Comments That Make Your Day

I had a comment that 3/4 of one of mine was some of the best writing on this site... as the story is 20 pages, that means i am good for 15 before i turn to shit... that will be my new story limit now!

also had an interesting shortly after posting here... thanks AH person, good to see the support from within.
A couple more comments on Angry Fuck.

@intim8 wrote:
Every passion has its flip side, and sometimes the coin just spins and spins.

Nice quickie, both the story and the submission.

And there was this from another reader:
Just divorce and have done with it all. Imagine living a life based on that kind of daily action.
Now, this might not seem like a comment that made my day, but I'm assuming that this commenter was the same person who dropped a 1 on the story, and now at least I know why. I don't understand it, but there you go. Not everyone can appreciate my lofty genius.
This one was particularly satisfying. It's important to me that my stories are enjoyed by everyone.
Anonymous about 17 hours ago
I read these stories for entertainment. As a woman of a certain age this story was very hot. Keep writing like this and I will definitely keep reading them.
The story posted last night, "Break the Bitch, Fuck with Her Mind", "The ex-husband has decades of anger to work through" in which I tried my hand at writing a BTB story where the husband does NOT violently attack the cheating wife or her lovers. Instead, he uses BDSM videos of him using women who LIKE being subs for him to use, as a means of tormenting his ex-wife.

Apparently, I didn't develop the cheating wife well enough, when I used subtle inferences to describe her repulsive actions. So, some readers wanting to give cheating wives (and women in general) who shaped the husband the "benefit of the doubt" missed those clues and left their opinions in comments.

But one positive? conflicted comment said:
by kelcha on 4 hours ago

Well written story. Did not like it.

What can I say, ... "Thanks?"
Not a comment, but in his thread where he reviews stories, @yowser made my fucking week.
This was a clever, amusing little adventure. Outlandish premise but deftly handled, never out of control, fits together like a well-designed jigsaw puzzle, well handled.
you take the suspension-of-disbelief business almost to the breaking point but never quite exceed it,
And the inverted business on pizza delivery is audacious, in-your-face, and hysterical all at the same time.
Tone is breezy and conversational, no off-notes to get in the way of the telling.
Some of your sentences are delightful, to wit:
The story is here: Nudio's Pizza - On The Job Challenge
A first for me: a polite fan of mine got in touch to say he and his sub had essentially re-enacted my story Bad Brat Girl ch.3 !

It's BDSM involving ice, bondage, and a bit where our bratty sub girl stands at the floor-to-ceiling window of a hotel room, overlooking the car park, basically naked, with anonymity preserved by some coins pressed between her forehead and nose to the glass, and coins also covering her nipples. She's glad that UK hotels don't have ice machines, especially since Covid, but then room service provides!

I thought you might get a kick out of this. I recently was able to meet up with my sub, took place in a hotel, in the US so ice machines 😀. ... had brought quarters but as we were on the 46th floor we didn’t use them. She’s an incredible woman... her beautiful tits smashed against the glass and her nose tight to the window.
I of course gave you full attribution.

I wonder what they'll make of the next chapter. 😉
From my story posted last night "Break the Bitch, Fuck with Her Mind".

To provide the context, the story is a BTB where the ex-wife torments her ex-husband. He learns her weak point by sending her videos of him in BDSM sessions with a submissive woman. And his sub finds two more women to join them.

The ending of the story says, "I'm hoping the next videos I send my feminist ex-wife will make her head explode!".

by stillaonewomanm on 2 hours ago

You should write a couple of extra chapters for each woman. And tell us how the ex's head explodes.

I have another assignment!
Felt both lame and stilted…like some latter day Esquire article/interview with some Hollywood-type spouting meaningless bullshit, often a fake take on what the actor recalls from some lines spoken on film, and the fawning writer/interviewer interpreting it as if it came from Kant or Nietzche, more as a paean to the actor and a solvent for the writer who now feels somewhat superior to the readership.
This is from my Tennis-themed Loving Wives story that went live yesterday. I have no idea and yet somehow it makes me happy.
I thoroughly enjoyed this story! I hope there will be more chapters. As always, you provide a good story well told.
Over on PENiS, which I had no idea if Lit would hate or love.

Incidentally... It was only the second Lit tale ever to use "penis" as the title?
This is why you can't take any particular comment too seriously. There are conflicting opinions in the comments on my latest, "Break the Bitch, Fuck with Her Mind":

From a named author on 06/03/2024

How is this tagged femdom?
by Anonymous user on 06/03/2024

No BTB at all. Just an extreme femdom tale with a ridiculous monkey brainless husband and a demented whore wife. No much different from the usual cheating-cuck tales.

by Anonymous user on 06/03/2024

Burned the bitch!! Please do a sequel!!
by Anonymous user on 06/03/2024

Definitely a BTB story with a new twist. THANKS for an entertaining read
by Anonymous user on 06/04/2024

This is not a BTB, unless BTB means Burn The Brainless-husband.
by Anonymous user on 06/04/2024

No BTB in this tale. Just men-hater content and almost no consequences for the whore wife. Try again using a husband with a male brain.

BTW, I added the FEMDOM tag due to the way the wife treated her husband throughout their marriage and even afterwards, trying to belittle him. And the burn comes from her inadvertently creating the very monster of a man she counsels her clients to hate.
That's from my latest, "Break the Bitch, Fuck with Her Mind", with 42 comments so far. About half of the comments are like that, hating it.
I think this is what theWollstonecraftWoman was on about.
The highest number of comments I have ever had is 22 on a 22.7k read story and those were mostly about differences resulting from UK vs USA medical and education variations.
About 1/3rd have two or more comments, about 1/3rd one comment and 1/3rd no comments at all, even though they have lots of reads and some [ HOT ] ratings.
I wish I got more comments. I overwhelmingly get positive feedback, and Ive gotten like 1 constructive comment, which I really appreciated because it made me pay closer attention when proof reading.

Recently I keep getting comments on my new story requesting the characters have sex, but one of the major ideas that lead to writing this story was wanting to write a "big dick" fetish story where a fulfilling relationship blossoms despite normal sex being impossible. Now Im wondering if I should give the people what they want, or stick to my original idea.
I think this is what theWollstonecraftWoman was on about.
The highest number of comments I have ever had is 22 on a 22.7k read story and those were mostly about differences resulting from UK vs USA medical and education variations.
About 1/3rd have two or more comments, about 1/3rd one comment and 1/3rd no comments at all, even though they have lots of reads and some [ HOT ] ratings.
I wish I got more comments. I overwhelmingly get positive feedback, and Ive gotten like 1 constructive comment, which I really appreciated because it made me pay closer attention when proof reading.

Recently I keep getting comments on my new story requesting the characters have sex, but one of the major ideas that lead to writing this story was wanting to write a "big dick" fetish story where a fulfilling relationship blossoms despite normal sex being impossible. Now Im wondering if I should give the people what they want, or stick to my original idea.
It all depends on the category, title & description, and what triggers that audience.

I write in Loving Wives, and they were an easy group to target with the edgy title "Break the Bitch..." That's what they live for!
I think this is what theWollstonecraftWoman was on about.
The highest number of comments I have ever had is 22 on a 22.7k read story and those were mostly about differences resulting from UK vs USA medical and education variations.
About 1/3rd have two or more comments, about 1/3rd one comment and 1/3rd no comments at all, even though they have lots of reads and some [ HOT ] ratings.
I was just 'on about' not having received any comments in a while. But yes, your points are valid, in thinking sort of way. I thunk more than think.