Comments That Make Your Day

I wish I got more comments. I overwhelmingly get positive feedback, and Ive gotten like 1 constructive comment, which I really appreciated because it made me pay closer attention when proof reading.
Have you tried using a screen reader programme? I recently had started to use one and it found things like "and then I we went" that I had failed to notice the spare 'I'. Plus Beta Readers (drop me a private line if you want me to consider / discuss with you).
Recently I keep getting comments on my new story requesting the characters have sex, but one of the major ideas that lead to writing this story was wanting to write a "big dick" fetish story where a fulfilling relationship blossoms despite normal sex being impossible. Now Im wondering if I should give the people what they want, or stick to my original idea.
1. This is Literotica, not Litporn, so if it's erotic then you don't need penetration for erotica or sex (for a given value of sex). I'm no expert but if you put it as Romance with a note in the preamble that it includes fetish, or vice versa, it might tune reader's expectations.
2. I am a fan of Terry Pratchett (RIP) who said of his own work (approximate quote). "The author may set up the story and have their own plot ideas, but then the characters have their own ideas, and the author's job is to keep up." For your own integrety you need to follow what your characters want. To force a man in love with a woman to harm her for his pleasure is unfair on them both, just so that meet some expectation. Remember, unless children are wanted conventional 'sword and scabbard' sex isn't required, and even if they are, there are ways around that problem.
YMMV and indeed OPMMV.
Have you tried using a screen reader programme? I recently had started to use one and it found things like "and then I we went" that I had failed to notice the spare 'I'. Plus Beta Readers (drop me a private line if you want me to consider / discuss with you).

1. This is Literotica, not Litporn, so if it's erotic then you don't need penetration for erotica or sex (for a given value of sex). I'm no expert but if you put it as Romance with a note in the preamble that it includes fetish, or vice versa, it might tune reader's expectations.
2. I am a fan of Terry Pratchett (RIP) who said of his own work (approximate quote). "The author may set up the story and have their own plot ideas, but then the characters have their own ideas, and the author's job is to keep up." For your own integrety you need to follow what your characters want. To force a man in love with a woman to harm her for his pleasure is unfair on them both, just so that meet some expectation. Remember, unless children are wanted conventional 'sword and scabbard' sex isn't required, and even if they are, there are ways around that problem.
YMMV and indeed OPMMV.
Thank you for the reply
I'll have to try a screen reader. I can see how that would work well to pick up those things that our eyes gloss over.

I think Im going to stick to my plan for the story. It's already an unrealistic fetish story, but Im going to keep some things anatomically realistic.
I'll have to try a screen reader. I can see how that would work well to pick up those things that our eyes gloss over.
The trick is to watch the screen while it happens. Watch the grey highlight skip from word to word. It's tedious but it works. If you're lucky you can change the reading speed.

(Yes, I'm a professional editor and proofreader, and yes, that's how I and my colleagues do it.)
This one has to be up near the top. On my latest submission, Savage Daughter:


Savage Daughter might just be one of the best stories, not just from you, but on Literotica. All of the motivations and changes Sophia went through felt real and not forced into the story. And you were right, you can’t read it without tears. Anyone who has experienced a breakdown with a parent knows exactly what the backstory with Beth was about. In my case it was about long hair as well - the late 1960’s/early 1970’s were pretty brutal.
Thanks again for such a wonderful story
"A remarkable approach to becoming an adult. Should be required reading to teenagers."

I'm not sure what to make of a comment suggesting that a story on Lit should be required for teenagers! The story is "Church Girl," about a religious college student approaching sex for the first time.

From my 'Yay Team' story Parents 'United'.

"Wow! A real pleasure to read. Excellent job blending soccer knowledge with the romance between two loving and caring people. As well, a perfect ending with the spoiler alert. Great character development and a well presented first time with the making love between the two. Wonderful touch with Jim having Michelle keep her wedding ring on. This showed clearly that Jim respected Michelle's love for Bill and that he was not jealous or possessive. The story was well crafted and heart warming. K"

See? Not all anonymous comments are negative.
@PygmyCoho, gave me a compliment to die for on my most recent story:

The best story I will never read again. It’s been days, and I am still dealing with my emotions. But if the goal was to touch the reader in a visceral, indelible way, it did all that and more.

Thank you for a beautifully written story.

