Comments That Make Your Day

I finally checked out this story, and I'm glad I did. Very funny. (I'd seen the comments, so I knew the twist was coming, but that was clever, regardless.)

I left a comment, but it's awaiting moderation, so you'll probably get it in a few years, as long as comments take to post, sometimes. Haha
Thank you so much. I'll go have a look at the one you posted. That's part of what I enjoy about this thread. It motivates me to go check out stories.

[edit] wow, right off the bat 163 comments. That's extremely impressive!!! :)
Another nice comment on Following Laura's Footsteps.

We need more Mammas in both industry and politics.

Now Mamma got a lot of comments from the story. Readers loved her. So I thought "A sequel" about her. LOL, one of the biggest mistakes I've made. The story turned out so far from the original Mamma it remains unpublished to this day!:eek::cautious:
This comment on my story Dear Daddy Chapter 4 made my day:

“Holy Fuck… what a kinky & nasty prevarted scene. Love the change over in “ Mom”, being “ In-Charge” & Kinky as Fuck, ordering everyone to do her bidding. Was a bit surprised at the “ breeding reference “. But overall a story definitely worth “ Cumming”. You have come a long, long way since 2009👍👍

In 2009 I wrote 2 stories and stopped writing. After 13 I decided to continuing my Dear Daddy story. I like to think my writing has gotten a lot better in during that 13 year gap, but it is always nice to hear other people agree!
So I genuinely appreciate this comment on my newest story, The Understudy:

MrSmith27 about 8 hours ago
Great start. The inner turmoil of your heroine was a good read as we watched her evolution into a submissive slut

But is it wrong that I don't fully appreciate the commenter referring to Melody as a "slut"? Depending on your reading of the story, she is a slut, I suppose. Idk, I guess I just don't like hearing it? 😂

Heck, on Literotica, "slut" is probably considered one of the finest compliments a character can receive... Who knows?
So I genuinely appreciate this comment on my newest story, The Understudy:

But is it wrong that I don't fully appreciate the commenter referring to Melody as a "slut"? Depending on your reading of the story, she is a slut, I suppose. Idk, I guess I just don't like hearing it? 😂

Heck, on Literotica, "slut" is probably considered one of the finest compliments a character can receive... Who knows?

train yourself to mentally replace "slut" with "empowered and sexually-fulfilled woman" :p
Empowered? I would say no.

Sexually fulfilled? She definitely will be, by the end.

So I genuinely appreciate this comment on my newest story, The Understudy:

But is it wrong that I don't fully appreciate the commenter referring to Melody as a "slut"? Depending on your reading of the story, she is a slut, I suppose. Idk, I guess I just don't like hearing it? 😂

Heck, on Literotica, "slut" is probably considered one of the finest compliments a character can receive... Who knows?
Didn't she say she was his slut?
Just received the following comments on Vengeance is Mine.

by onlythelonelylove on 41 minutes ago

Sociopaths are still sociopaths and what Nietzsche said still holds: “When you stare into the abyss the abyss stares back; be careful when you fight monsters that you do not become a monster yourself.”

by WifeWatchman on 5 hours ago

Interesting story. 5*
I think onlythelonlylove didn't realize that was my point, she became the very kind of person she hated.
A selection of comments from When the Shooting Stops:

*zip* Well, what have we here? Mass shooting? Emotional infidelity? Public ridicule and vast humiliation? Years worth of angst and self loathing? Top notch writing? That'd be a NTH tale, alright! Well it looks like I'll have one less crunchy sock to deal with tomorrow. Damn. *Zip* 5

The “NoTalentHack” name you go by really cracks me up. It is the complete opposite of the truth. I gotta say that I have enjoyed every story you have published here. This one definitely included. When I see the daily listing of new stories and see your name, that is the first one I go to and I am never disappointed. Eagerly awaiting more. Keep up the great work. You are the real deal.

Simply superb. What a great story! Extremely well-written, realistic adult dialog, genuine and truly heart-felt emotions, mature, thoughtful characters, a plot that makes sense and is consistent, and a thoroughly unique discovery situation all add up to a fantastic read. 10 stars! Bravo!

And one from feedback:

That was a tour de force in so many areas, from ripping up the internet and the trolls who inhabit it to showing people what a true loving wife story ought to look like... Kudos to you, and keep 'em coming because you've just enshrined yourself as the Thornton Wilder of this particular porn site.
Loyal fans, fanatics, you got to love them. Until that is, they start stalking you. Following you, planning a fan thing, an accidental run in here, "Hey, how are you? Nice dress," as they twirl the knife behind their back.
A selection of comments from When the Shooting Stops:

And one from feedback:
Yes, I had a facebook stalker who went a bit too far.
Loyal fans, fanatics, you got to love them. Until that is, they start stalking you. Following you, planning a fan thing, an accidental run in here, "Hey, how are you? Nice dress," as they twirl the knife behind their back.

Yes, I had a facebook stalker who went a bit too far.
Eek, indeed! He's the reason I'm not on any social sites with my real name, nor do I often put my own picture up. The eye to the left and my once beautiful legs below are the exceptions here.

"Vain much?" you ask.

"Not much or often," I reply.
Holy Bat Guano! That is an insane number of comments. Color me green, @gordo12!
Yeah, I'm green with envy too. My top story for comments over time is 156 so for a new writer to attract 163 comments in a few days blows me away. But it is a hell of a story and well worth reading for anyone who hasn't indulged yet. And a huge welcome to a new and very talented writer. Constories.
Yeah, I'm green with envy too. My top story for comments over time is 156 so for a new writer to attract 163 comments in a few days blows me away. But it is a hell of a story and well worth reading for anyone who hasn't indulged yet. And a huge welcome to a new and very talented writer. Constories.
Thank you so much! Do I need to copy/paste this comment of yours? Because it definitely made my day!
I just got a positive comment from "JRRTolkien420." From the master himself. What's not to like about that? And who knew the old guy was a weed fan? Might explain the Tom Bombadil scene.
I got a nice but critical comment on my latest story I Fought the Law ...

When they were talking, her chest clenched. But earlier, when in each others arms, they were in a clinch, not a clench. There were a couple other little edit things that could have been fixed, but the clinch/clench difference was the one that really caught my eye. It was a good story though, and I appreciated the hard work that obviously went into it!

Comments like this are helpful and appreciated. I was not aware of the clench/clinch dichotomy and will fix it shortly when I submit edits. You learn something new every day.