Comments That Make Your Day

After no comments on any stories at all for a few months, my new Humor/Geek Pride story Submissives of Catan had at least two people appreciate the madness:

"Hah. Amazing. <3"
"Great! According to me, the creators of the Catan boardgame should develop a new expansion, using these magnificent phrases as advertisements:
"Oh, all right," I grumbled. "A sheep, and a wheat, and a blow job."
"That's fair," Duncan agreed. ...
Cute and happy characters. Serenity and peace of mind. ... A sequel would be welcome. <3 <3 <3"
A really nice one on Honesty Above All:

Wonderful job of capturing the complexity of human emotions. Too many writers offer "she cheated and must die" or the opposite "I love her so much I don't care what she does to me", like no middle ground exists, and the reality is that the human condition is almost all middle ground. I love that your characters have real emotional depth.
This is - of course - from my Loving Wives story, Harper’s Reckoning.
Commentator JennyDavis is EmilyMiller. It's pathetic when an author comments on their own story using an alias.
This is so just so deeply ironic I had to 😊. No I’m not explaining that any further in public.
The phrase 'little deaths celebrated between the three of us like sacraments.' contains all the creativity of a junior high student who thinks their work is so profound.
If only they had linked to their own work, then I could have learnt from it. Actually, as insults go, it’s just so milquetoast, isn’t it?
Why do you bother writing?
One reason is that I’m a contrary bitch and if you tell me to do X, I’m gonna do Y. Which I’m now doing.

The above really galvanized me to stop feeling sorry for myself and not to let losers without a creative bone in their body (actually probably no bones at all, slugs don’t have bones, right?) dictate to me what I can and can’t do.

The law of unintended consequences, right?

I’m also thinking of writing a story called My Pet Troll in Mind Control. What could possibly go wrong?

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This is - of course - from my Loving Wives story, Harper’s Reckoning.

This is so just so deeply ironic I had to 😊. No I’m not explaining that any further in public.

If only they had linked to their own work, then I could have learnt from it. Actually, as insults go, it’s just so milquetoast, isn’t it?

One reason is that I’m a contrary bitch and if you tell me to do X, I’m gonna do Y. Which I’m now doing.

The above really galvanized me to stop feeling sorry for myself and not to let losers without a creative bone in their body (actually probably no bones at all, slugs don’t have bones, right?) dictate to me what I can and can’t do.

The law of unintended consequences, right?

I’m also thinking of writing a story called My Pet Troll in Mind Control. What could possibly go wrong?

It's just a Niagara of pathetic commentary over there isn't it.
It's just a Niagara of pathetic commentary over there isn't it.
Yes and no. As I say, 67% of comments were positive. From memory, 80% of non-anonymous ones were positive too. And I had some lovely feedback on what was clearly a non-traditional story.

Most of the negative comments were also polite. It’s not mandatory to like my stories.

Negative comments were in a minority and attempts at insulting comments were a minority within that.

The problem is the pathetic incel minority.
It’s probably 1% or less of readers, but boy do they like to throw toys out of their cradles.

Yes and no. As I say, 67% of comments were positive. From memory, 80% of non-anonymous ones were positive too. And I had some lovely feedback on what was clearly a non-traditional story.

Most of the negative comments were also polite. It’s not mandatory to like my stories.

Negative comments were in a minority and attempts at insulting comments were a minority within that.

The problem is the pathetic incel minority.
It’s probably 1% or less of readers, but boy do they like to throw toys out of their cradles.

Well, it's the Internet. Some people will act like shit because they can get away with it. Still, don't discard all of those negative comments right away. Some commenters clearly have an attitude problem, but sometimes even their comments contain useful insight, so maybe try sifting through it. Using the insight from commenters who like to badmouth is probably the best way to give them the finger. 😁
Well, it's the Internet. Some people will act like shit because they can get away with it. Still, don't discard all of those negative comments right away. Some commenters clearly have an attitude problem, but sometimes even their comments contain useful insight, so maybe try sifting through it. Using the insight from commenters who like to badmouth is probably the best way to give them the finger. 😁
The non-polite LW comments were 100% insight-free. I think it’s maybe a little silly to think anything is salvageable from them.

The polite ones were mostly just “wrong category”. That only works if you believe that lesbian marriages are not marriages. I’m not going to attempt to learn from that particular antediluvian POV.

It's just a Niagara of pathetic commentary over there isn't it.
No, it isn't. I'm not sure about EM's percentages, but most of mine are positive.

As much as I hate to criticize other writers, many of the stories there should be fed to the round basket, not published.

I read one the other day (or attempted to). Multiple people speaking in the same paragraph and not a hint of dialogue tags or punctuation. I have to wonder how it made it through. That used to be enough to get a story rejected.
I got this one recently:

Wow, that was impressive. I was go-humming along through the boat story, waiting for something interesting to happen, when suddenly it did. I could almost audibly detect the gearshift into overdrive as our hero met Nina. Delightful!

Extra satisfying as it was made on a story which is explicitly marked in the subtitle as "backstory, (almost) no sex."
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You know, I haven't even checked on comments in quite some time. I have noticed that some have been made, but I've been a little fearful of venturing the chance they are nice and not angry ravings. I may look at them after going through the past week of posts on here.
Uh, good that you didn't put them off reading for life? That's a back handed compliment if ever I heard one 😜
I get a lot of readers doing some of my stories a second and even a third time. I love that they wanted to come back!
This was not a comment in the comments section of the story, but rather a statement made in the AH. Still it made my day

@Duleigh said:

I recently read Eldritch Pact by @MediocreAuthor and it was really good, well constructed with a twist at the end that I loved, solid 5 material for me.

While the words were kind and heart warming, the fact that he saw fit to bring my story up apropos of nothing in the AH as an exemplar of a 5 star story REALLY made my day! ♥️
I should tell you about a less-than-complimentary comment this morning. I got shit because the first page out of 2 1/2 pages was "too long," and wants to know when does he get to the story? He quit reading.
I wondered if he was looking for a fast-stroke story, but right at the top, under the author's notes, There Is No Sex In This Story!

Whatever, I didn't ponder it much, just hit the delete button. Bye bye, moron!
A comment recently left for my Office Wife story (in the Loving Wives category) has a surprise ending:

Anonymous1 day ago
I would rate this a one because I hated it. It is in direct opposition to how I think and was not what I expect3d However I hate even more the stupid rating system.
1) The plot is unusual, surprising and shows out of the box thinking; very well put together. That has to be at least a two.
2) A variety of characters that are clearly explained and understood. Worth are least two points.
3) It is well written. A fair person must rate this story a 5.