D&D by email

Leanna silently takes her share of the coin. Coin can always help. The other items have no particular interest to her, certainly not enough for her to bother arguing with the others over them.

With a small snort, she replies to Ezmi, "No, I think I can live without the webbing."

"I believe the items should be divided based on need. Perhaps the sword for Drec, the armour for Thor, the tent for Ezmi?" With her suggestion voiced, Leanna shrugged, then adjusted her hood, preparing to continue their journey. The bite the spider had given her felt rather itchy and she had no intention of staying her to receive another.

"Now Thor, there are far worse things to be called than short, you know. As far as lady like behavior, too many night entertaining drunken, horny men have stripped me of any that I may have had, I fear... Don't be too hard on Drec now... He's had a rough day, we all have, I should say." Ezmi said as Thor helped her look about for her dart, and actually found it for her.

She gave him an appreciative smile as she returned it to its place on her hip. "Thank you, Thor." She said as she felt a bit of an ache ripple through her shoulder from the spiders poison. "If I knew how, I'd say we aught to see about coating our weapons with the spider poison, its done a number on me after all. But I'd rather not risk harm right now." She mused aloud as she massaged her shoulder, waiting for the party to gather up and move on.

"Very well Leanna, I only mentioned the webbing as I have heard that such things have a use in casting spells." She said after Leanna scoffed at her offer, and reiterated the division of treasure that Ezmi had suggested. "Obviously okay by me, and I fully agree, greatest need or benefit makes the most sense to me."
"I know there be far too many things that are worse then that, but that be one that I dont like. As for Drec I was just treaseing the lad, I hope he doesent think I was serious. Enough about this talk lets find your other dart."

After much searching Thor finds it amoung some bushes and hands it to Ezmi accepting her thanks.

"Now if you dont mind I'll be changing my armor to this banded I have found. Maybe you can talk with the others to see what they wish to do. As for me If you will have me I will be glad to come with your group. That is after a brief summary of where you be heading."

Nodding and turning Thor wanders off a few feet into the woods and starts to strip off his clothing and scale mail. Wearing only his long johns in just a few moments he begins to slip into his new heavy armor. Getting dressed Thor picks up the scale mail and carrys it back to the group.

"So last time anone be needing this?"

(If anyone needs it its +4 ac i dont know what you guys are wearing...so speak up now or i'll sell it in the next town.)

IC: I leened over to catch my breath, I had more venom in me then I liked, and I hoped slow breathing would do me good. My wound, while not the most serious hurt a great deal more then I liked. The gear seemed to be dividd already, in a fashion I would of picke myself given a chance. I moved up and took my new sword, and coinage. I placed the sword in my sheeth and placed the sword in my pack, beneath the mace. Tonight I'd take the whet stone to it and polish it best I could.

"Once... Every one is ready... we should go..."

OOC: Perhaps next level I can multiclass to cleric, sense we have a second fighter now.

"I'm ready to go, but you look winded Drec... If its any consolation, you fought well, I'm glad to have you on our side of things." She said as she came to his side. "You have use for Thors old suit of armor, he's offered it to the party, else, he'll likely sell it to the next merchant we come across."

OOC: Drec as a man of the cloth... Hmm... I suppose he'd go with a deity that still allows him to go drinking and wenching?

OOC: No he'd leave that life behind, and dedicate him self to Loth, god of getting him drow lovin.

IC: "Nah, I got my own scale armor. So he can carry and sell his, after all I have an extra sword to sell now. Perhaps I will buy you a new outlook."
Thor now finished with putting on his armor picks up his crossbow as he walks over to the group. Loading it with a bolt he slings it onto his back and ties it in place. Waiting for a break in the conversation he fiddles with his war axes.

"So where you guys be heading? If you dont mind I would like to come along and offer a hand. From what I saw you guys can handle yourself somewhat but another hand in battle is always better...no?"
It's getting very damp here at the moment. The webs were sheltering this area from the rain, but now it is beginning to trickle down, dampening the group considerably. It's around mid-afternoon.

"Oh Drec, don't go wasting your hard fought gold on something like that for little ol me, when an adamantium cod piece would do you more good." Ezmi said, returning to the usual back and forth Drec and she seemed to share.

"We're off to see a man about some boots, Thor, and I, for one, wouldn't mind you comming along, you've shown some remarkable skill, yourself." She said as she milled about the area, comming to realize how damp it was becoming.

"Well, it seems all is settled here and I don't feel like tarrying about any longer, there's that bonus to think about friends. Lets be on the move." Ezmi called out as she strode on ahead, in the direction they were ment to go.
Thor having no questons was glad Ezmi agreed to him coming along. Agreeing with the fact the group needed to leave ,as soon as Ezmi turned to leave Thor waset too far behind. Strideing after her he attempts to strike up a conversation.

