Casting Call For Final Thread


I didn't forget about you guys but unfortunately with everything going on I've been a bit busy. As some of you may know I'm a Lt. in the USAF and since the US is part of this whole hell on earth thing my posts may be a bit lagging. However I am still very into the story it just may take me awhile to post sometimes. I'm sorry ahead of time and if it is an issue then I will quietly duck out but I would really like to stay in the mix. By the way does anyone want to know anything about what is going on?? I may be able to shed some light on some questions for ya:)
:) take your time Firegirl, we'll be here holding your spot :)

Post slow or quick, whatever you want, but we wont out ya for going slow :)

Be safe


p.s. Its too early for me to think of the questions I had before ;)
Take your time. It seems like everyone is trapped on planes.

...That just sounds off. Anywho,....whoo,....bored.
OK guys, I just read Firegirls' post and stupid me was caught off guard. Firegirl, just so you know, I think (and hope) that I speak for all of us when I say we're all here for you no matter the need.

I usually try to stick to things that are pertinent to the site when I get on, but at times like these, some things kind of need to be said. I know this is a role playing site and foremost an erotica site, but religion can hold romantic or even erotic ideals, though in this day, age, and world, it's almost like painting a target on ones forehead to even touch the subject. Keeping that in mind, I'm going to way something mostly for Firegirls' benefit, but I think every religion has it's wisdoms, and that people have the intelligence to accept or ignore anything their own sensibilities respectively fit or do not. I am a Norse panthiest. Most specifically, I have dedicated my life to the service of Thor, god of the common man, sensibility, and the hard day's work. There is a prayer that the Norse have had for the entirety of their recorded history that is intended as a bolstering of faith, familial pride, bravery, and brotherhood. If you've seen The 13th Warrior, then you've heard this prayer, and yes, they pretty much got the short version right in the movie.

Lo, there do I see my father,
Lo, there do I see my mother, and my brothers, and my sisters,
Lo, there do I see the line of my people,
Going back to the beginning of time,
Lo, there do I see Odin, our father, watching over our steps.
They beckon to me,
They bid me join them in the halls of Valhallah,
Where the brave shall live until Ragnarok,
Where the brave shall live forever.

The implications of this are nigh unto limitless, as with most prayers. I recite it now, watching the coverage of the new war in Iraq, and as with every time, it is the only thing which threatens to bring me to tears. Blood has already been shed, and unless fate has a strange bend to run, it will continue to flow even after you read this. I can only offer this wisdom as the reason I felt compelled to write that for all of you to see.

The ONLY thing more precious than life is the ability to live it. Good uncle Walt Whitman wrote that he hoped only to live his life and not that when he came to die he looked back only to discover that he had not lived. To all of my countrymen and countrywomen in Iraq fighting for my freedom, and goddamnit, my life, I will be honest with you. I don't personally believe in this war, but if you have the courage and conviction to lay down your lives for my safety and well being, and do a job that I could not do, then I count you among those brothers and sisters I'm talking about when I recite that prayer -- I count you among the brave. However the cosmic trail works, if any of you happen to go where I am going, I hereby make the promise to have a cask of mead in hand as I greet you at the gate, provided I get there first. I hope you feel the same.

God(s) bless you all, and you are in my prayers.
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Very noble words Vandal. I don't think anyone could have said it better.
What does this mean?
"Where the brave shall live until Ragnarok?"

I always thought Ragnarok was some sort of dragon, but never knew the dirivitive or the story behind it.
poohlive said:
Very noble words Vandal. I don't think anyone could have said it better.
What does this mean?
"Where the brave shall live until Ragnarok?"

I always thought Ragnarok was some sort of dragon, but never knew the dirivitive or the story behind it.

Ragnarok was, I believe, the end of the world. It was the great battle that Odin was supposed to be collecting hero's for, I think.

Not too sure.

Really beautiful, Vandal. I liked it.
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Grand Mage is right. Ragnarok = Apocalypse = the Final Sundering = Armageddon (although that last one is also the name of the place said battle takes place supposedly).
Ragnarok (and no one is real sure if this has supposedly happened already or not) is basically when Loki (trickery and mayem god) pulls some shit, releases the Fenris (giant ill-tempered wolf, and that's putting it nicely), and wages war on all who fail to bow before him. At that time, all of the warriors who were judged by the Valkyries (some people have St. Peter at a gate, we have beautiful scantily armored battle bitches standing by as we bite it) worthy to enter Valhalla are called back one last time to fight in the final battle.
So, there you go.
Still here, guys..

