Comments That Make Your Day

I enjoy your stories so much. I am comforted that many of your stories have multiple episodes.......thanks
This is the nicest demand for a sequel I’ve ever received…
Don’t worry, @Fljim, there is more where that came from.
A mild comment debate between two readers on my crime and punishment story Vengence is Mine.

hindsight2020about 15 hours ago
Killing the husband was outside the established character. She could justify cheating once for the "purpose". But the long trip after made her first to cheat and worse. That needless affair was added nothing to the story and undermined her righteousness. 2*
I assume he voted with a 2.

Migbirdabout 14 hours ago
Readers can debate the righteousness of the vengeance part and parcel of crafting this piece. I was captivated by the characters and the way you structured/moved this piece. Excellent writing no surprise.
The first reader missed some clues as to her uncharacteristic murder of her husband. He thinks she killed him over an affair. It wasn't so much the affair as the person it was with and his involvement with the underworld. She scolded him for having confessed to an affair, and then she told him of an affair, which was a means to an end of her own. I'll not tell you that part. She said if he hadn't confessed his long-timer affair, she wouldn't have told him about hers.

She said, "If you cheat, you should take that to the grave with you." meaning confession is only good for the one making it. I thought it was obvious that he'd been mixed up in the underworld to the point the gang would either kill him or he'd end up in prison.

And it isn't explicitly stated she killed him, but it is heavily implied. When her Granddaughter asked what really happened to Grandpa, whom she'd never met, the MC said, "He went fishing for a shark, and she ate him."

Oh, no, I've said too much.
My new favorite angry comment, from When the Shooting Stops:

OMG a whole generation of snowflakes, of self-entitled narcissistic women, and browbeaten feminized cowardly men with no self-respect..... neither having any honor or valor nor any understanding of love. With woke feministic ideologies about debauchery being new and modern, and those holding onto fidelity and honoring your vows as outdated or old-fashioned. Your wrong through all of you buying into the lie, it's there right before you in ancient stories almost all forgotten hailing forth the doom that society is repeating. Two words, the names of two cities that somehow spark the memories of hearing the stories and the realization that NO not modern, not new, the tales of disgusting lies deceit and debauchery of hedonism, the two words: Sodom & Gomorrah!

I broke my no commenting rule, just for him.

Sir, this is a Wendy's.
My latest story, at less than 2k words, has been hovering at 3.xx most of today, but I did get an appreciative comment and that has made me happy.
An appreciation in the comments is worth ten in the stars, or something like that.
I've written a five-part series in SciFi over the past couple of weeks, and it got good ratings but few votes and only two comments. Comments really do mean a lot.
I thought it was well done for a short piece, if you're talking about La Puttanesca. I've noticed a general trend in the MC category where readers tend to be lukewarm when the agent of the mind control is not obvious, or when the results of the control are too subtle. Presumably a big segment of the audience is looking for fantasies of control and domination, so those types of readers probably find it difficult to get a handle on stories like yours with no power tripping MC to vicariously enjoy. But I expect you'll see it continue to climb in the ratings. You might consider adding a mystery tag to it, or loss of control, public disgrace, reality shift, etc., things that might attract readers who don't really care why something is happening or who is doing it.
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"My Neighbor's Sexy Wife" is the first story where I've ever killed anyone off, and wasn't sure how it would be received. So, I was happy to see this comment from a reader who seemed to enjoy it.

Nice! A plausible tale and a good ending.
I was pleased at your editing - nice an clean with no spelling errors and no 'tactical' errors in your train of thought.
You covered a lot of sexual territory with your voyeuristic background start. I also appreciated that you gave Richard his 'due' as a surprisingly robust lover plus the way your character accepted Cindy's minimalistic assessment of his first performance.
And the reason I appreciated your tale is because it follows through to a logical conclusion - selfishly so, but logical - and not too long!
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I thought it was well done for a short piece, if you're talking about La Puttanesca. I've noticed a general trend in the MC category where readers tend to be lukewarm when the agent of the mind control is not obvious, or when the results of the control are too subtle. Presumably a big segment of the audience is looking for fantasies of control and domination, so those types of readers probably find it difficult to get a handle on stories like yours with no power tripping MC to vicariously enjoy. But I expect you'll see it continue to climb in the ratings. You might considering adding a mystery tag to it, or loss of control, public disgrace, reality shift, etc., things that might attract readers who don't really care why something is happening or who is doing it.
Thanks for reading :)
I was thinking the shortness was the culprit, but maybe you're right. I've certainly written and occasionally enjoyed mind control stories that are basic power trips, but I much prefer exploring mind control (and also chastity, weirdly) from the victim's perspective without a controller/dominant.
You are sooo strong at delivering crisp, clear imagery, particularly as you set the opening scene in your stories. No exception here. Just fantastic!
And then you follow up and ‘give the people what they want’ - at least THIS people…
Love your writing. All of it. Everything about it.
from @Victoria14xs on Waiting Room

