Cock Map

King of the Texas Beltbuckle (you’ll have to look that one up). ⚽ 🏀

I have a hard time buying this one. Butts are amazing, but they don’t outrank boobs--no way!

I wonder if Pornhub came up with these results based on searches. More butt sex searches than titty fuck searches? I would buy that.
I have a hard time buying this one. Butts are amazing, but they don’t outrank boobs--no way!
I respectfully disagree with your ASSessment. Boobs are incredible, they deserve to be lauded, praised, fondled, admired, monumentalized. But butts? Butts make the world go around. You would die without a butt. That's just science. HW I know you're a fan of fucking things. You can fuck butts. Can you fuck boobs? Not always! Case closed.
I respectfully disagree with your ASSessment. Boobs are incredible, they deserve to be lauded, praised, fondled, admired, monumentalized. But butts? Butts make the world go around. You would die without a butt. That's just science. HW I know you're a fan of fucking things. You can fuck butts. Can you fuck boobs? Not always! Case closed.
I may die without a butt, but I would not have lived through infancy with a boob (Formula not withstanding). I certainly agree with all your points, but I’m still struggling with it. No, you can’t always fuck boobs, but you can fuck onto them.

It’s a real cumundrum. But we can always compromise, you take the back and I’ll take the front. Now the only question is . . . Who is in the middle?

I have a hard time buying this one. Butts are amazing, but they don’t outrank boobs--no way!

I wonder if Pornhub came up with these results based on searches. More butt sex searches than titty fuck searches? I would buy that.
Hmmm. I don't know that I consider my bottom my best secondary sexual characteristic.

*throws back of hand to forehead*

Woe. Is. Me.

I know the River Styx is in the Underworld, but I never realized the River Dyx was in Finland!

I wonder if there are lots of fish swimming up that stream toward that little snatch of green.