...and sorry for the long absence. I'm halfway through page 8, and working my way to the end. Just a few questions real quick. Does Mongrel have anyone searching for the ring-bearers? Just curious if there was any way for me to throw Sebastian back into it with a little more action. I want him involved, but to be a little reserved (at least at first) and less than willing to be so involved. Driven by duty and not by desire (as said desire would have been greatly damaged by his recent loss). I also was thinking about writing up a character, more NPC than real, like poohlive said in one of his posts (ooc, but on the regular board--I just read it too) we need some more bad guys who are more flesh than one-dimensional NPC tend to be. I think I might be able to provide a character of that type. If it's alright for me to create one, that is.
Oh, and Firegirl, I didn't miss what you posted about being in the USAF, and it isn't that I don't have a response, just that I think everyone, Vandal in particular, already covered what I had to say. Just didn't want you to think that I didn't appreciate...

Just wanted to say THANK YOU to everyone for all your words. My intention wasn't to gain any kind of anything simply to explain why I seem to be slacking in my responses on here, however words cannot begin to express the appriciation I feel at such thoughts. I don't think people realize just how much all this anti-war protesting is diminishing moral. I know everyone feels like they are helping by saying to bring the troops home but the fact of it is that we are over fighting for people to have the right to protest about us being there:) Such a vicious circle.

Vadal I printed out what you wrote and passed it around to some of the guys. There wasn't a dry eye in the house, the military teaches us the way to prioritize GOD CORP COUNTRY, somewhere in each of these over all catergories is friends, family, etc etc. I can honestly say that I speak for most of us by saying (As a religious minority myself) while the soldiers are here all thoughts of race, religion, and sex pretty much get thrown away. Everone is driven by a common goal, and survival isn't it. Protecting our families, our freedom, and our very way of life is all that is on anyones mind. Reguardless of what the Gov, the UN or any other political figure sends people overseas for we go for our own purpose. When we agree to give our lives and bodies to our country we don't do it so that the president gets re-elected.....we do it to maintain something that we believe in and love. Few of us want to fight, but we want to continue to live in a place where you have rights, liberties, and freedoms.....there are things going on right now in Iraq that I can't even put into words. The injustices being done are such that if it was all released would sicken the US people even more than the horror that has been s hown. Besides I don't care what the Gov says, I still haven't forgotten what happened on 9/11. We owe those bitches a taste;) Again my thanks goes to everyone for their kind words and believe me our thanks goes out for every prayer/blessing out there. WE can use all the help we can get.
I wish everyone could read that, might open some eyes.

Hey, QC, wanna know the reason I created Willow? Before I put him in any of the past stories or made him some hate monger, I created him because all of the good guys kept killing all of the bad guys with a punch or a kick. I thought, if I put a name behind the "typical" villan, they wouldn't be so easy to just kick him and kill him.
Of course, now he's so imbedded into the plot I wouldn't be surprised to see a ring on his finger before we're finished.
As for searching for the ringbearers, I really don't think Mongrel cares much. But, that's kinda stupid for the plot, having the bad guy only care about one of two of the good guys. So, I will say no problem to that. He's got spies everywhere, they were told to look out for any weird vampires with more than special powers, and bring them to him, dead or alive. Not too bad of an incentive.
And then different characters? Personally, I don't care. I would love more bad guys, and I'm really not the one to tell you no. I think I have a total of 5 people in here now. Lance, Willow, Mongrel, Sebulba, Keith, and Robert. Yeah, that's five. If you've got an idea for a character, bring him out.
It is SweetP's thread though. As she so adamently puts it. Her final approval is what you need. But, I don't think she'll mind, especially since it is needed in the thread right now. Mongrel is really strong, and just going to him head one will kill all of us, and end the plot faster than any of us could imagine. A few carefully planned obstacles along the way will prove most useful.
Thanks for all your ideas. I think this is really starting to be a decent plot.
A quick reminder:

Okay, since Christian has been awol since page 2, I figured I should give you guys another once over about who he is and what's going on.
He's the bearer of the Ring of Sacrifice. Kayla was his lover, who was killed on page 1, and the man who's words he was considering was Kavak, one of his companions. Their leader of sorts is Isabelle, also his maker, who owns a club in the city (can't remember the name right now, but it's on page 2). His companions are: Leona, Kavak, Mikael, Locke, and formerly Kayla. After losing Kayla, he's lost, wanting her back and unable to deal with her loss. The thing with AB, well, I needed an opening, and sweetP gave me one. Leona is harmless to Ab so long as nothing bad goes down, as well. She's just following because I had no reason for Christian to do so, and I figured, she might b making sure that whoever this girl is who scaled the wall may be an enemy who has spied Christian in the cemetery.
*snort* if it was my thread I wouldn't see all these mini pooh's runnin around ;) lol

Another bad guy would be alright with me, granted we aren't dealing with another mongrel. THe magic angle makes it a real bitch, I'd prefer only one in there using it please.