Thank you :love:
Thanks for reading :)
I was thinking the shortness was the culprit, but maybe you're right. I've certainly written and occasionally enjoyed mind control stories that are basic power trips, but I much prefer exploring mind control (and also chastity, weirdly) from the victim's perspective without a controller/dominant.
There are certainly some people who are strongly averse to short scenes, so it's possible a few of them are dinging you for that, but making people unhappy with the portions is kind of its own acclaim for the quality of the cooking... although it can be hard to tease that distinction out.

Agreed re: exploring MC without a mind controller. There's a necessarily limited number of ways to make a mind controller unique and interesting, since they're already established as the kind of person who would do that kind of thing, but the people who have to deal with the situation as victims or bystanders are almost limitless with possibilities.
by Anonymous user on 5 hours ago

This story exemplifies the toxicity of extreme power exchange fetishes, particularly femdom, especially married femdom. Not sexy at all. This is just sick physical, mental, and emotional torture. If you are into this shit, please quit porn. get a vanilla hoby, go outside. Uh just awful! The sad part is all the time wasted writing and reading this odious pile of crap.

Its funny how these kind of comments continue to "make my day". And they keep coming in more than a month and a half after A Wife's Dark Talent concluded. I particularly love it when commenters talk about wasted time seven chapters and 50K+ words later! What such comments say to me is the story was effective. If anything, as author I am concerned about continuing to be that effective, and original, going forward (once RL lets me get back to writing...). A good slow agonizing descent into magnificent femdom hell is a hard, but magical, thing to pull off.
The two most recent comments on, Vengence is Mine!

by nixrox on yesterday

1 star - wrong category - should be in fetish or bdsm - murder should be banned from this website.
You can delete my comments BUT you cannot change the star rating.
I'll keep coming back every few days just to give you another single star rating for this crap story.

Have a rotten day.
by Boyd Percy on 14 hours ago

Really hardcore!

I don't know, godor, I guess he's a frequent commenter who loves to bash work with violence. Or so I've been told. So, if he doesn't like violence, why read a story that suggests violence in the title? Did he think the vengeance was stealing someone's Twinky?
LOL, apparently he doesn't know the site deletes them when they do a scrub!
I don't know, godor, I guess he's a frequent commenter who loves to bash work with violence. Or so I've been told. So, if he doesn't like violence, why read a story that suggests violence in the title? Did he think the vengeance was stealing someone's Twinky?
As long as it's not MY twinky! :cautious:

Hands up everybody. How many books would we have to ban if murder wasn't a basic plot? :rolleyes:
As long as it's not MY twinky! :cautious:

Hands up everybody. How many books would we have to ban if murder wasn't a basic plot? :rolleyes:
I'm at a loss as to why this is a 'hands up' situation. It doesn't seem likely to help with counting... so I must conclude you're about to try armed robbery. 👐🔫
Yes, he does. I posted a response on his reaction to my story. I'm sure if he really comes back, it will piss him off. I was quite nice to him.
Nixrox has plenty of time to keep voting on your story everyday, judging from their submissions list.
I'd never take your twink from you. I mean Twinky.
As long as it's not MY twinky! :cautious:

Hands up everybody. How many books would we have to ban if murder wasn't a basic plot? :rolleyes:
My latest offering: Artist in the Park, has been kicking around my drafts for months. I wasn't sure it would be all that well received, as it is a very slow-burn. But it seems to have struck a nerve with readers. I was going to post here that just the sheer number of comments was making my day, as I've never had so many so fast!
Then I got this:
The story started out painfully slow and with a topic that did not hold much interest to me. But your writing is so good I stayed with it, and I am so glad I did! Awesome job!
A nice comment, but I am so glad to read it because it tells me that this guy knows my work, and trusts me enough to slog through all the introduction and misdirection in the story! I don't think it is a slog, myself, but I respect it feeling that way upon a first read. There are precious few authors of any genre to which I award the trust this commenter showed me.