheal is buried in a family plot behind the DeLonaye family's main home. Aria was cremated and buried next to the boy. Joe was cremated and spread out at sea.

-Cause of death is having burned to death in the tragic accident aboard their yacht.

-Current owner of the DeLonaye family fortune is Joe's nephew. Who, now out of college, is travelling Europe by bike.

(Current records falsified by everybody's favorite friend, Vlad! But you don't know that.)

I didn't know this would create a major problem over something so small and insignificant."

As to this comment, SweetP considering you are one of the top correctors when you don 't agree with something you of all people should know what is "Small and insignifigant" to one person may actually matter to someone else and therefore you shouldn't diminish it's meaning. You make my opinion sound petty and condescending which it wasn't. I was only pointing out something to Vandal for future reference, last I checked Kat's house in the french quarter was still there (considering that no one ever went there for anything other than to hide under her protection), and the house that was across from Johns Parents was destroyed. So that is what I was basing my opinion on, what I said wasn't put there to "Yell" or ruffle feathers.

Vandal my apologies if you took it as such, there is no need to edit anything just Private message me with a warning the next time you wanna do something with Kat. I don't really care but I like to know ahead of time so I can maybe work it into my plot somehow. That is all I was trying to say before.
Cat's house was the first one she stopped at in the story and took note of the address. Which is no where near John's and Aria's house. Its in the post. I simply used the information from the family when I answered Vandal's questions. Since you wrote in the family a few times that house (the one in the french quarter) was Cat's house, newly aquired, I assumed that meant owned by cat.

That is why I said it was a tiny little thing because it was previously stated in the first thread..
OK.. this was finally straightened out a little.

I will be the first to say I am sorry for any slight my words may have been taken but was not meant to be.

The trouble is Vandal edited his post already so I couldn't point it out.

Information he got while there at the sight was information on two homes and a fallen mansion and information on Cat's house in the city limits. All I can figure is some how the houses got confused or confused reading it.

It was never meant to state cat had a house out there, she didn't. I dont recall it saying that she had a house out there with the others, it could have been written wrong, came across wrong or whatever. its been fixed. No references to Cat's house in the French quarter are made now.

If you want to scream at someone, let it be me. I am trying to explain to a new comer to this story the set up of the old area from the FAMILY. Things can easily get confused and I didn't really plan on going down this street for memories. So please, be patient. Give us a break here and dont jump on to bite right away without asking first. No one was controlling anyone's character here but trying to post some facts from the family as Vandal stated. Its a simple misunderstanding and to solve the whole problem, I wont make reference to anyone's past from the other stories and will not use them again.

All better now? (this is not sarcastic or condecending in any way) I just want to get along work together and make the last chapter good :) ok better than good. *grins*
My forehead hurts from me slapping it so much

I need a fuckin' cigarette.

OK, if you read back when Gumo and Aria first left the restaurant, you will find that Aria told them to pull over at a house. Gumo told his assistants to check up on the house, and that is the info that they called him with when they were at the group of houses OUTSIDE TOWN. While he was on the phone with them, he asked them to do a quick check on the houses they were at.

If I need to edit my posts AGAIN, please tell me and tell me what I need to put in.

:rolleyes: :D
If it was so tiny and insignificant, than why write it in the first place? Seems to me she got her memories just fine without having to dig up a bunch of back references.

Personally, like I said before, I really don't mind little details like that. It's not going to alter anything of mine whether the son or the father owns that house or not...

Coincidentally, none of the names are false. John Smith is his real name, and Frank Smith is his real Father's name. I'm just really bad at coming up with names, so I thought the most obvious would be the easiest. Although, Gumo probably is right in interpreting it would be a false name, I mean, with those, who wouldn't?

You want all of his information Vandal?
Oh good lord. I said it would take an hour, and I'd probably make up things, but if it'll stop more of these kinds of situations, fine...

John Smith (might as well start from the beginning)
It'll come back as him being about 25. White caucasian now with several properties along the eastern seaboard. Most predominately New York and New Orleans.
The record will show him married, to a one Trinity Cross. They got married at a pagan ritual in Georgia (you wanted to know).
One DUI, which was later appealed in court, and one misdemeanor assult charge in Louisiana. The person who charged it against him didn't show up to court (vampires have a hard time showing up to court dates when they're dead) so it was dropped.
Ummmm, I don't know exactly what triggers off a Supernatural whatever thing, but nothing will show up. In fact, just for future reference, none of my characters have a Supernatural accounting on any of their records. Might as well set that straight right from the start. According to any search, public or private, they are all normal human beings trying to get a piece of the American dream.
(even if they happen to live in another country)
John owns a company called Switchsoft. It's reported to be a counseling company that helps new couples and teenagers cope with everyday life. It has an assortment of areas to help certain people. (this won't show on any record, but in fact these are halfway houses for vampires, to help them grow up and live on their own.... hush hush though)
He regularly pays his taxes, has no problem with the I.R.S. and helps his landlady take out her garbage.
Yeah, I borrowed that from someone else. So sue me.

Sebulba. Obviously not his real. So, you won't find anything unless you know his real name.
And you don't know his real name, (even I don't know his real name, he's very secretive)
All you'll get from a search for Sebulba will be what it means in Russian. (go look it up, you'll be pleasently surprised)

Willow. His real name. Willow Goodson. He is the president and C.E.O. of the company known as Vancom Products. It proposes transportation of most everything in the world. From crude oil to children's products. Most of that is a front though, for all of the dealings on that Mongrel really does.
Of course, Mongrel's men work very closely with the government officials, and so nothing out of the ordinary (hence, supernatural) is going on. Lots of groups working for the company, lots of money under the table. A true crime sindicate if anyone looked close enough.
(but since no one knows how to look close enough, save for Keith, you don't have to worry your pretty little head about it)

Mongrel, again, not his real name. (partly cause, like I said before, I'm not good with names) you won't find anything, you don't know anything. He isn't on any records of any kind. Willow is the proposed sole benefactor of all the businesses, for a reason. No one that high up makes himself known that he is that high up. He's the man behind the curtain, pulling all the strings.
He's a thousand year old wizard who made a deal with the devil. How's that for informing? I haven't even told SweetP about that little tidbit yet. Here it is folks, the front page, all the gossip you can handle.

