"Oh, anybody can dance well, it just takes some effort Drec. Maybe some time I could show you some of my dancing... Maybe tonight, yeah, I think I will, after all, that is what I used to do for a living, dance for coin. Tell me though, what sorts of things do YOU do to break your boots in Drec?"
Thor manages to find a big clump of Antrestari bushes, a plant with edible leaves and tubers. He also manages to snare a hare. There is certainly enough food for the group, although the leaves are somewhat bitter. Thor brings back breakfast about an hour after he starts his search. (Assume that the tubers are portable: food for the day)
OOC: For finding food, a survival/wilderness lore check is sufficient. Generally, a 10 is enough to feed yourself, with food for one more person for every 2 points by which your check exceeds 10. If you want to forage without causing major delays, increase the DC by 5. (Of course, if food is particularly scarce or plentiful, I'll modify accordingly)
OOC: For creating an impromptu shelter, roll either survival or the relevant craft check (or both, I suppose).
OOC: For finding drinking water or firewood, survival alone is enough. You might also use search for this if you have ranks in that.
OOC: Spot, Listen and Move Silently are mostly used to identify/bypass danger, so if you're worried about running into trouble, you can use these, but they don't affect your success at foraging.
"Crude... But effective, I suppose... And as far as pasts go, I know just how you feel, but I suspect if one doesn't confront it, eventually it will come to face you, you know? Still, we mortals and our desire to look ever forward... Its a much more appealing place to look, wouldn't you agree Drec?" Ezmi continued her candor with Drec as she saw Thor returning with a hare and some greens. She waved to him, indicating that she would help if he needed.
Thor manageing to find a big clump of Antrestari bushes and to snare a hare, was glad there was enough food for the group. He brings back breakfast about an hour after setting out and trys to find whatever wood he can carry on the way.
Arriveing back at the camp Thor spots ezmi and drec sitting together and talking. Strideing over he tosses the wood to the ground and lays the hare next to it. Setting the plants down he hands a few towards the two before sitting down himself.
"I got us enough food for the day...just need some help getting the fire going and getting the hare ready."
Thor turning towards Drec smiles before stareing back at his folded hands. Shakeing his head slowly he seems to ponder the queston for a few seconds before offering a reply.
"Not much to know about me...just a simple dwarf. Just a dwarf looking for a bit of adventure and gold if you know what I mean. Tis what everyone wants is it not? If you wish you can ask me about my upbringing and past I have nothing to hide. "
Ezmi starts to build them a fire as she considers asking Drec to expand on the wyverns he had mentioned. But before she could ask him about it, Drec and Thor were talking about the dwarf's life. She considered asking if his family had any godly hammers laying about, but figured that if the dwarf got cranky about having his stature called to attention, he might not enjoy such a quip either.
IC: "I feel no need to quz you on your past. If you wanted to share you would of. But I will say, with you dwarves living hundreds of years few of you can be called simple. How old are you any ways?"
"Aye few of us could be called simple...you are sure right about that."
He snorts and looks around the campsite wacthing Ezmi for a moment attempting to make a campfire. He looks back at Drec and a smile returns to his face.
"So you want to know how old I am do you? I'm 47 just a young lad in my race, but I have been through much in that time. I have traveled long and far since my birth and have seen many things. So how old are you if you dont mind me asking?"
IC: "I am less then half your age, and I dare say I am not simple either. But I think few are. Even half orcs have time enough to learn a few things. Though I dare not speak of an orcs knowledge but being able to seduce a human probably means they aren't as simple as I like to think. But I suppose that beside the point, most of us can pretend to be simple ever so briefly. Perhaps just long enough to believe it ourselves."
Thor finds wood without any trouble and Ezmi manages to light it with some difficulty due to the lingering dampness from the previous night's rain. Nonetheless, the fire is ready fairly rapidly.
The smoke drives away some of the nearby birds, causing the surrounding woods to become much quieter.
"Few are indeed my friend but I dont want to even begin to know about those devlish orcs. The only thing I perfer to know about those beasts is how to gut them alive useing a dull axe. But I do understand what you mean because I believe we all do want to be simple, but we will never be that. Be it , men, elf, halfling, or dwarf we all have desires for adventure just few are able and willing to do it. Now if you'll excuse me i'm going to help Ezmi with the food."