"Now did you say boots? So you be merchents?"

"Not us, no, we are simply on a shipping mission, sent to deliver 'bootleg' goods to a man." Ezmi said, pleased with her little pun. "What brought you out this way Thor? And alone... You're not an outcast from your clan are you?" Ezmi asked as she slowed her pace just enough so that they could continue their conversation with ease.
"So your a glorified party of shippers? Not as exciteing as I thought but in this part of the woods it will still bring its challanges. I myself am out here to get away from the world, I enjoy traveling. I come to these parts in hopes of becomeing a fighter, Just another adventure I hoped to put under my belt, hence the heavy weaponary. . "

He says the last line as he pats his dwarven war axes by his side.

IC: Adamantite cock piece? Is she impling I am limp? Of coarse I was limp last night, I didn't know she was trying to seduce me. I was asleep for that matter, so she didn't do a very good job seducing me. You kow what, I'm just going to stay back here and be quiet.

OOC: I will be away this long week end, so you most likely won't here from me again til tuesday.

"For the time being thats what we appear to be, yes, but not always. We may well continue on after this mission to something more... Interesting. Whatever turns out to be written in the sky for us. By then, you will likely be an integral part of our party." Ezmi said as she walked along.
OOC: GM availability

I'm going to be frantically busy for the next few days, so postings will be few. Feel free to continue any RP as desired, I'll read it all when we get back. You may assume that nothing exciting will happen at least until after nightfall (at which point the group will still be in the woods), so feel free to do any making camp, setting up of watches, etc.
"Intergal part of the party....sounds like something I can do. It would be nice to settle a bit and travel with the same folks for more then a day or so. From what I have already witnessed there will be plenty of battles and I need the experence. Do you know how many days it is to the location where we are headed?"

(I guess we can relax on the posting then for the weekend...I got no plans so I will post whenever you guys do.)

"Not long to go now, Thor. Deliver these boots to their propper owner and then we may go on to bigger and better things." Ezmi answered him, to the best of her knowledge.

OOC: Yay! Our GM is back!!!
Thor nodding in response to Ezmi looks up to the sky. Noticeing it darkening through the branches he turns back to the group.

"It is getting dark and I think we should set up camp soon. Who knows what kind of beasts roam these woods at night. I also think we should post guards, if the group doesent mind I will stay up first."
Leanna nods in agreement, glad to set up camp and equally glad to let the dwarf claim the first watch.

"That sounds like a suitable plan. We can use the tent to avoid the worst of the rain. Hopefully, tomorrow it will be a better day for traveling."

IC: "Seems wise enough. Ezmi, why don't you stay up with Thor, I'll take a watch with Leena."

"I was just about to offer exactly that, Drec, you clever thing, you." Ezmi teased as she, nodded her ascent to the plan to set up camp shortly. "I wonder, Thor, do you play three dragon anti? I hear its very popular in dwarven culture..."
L'Amruil will take the last watch. You set up camp. The tent will allow 2 people to sleep comfortably out of the damp, three at a squeeze. It seems to be well made and extremely durable and the pegs are completely rust-free.

OOC: If you wish to try to extend it with materials on hand, I'll need survival/wilderness lore checks, you also need those to find dry firewood. Also, can the watchers make spot and listen checks for the night?
"Hmm, odd how this tent seems to have weathered so well up there in those webs, not even a speck of rust on these stakes..." Ezmi commented as she helped build the tent for the night.

Later, once Thor and her shift to watch has begun, Ezmi keeps her ears perked to the sounds around her while paying more attention to what Thor does during his watch. He had proved himself handy in a fight, but he was still a man, and Ezmi had little to no trust in their gender, thought she did her best to act as though she was merely interested in getting to know him rather than watching him like a hawk, incase he tried anything... Funny.

(Listen Roll(1d20)+4: 11+4 Total:15 Spot Roll(1d20)+1: 1+1 Total:2)
(So sorry guys....my keyboard isent working right have to copy and paste to post.)

"I wonder, Thor, do you play three dragon anti? I hear its very popular in dwarven culture..."

"Three dragon anti you say!! No dwarf has ever been able to beat me. If you wish to try you can but I dont believe you will do to well."

He chuckles and heads off to help set up the tent. Afterwords he attempts to make a sturdy shelter from the nearby branches and twigs meanwhile gathering wood for a fire. Done with his attempts he props himself up against a tree inside the wooden shelter near Ezmi and trys to strike up a conversation while the two start to play three dragon anti.

I figured building a wooden structure Thor could use his woodcrafting skill.
Woodcrafting: 1d20(12)+9= 21
Survival: 1d20(19)+0= 19
Listen: 1d20(10)+0= 10
Spot: 1d20(17)+0= 17

Wow i got some lucky rolls