Comments That Make Your Day

"The optimist will fall 10 stories,
And as he'll pass each window bar,
He'll quickly yells to the folks inside,
"I'm doing alright so far!"
That kind of optimist is basically tolerable.
But I loathe the ones who say the same thing to me when we're both falling ten stories.
Those ones might not last to the ground. :oops:;)
An optimist and a pessimist were about to jump from a ten-story building. Suddenly, without warning, (how would it be suddenly if you warned them?), the pessimist shoved the optimist off the building, shouting, "Let me know how it works out." the optimist held his thumb up triumphantly until he hit the pavement. The pessimist then shouted down, "Didn't think that would end well. Appears I was right."
Oh comments from readers don't we all love them. I had my latest one this morning (for my latest story) and the comment simply read:
Nothing positive to be said about this, so I'll say nothing.
Made me chuckle a little on two counts:
1. And yet here you are still saying something.
2. Thought it was a bit rich considering (and I don't base EVERYTHING on ratings) but when the majority of my writings have the little H and none of his are near receiving just one of them.

So I kind of looked at it. Appreciated that everyone has an opinion but I am definitely not going to change my writing style or stop telling stories etc and if anything this commenter in particular (kudos for actually signing in and putting your name to it) has made my day helping me focus on another story for him to hate :)
He should have said, having nothing nice to say about your work, I'll say no more.
Oh comments from readers don't we all love them. I had my latest one this morning (for my latest story) and the comment simply read:
Nothing positive to be said about this, so I'll say nothing.
Made me chuckle a little on two counts:
1. And yet here you are still saying something.
2. Thought it was a bit rich considering (and I don't base EVERYTHING on ratings) but when the majority of my writings have the little H and none of his are near receiving just one of them.

So I kind of looked at it. Appreciated that everyone has an opinion but I am definitely not going to change my writing style or stop telling stories etc and if anything this commenter in particular (kudos for actually signing in and putting your name to it) has made my day helping me focus on another story for him to hate :)
He should have said, having nothing nice to say about your work, I'll say no more.
Oh for sure! I have nothing nice to say about my work haha. Me with my writing is almost as cringy as listening back voice messages or something where I have to listen to myself talk... no thank you, lol.
Not that there was anything wrong with your story, Richard, just that asshole was being an ass. But what else is an ashole to do?
Oh comments from readers don't we all love them. I had my latest one this morning (for my latest story) and the comment simply read:
Nothing positive to be said about this, so I'll say nothing.​
I got this (anon) on one of the stories from a while back, basically hating the story and characters. Then proceeded to work their way through the back catalogue leaving similar on multiple stories.

Technically, that's the highest form of praise isn't it...?
I got this (anon) on one of the stories from a while back, basically hating the story and characters. Then proceeded to work their way through the back catalogue leaving similar on multiple stories.

Technically, that's the highest form of praise isn't it...?
The fact they took the time to leave a comment warms my heart. My story wasn't for him - just laughed at the "so I'll say nothing." then proceeds to say something :) At the same time his comment came in two positive and both of those added to their favourites :)
This comment is among the best of any I have received. I hope it rated a 5*! It posted today, "Turbulent Past, Tempestuous Present." appearing as a story in the Crime and Punishment Event. As peers, my age might say, "How about them Apples!"

Absolutely the most magnificent epic ever posted on Literotica. Would LOVE to see this continue in more chapters, or maybe a published novel.
Just an excerpt from a PM I received:

I picked out some of your excellent narrative from what I read last night that makes your writing robust - just some examples - plenty more. This in an effort to earn my keep in our communicating about your story:

*Le sigh*❤️
A very lovely WALL OF TEXT from @dasgoodshit.
Super detailed and uplifting, but my favorite part of the comment?

The final part of the first chapter closes the book on the personality possibilities that would exist in such a world: 1, a man that doesn’t like the new world order; 2, a man that does; 3, a woman that hasn’t been subjugated yet; 4, a woman that has been. These choices were not random; these were actions that were taken deliberately by an author that knew what she was doing, and the order wasn’t random either.
I recently posted Saturday Evening, a story that has it's roots in a 750 word story I did back in February which was a sweet little May/December romance. I added 42k words and it became a Mafia shoot-em-up. I had some reservations because as a hard and fast rule, everyone who makes in into my stories makes it back out, but this story is drawing some amazing comments:

Fantastic submission, 1 of the best reads. It was hard to believe the story was long so as the scenes drew me into the next event so well by the end felt like a short story. Thank you for your effort in creating such a wonderful read.
I just got this on my most recent story (the first I published in two years)

A tour deforce S&M story made all the better by the tight and loving bond between the dom and sub.
I especially appreciated it because showing the loving relationship is very important to me.
A very lovely WALL OF TEXT from @dasgoodshit.
Super detailed and uplifting, but my favorite part of the comment?
Yes, well, I'm finding that the more I write, the more that I suffer from, "diarrhea of the word processor," as Stephen King calls it. I've actually found recently that I sometimes don't even want to write a comment because I don't have the time for it, lol. How thought-provoking that that was your favorite part, especially considering that I almost cut that part out to "trim the fat," so to speak.
Another one for Rescuing The Fallen. We must be getting close to October, because more people are checking out my psychological horror tales 😁

Codoc24 about 3 hours ago

MediocreAuthor, you definitely need to change your username. Something like SuperAuthor would be more appropriate. :) Although I did not find the story hot sexually (not into demeaning themes) but I don't think that's what you were shooting for. I thought it was very well written. Getting into Barbara's mind and what she was feeling was excellent! I liked how her old persona tried to break through occasionally. Keep up the good work!
Another nice comment on April Fool - Gotcha a 750-word event contribution.
Then I realized I'd missed a comment from the 16th of Aug.
I finally checked out this story, and I'm glad I did. Very funny. (I'd seen the comments, so I knew the twist was coming, but that was clever, regardless.)

I left a comment, but it's awaiting moderation, so you'll probably get it in a few years, as long as comments take to post, sometimes. Haha