Any interaction is welcomed QC :D Even hostile, I figured another person in there for no purpose really would help give some something to do.possibly learn about the few who wear the odd rings, and possibly link the few in the area. She's basicly a mole/informant.

*applauds Fire* Very well said! I haven't said a word about it because some feel I am too strong in my opinion, but I hope we find his sick ass and make him suffer. I know I won't forget 9/11 and I am proud of our troops! :)

Ok I dont want to get into a heated debate, just agree with firegirl. Prayers are with you at all times. Back to 'work' for me.
Yeah, right. Like you work.


If you REALLY want to call this work, then ok.... :p

VH, it is work handling YOU in a thread.. hehehehe

This isn't work, this is goof off space. Work is elsewhere. Now stop being sassy or Im gonna sick my 'meanie' vamp on you :p

HEY! This is for thread business buddy :p Dont make me find a bouncer to toss ya out for discussing unrelated stuff ;)

Turn on msn ya goof, I wanna know what you have Gumo up to now.


Alright, any more questions about anything I can help with? Reguarding the thread VH :p lol
It has recently come to my attention that I am missing some vital info since I was ignoring the rest of the story so as not to give my character too much info. I think I need a re-intro to ALL characters (sorry guys), and anything else I REALLY need to know.

Yeah, I know, "real specific, asshole."

VH if you go back to the begining of the OOC thread all our intros are there:)
I think you answered your own question Vandal. After all, some of this we're making up as we go, other things have been thought or planned or written a while back.
Characters change, and grow, or shrink. I mean, if you want to know "everything" you are asking us to spend nearly an hour or so just giving you background. I probably have the time, but definitely not the heart. I would get bored in about ten minutes and just start making stuff up.
Lance can fly if he wears his magical Underoo's, or something.
What do you really want to know? A lot of the characters you can understand just by reading a few of their actions. I don't think I've made any of my characters too complicated that you don't understand just where they are coming from, and just what they want to accomplish.
As for everything else, I think Aria has already covered in her introduction of the vampires and our "rules" we've taken three threads to come up with.
And if she hasn't, then just ask, or assume that we haven't talked/discussed it. Don't worry, with this unique group, no one is particularly shy or timid. If you write something they don't agree to, they'll let you know. Believe me on that one. '
Or, you can always just have your character ask another one. I've already put in several "background" stories in the thread. Willow and Lance, I think have covered the book and the page, and their origins up to now. Aria might not know about her past, but she does have pretty adequate knowledge about Mongrel and Willow. Lance knows everything. Yes, everything... even the color of Aria's panties (white cotton). Gumo will meet Sebulba and Willow again in a short while, and I know bad guys are apt to have particularly loose lips when it comes to captured hero's. I think it's a downfall of them, or something.
If you have something specific, please ask. No question is too stupid or ridiculous. It's usually those things that end up being the most important anyway.
If you just want general background, look up the other threads and start reading. Bring a snack or something, it'll take a while.
poohlive said:
......Lance knows everything. Yes, everything... even the color of Aria's panties (white cotton)...

What the what what?

And just how does Lance know that?

No, seriously. *Writes LANCE in high letters on the top of the 'People to Kill for Joe' list, just below Mongrel. Not that Vlad wouldn't kill him anyway, when he learned Lance was back among the living,....AGAIN.*
I have it on Good authority that Aria isnt wearing any panties :p so much for knowing EVERYTHING!


AB has on the cotton panties ;)

AS for AGAIN comment from GM

If you read the other threads, you would realize until that book DOES NOT EXIST any more, Lance cant die. Well ok.. He can die but he is sent back. Until the book is gone, lance returns to the earth. So hold off with the revenge. Aria doesnt need a baby sitter. but with her attitude she might need a big spanking. (dont get ideas boys) that was a joke!

Lance can fly!? No fair! Can I turn into a bat and 'flitter' around? heheheheh
I bet that still bugs ya doesn't it Gm? ;)

Now I was thinking, if I recall right in the FAMILY Cat had some magical abilities or skills. This recalled accurately FG?
If so, and she is up to it, she and Ray can begin to hunt for Christian (QC's Character)

Aria is pretty much useless in hunting down people until she regains her brain......(stop laughing pooh!) I know he has a retort for that one :p

Vandal remember to leave options open.

Ray? Leave out each step to the fridge hun ;) lol dont be afraid to go a little insane with ideas. (pooh's already doing that, cant cast stones ;) )Just be sure to work it out with whom you are writing with. Via here or PM :)

Alright I said my two cents, Now to make sure Aria gets new panties before the perv sees them LOL

:kiss:'s Gary, Im teasin'

(remind me to make note somewhere in the story that lance has smiley boxers :D)