Lance, Again, not his real name. His real name is Vladimir the Impaler. If you would like to know more about Vladimir, please consult your local library. He's told very few people about this, so no one assumes that he is. He changed his name cause the old one didn't fit him... too evil, one might say. (hee hee)
You won't find a thing, except what a lance is. An extended javeline used in ancient roman fighting. If you want to know about the specifics of Lance, since he's the most prominent character (in somuch as knowledge and plot) please pm me.
You see, part of the point of all of this, is for me, The writer, to take you, the reader, on a ride of sorts. I don't want to tell you all the turns and curves, cause it ruins all the fun. That's why I keep Lance's little regeneration trick a secret, cause if you know, it blows the whole ending.
Which is exactly why I'm not asking Vandal about his whole demon thing. I trust Vandal enough to take me on a little ride. He'll add his own twists, and turns, through a few dangerous curves, but bring me back on my feet in the end, so I don't want to ruin it. I read it for what it is, and couragiously wait for more.
Don't tell me a thing Vandal, I like surprises.
Although, if you don't like surprises, I understand that, and I'll tell you whatever you want to know. No matter how bad it ruins anything. I don't mind, I'm going to write it anyway.

Keith about 30. Born in Melbourne. He is a deputy for the Melbourne local police station. At this point they will say he is on assignment, although his boss is really pissed off about that. If you call him, he'll be angry.
He has lead a pretty clean life, no marriage, living single in a flat downtown near the docks. Owns a car, a pinto. Not a very wealthy man, spends most of his money on his computer equipment. Somewhat of an expert, but he uses it to surf for unexplained monster sightings, especially vampires.
He got his wish, don't you think?

Robert. I don't have to stress the real name thing, do I? Actually, I'm keeping this one a secret, cause the magician mustn't tell all of his tricks. I'm waiting till the end for everyone to reveal this little tidbit. Just be way, Robert isn't what he seems.

In fact, none of my characters are what they seem. Willow is more scared of Mongrel than probably Aria and Lance put together. Sebulba isn't human, (I know, but I mean literally). Robert isn't as evil as one might think. The clues are there, if anyone cares to look. Lance's regeneration trick isn't the advantage everyone thinks it is, and Mongrel is paying his own price for his powers. None of these characters are one dimensional (except for maybe Sebulba, but he's a good one dimensional character).
There you are. 47 minutes of my life destroyed, but everyone else a little wiser for the ware. I hope this satisfies whatever sort of wish you had when you started reading this.
Pooh, I wasn't quite asking for all of that, but it actually is helpful if certain situations arise, and they might seeing as how my character operates like that. Use the resources at hand. If some bored plebe has taken all the time to put public records up on a website where everybody and their dog can read it, well, just consider Gumo somebody and Hiro his dog.

As for the Demon...he...hehehe....hehehehehehehehehehe.
Trust me, it won't be helpful in the least, but you wanted it, so there it is.

Coincidentally, Lance's Underoo's also give him X-ray vision, as well as the gift of flight. Which is why he can see who's wearing what kind of underwear.

(Aria wasn't lying when she said she didn't wear any... hot damn)
In case I wasn't clear in the post...

Yes, I figured those two in particular would be Kat and Ray, but they don't have to be. I just thought, i needed to get Christian involved more, and since the two were at a club, why not be at Isabelle's club, and near Christian. If you don't want to run with it, I can make it something else. If you do, remember that the idea isn't to cause a confrontation between Christian's crew and the two other Ring-bearers. I figured, if we want more violence, I set it up so there are others around that might be together, just not with Ray and Kat. Let me know if I stepped on any toes, I can always edit.

nightray gone? I was gonna wait for his post, but I guess that might be a bad idea. I'll get to you soon, Firegirl...
Ray has been sick. He got on last night said he was sorry and he'd be in today to hopefully gather some thoughts and post. He's trying to get back here but I think his cold is not a mild one.

Did Christian tell Ab how to get ahold of him? I cant think either nor recall exactly.
AB requested a phne number, but I don't remember posting him giving her one. I didn't contradict I'm certain, so we can sell that she has one. It'll be the number for the club, though. Most likely, she'll speak with Isabell first.
Ty Qc :) I couldnt recall so I took AB to the club, but she wont interfere with the scene going on now. just wait for a little while see what happens.
Sorry I haven't posted in a few days, guys. I've been so busy it's not even funny. Please forgive, and I"ll be doing my best to post more often.

wanted you to be aware of something. The rings go to those that are worthy of accomplishing this quest.

Switching sides for "monitary" reasons, in other words becoming "dark" or "bad" would make said character unworthy and the ring will then leave that hand in which it's taken up residence.

So said, I will be looking to transfering that ring to another character since the plot has twisted the way it has. Nice twist by the way, and very unexpected. This doesn't mean you are out of the thread by any means. It means the ring moves on, Gumo's actions are up to you still.

And this just occured to me. So I am still debating on whether or not Ray maintains a ring as well. Its a little different but still half and half would warrant the same actions. I'm thinking this over, have any input don't be shy to add it in :)