A writer can ask nothing better than a visceral emotional response to her words, and I've been walking on air from this one all day. High praise coming from a fellow writer like them. 🥰
All Aboard Andi's Dream Chapter 12 just came out and resolved a cliff hanger that had people waiting for weeks
WOW! What a chapter and what a story Andi’s Dream. Again i just wasted my morning (not); i couldn’t stop reading once i started this. Like all of the chapters. You have have that unique ability of writing your characters & dialogue that draws you in and makes you feel invested. I for one am glad you are continuing their saga, for when the day comes that you deem fit to end it, will be a sad day. Incredible! I have never been so invested in a story plot.
“Excellent!!” and “4 stars”? Damn, I hope you manage to meet this critic’s sky-high standards one day.
Yeah. Considering it's a H story the vote kinda downgrades it. But readers don't realize stuff like that. Still, for the reader, they've given a compliment.
"A remarkable approach to becoming an adult. Should be required reading to teenagers."

I'm not sure what to make of a comment suggesting that a story on Lit should be required for teenagers! The story is "Church Girl," about a religious college student approaching sex for the first time.

By the way, that was an EXCELLENT story. You really captured the conflict for people raised in strict fundamentalist homes who come face to face with the reality that sex is really, really awesome. You didn't crush their beliefs; instead, you showed them undergoing a healthy evolution. Very well done; I loved it!
I just got this one to a 5-year old story, Photoshoot for Bobby's Fiance, which I liked:

This is superb. I was hoping that the photographers would at least start masturbating to her. Maybe next time ... :)

It's nice to have one's story praised that way, but I also enjoy it when the reader has gotten so involved in the story that they imagine what else they want the characters to do either during or after the events of the story.

Love these comments, but what shits me to tears (Australian expression) is the fact that I can't tell them:

"Hey, for just a couple of bucks, you can buy the entire book which is already published. In fact, Gabriel is part of the Wolf Squad series, and the latest book I published on smashwords is over 700 pages and the e-book is just $4!!!!! So click on the link that says 'support the author on smashwords' and check it out!"

But NO, they don't do that. They just beg for more free stuff. And I have to keep working a day job, because I make no income from my writing as yet, or woefully small amount at this stage. Why? Great question!

1) I write erotica and have no idea how to market it, I'm learning but it's tough. Publishers are choosy about length of story and Amazon tends to ban books that have CNC or rape themes (Gabriel's story was banned by Amazon twice!!!)

2) I am busy writing the current erotica, and until I finish it, I can't dedicate serious time to finding publishers OR putting my books into print anywhere.

But watch out for when I do...
I received a comment from 'Anon' today complaining I needed to learn the difference between 'me' and 'I' and Anon suggested they voted me down because of it.
This is actually humorous as I am a stickler for correct pronoun usage and shudder at the mistakes writers make with pronouns all the time. I went back to the story and the only time there were 'mistakes' were in dialogs from young teenage girls. Anon didn't complain about the words 'gonna' and 'wanna' in the dialogs and should have realized these were quotes from young teenagers who now days frequently misuse the 'me' and 'I' pronouns all the time. I tried to make the conversations realistic and Anon didn't like it. Oh well....
I rarely get comments, so making my day is merely getting one. That said, this one from @nthusiasit on Proclivities XV is still very nice

Fabulous! I just finished XIV, having binged the entire series. I was so titillated by Linda’s journey, there was no time to stop and write comments. My humblest apologies and promise on my next read-through, to comment after every chapter, honest!

The interplay between the lovebirds is adorable. It’s great that they can fall into the role play so easily without getting all weird about it. My only suggestion is, it may be time for some complications or stressors in the relationship. When matters get tough, that’s when people show you who they really are inside. Adversity builds character as long as there is integrity at the core.

Thank you for sharing your creative talents with us
That is a nice comment on my latest story, Lucy, a Texas Diamond in the Rough.

"Great job. While the country music, and dancing, might not resonate with me the story does. Well told. I like how the flashbacks told the story. An excellent reminder that our loved ones don't always change as our responsibilities do and that we need to keep our attention on them!"
This was one of if not the best Ive read on here it was thoughtful and sweet and over all a great story, you truly are a great author and I hope to read more of your work
I really did try to make Coming Home a slow and romantic piece, and with the overwhelming response, like this one that has just popped up, it is one of those things where I'm actually happy with something I've done.
Proclivities XV: A New Role has only been up since yesterday, so two comments in such little time is a novel pleasure.

From @jessicaraven
Delightfully hot! Tempting, teasing, tantalizingly hot, 5 stars.

From @nthusiastic
Excellent! So well done! From the surprise of the landmark location, to the withholding of the chosen costumes, to the separate arrivals of the cosplayers, each layer added to the successful show, while onlookers unknowingly built the ambiance, the unexpected boost of an extra into a supporting player was the perfect garnish to a perfect scene. Then continuing in character inside ‘his’ suite made it downright pornographic! The classic student-teacher fetish illustrated impeccably. What a titillating life awaits them. Thank you for sharing your creative talents with us. The usual ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐️ only because I can’t give more.

Best reactions I've had in a long time, thank you both