Meanwhile while Thor and Drec had been talking Ezmi had lit the fire with a good deal of effort. The wood had been soaked by the downfall and dident take kindly to being lit. As the fire grew Thor had been watching it. As it neared the right looks for a cooking fire he had excused himself from the conversation.
Thor listening intently after the smoke had cleared away the birds, hoped to hear anything that might be in the area. Grabbing the hare he tosses a look towards the other two before drawing his hidden dagger. Turning the dead hare onto its back he slices down the middle and starts to remove its skin.
"If one of you would be so kind as to prepare the Antrestari bushes we can have a feast for breakfast. Oh and might one of you have a skillet or pot? If not we can always use a spit to hold the meat over the fire."
Once done skinning the hare he rigs up a branch to hold the skin near the fire, hopeing to dry it quickly, to wrap up the left over meat later. Thor then starts to cook the meat either useing the skillet or pot or setting up a rig to hold a rotating spit over the fire.
(I'm guessing survival checks for skining, cooking, and spit rigging. If not tell me what to roll and I will roll it. And if someone would help me with the spit it would probably go better.)
OOC: I'll file skinning and spitting a hare under basic adventuring cookery 101. Basically, short of completely fubar rolls (which yours were not), you will succeed.
(If no one wishes to RP some more then I will be glad to post again....where is everyone?)
The food slowly cooks over the fire as Thor turns it on the spit every once in awhile. Being a hearty dwarf the hare is cooked with no effort and is ready in no time. Soon the group is sitting down to a great meal thanks to the proud dwarf.
"So you guys like the cacth!!!"
Not really thrown out as a queston Thor doesent expect a response and continues to chow on the greasy meat.
Ezmi prepared the greens as the hare cooked, taking her time, as there was no need to rush. (Taking ten) When Thor came over to help her, she gave him a smile and a nod of thanks.
Once things were ready and they were all given a portion of the hare, Ezmi sat between Drec and Thor. "It is a fine catch Thor, thank you for bringing it in for us. Hopefully today we will make our destination, and finally deliver these boots... From there, we shall see where the road takes us, yes? I would prefer to see that our paths continue on for some time, as I am begining to grow accustom to the lot of you. It would be a shame for us to part ways once we have become comfortable with each other, after all."
"I have never yet come across one myself Drec. They are like dragons are they not? Only not as... Mystical?" Ezmi asks, giving Drec an encouraging nudge of her arm.
IC: "As I understand it dragons are semi intelligent and live alone, not that I have any experience with them. Wyverns are savage communal creatures more beast then anything else."
I looked atthe ground only letting shadows of memories enter my mind, and doing my best to hold back emotions. "Like undead they should be wiped from this planet."
"If that is the case, Dragons are the greater evil to my mind. They know better, yet do as they please still. If Wyverns are little more than beasts, then what they do is dictated by nature. For you to compare them to the undead as some plague to be exterminated seems just a bit callous. Now, don't get me wrong, if one were to cause me or mine any harm, one of us would end up in the grave, but being a beast of nature, I have a mind to leave it to itself. It would be folly to seek such things out for the soul sake of extermination. Folly and futile. Nature always finds a way..."
The party is packed up and ready to leave before midmorning (OOC: I'll assume that Drec and Ezmi don't mind continuing their conversation while in motion) the forest is alive with the sounds of birds and other small creatures. The group makes good time. The country is beginning to become hilly as they travel onwards, though the trees are still thick. The path begins to slope up and down as well as curving to avoid boulders and some thickly wooded areas. It has become almost more of a game trail than a true road.
IC: "It would appear you and I once more have a difrence of opinion. Well, I think its best that we agree to disagree and leave this behind us as we travel." I packed up my partialy eaten ration, and made ready for the road ahead.
Thor finishing his greasy meal wipes his hands off onto his pants. Takeing the liberty of carrying his cacth Thor wraps up the rest of the meat in the drying skin. Useing a flexable twig he ties the top loosely together before throwing it into his burlap sack, besides the Antrestari bushes and his bolts. Tieing the burlap sack back onto his thick belt he looks over the rest of the group makeing sure the group was ready. Drec and Ezmi carrying on a conversation lead the way as Thor follows, listening and watching intently for any sounds or movements in the surrounding woods.