D&D by email

"She might indeed. I take a bit of exception to the fact that she didn't ward the scroll well enough. Your friend clearly managed to get by the protections on it and tried to use the spell even though it was beyond her talents. None of you should have been able to open it." You notice that as he begins to get upset, his country drawl begins to fall away.

He looks at Thor and snaps: "Payment on delivery, young one. The old bat will give you your money when you deliver the bottles. As to what they are, have any of you heard of a catalyst?"

OOC: Knowledge(Arcana) or Alchemy checks to know, even if you know the RL definition.
OOC: RP rewards

In celebration of the 400th post, here's some xp for having RP'd frequently and well:

Ezmi & Drec: 125xp (each)
Leanna: 90xp
Thor: 110xp

"Clearly, she underestimated poor Cassandra's drive to obtain the power within the scroll, sadly, not her skill to harness it. She, we all were duely warned though." Ezmi said in reguards to their lost party member.

"Sorry Thor, forgot to mention that little detail about payment, looks like you're in it for the long haul if you want the money." Ezmi said with a sharp, cat like smile after the alchemist chided him.

OOC: Know (Arcane) and Alchemy are both trained only, right? If so, I can't attempt. But I, myself do know the meaning...

OOC: If I am not mistaken I am half way to level 2. Which leads me this question, sense I want a cleric is exceptable for Drec to find a god/godess on the trip and multiclass into cleric at level 2.

IC: "I am afriad I am unfamilar with that type of potion. What does it do? Turn things into cattle?"
The alchemist chuckles as his tension eases. "No, ye'd need a polymorph spell fer that. A catalyst speeds up an alchemical process or makes one possible that couldn't happen normally. This stuff is a catalyst fer spells. It makes it possible to store bigger spells as potions than ye normally can. Without it, a powerful spell just destroys the potion."

OOC: I have no objections to Drec becoming a cleric. You can either choose to be unafiliated to a god and just revere your domains, or if you want a specific god, you can find a shrine/temple easily in the city. (I don't think you'll hit level 2 before you finish this quest, but if you do you can be temporarily unaffiliated until you reach the city)
(Woohoo!! XP.!! Me like xp.)

Thor grumbles to himself angerly at the old mans response. He stalks off into the corner as the others continue with the conversation. Listening in he learns what the potion does and is content with the questons asked.

I like wise dubt I will hit level 2 any time soon.
(OCC: I hope theres many more battles comeing I like battles and leveling. In all my dnd games I host I level the characters fast. Or start with epic 50+ levels. Its quite fun to wield such power. I played the spell casting giants in epics, quite fun to roleplay. btw if you guys would join my fantasy game that would be awesome. Been doing some good writeing in that thread. If you dont join at least check it out. )
The alchemist sighs, "Well, t'was nice to have a bit of a chat with you folk, but I fear I must be getting back to me mixin now. It would be be best if ye were to move into the back room as I've got ta move the equipment around."

He then shouts a few words in a strange tongue at the cretures under the vat (OOC: I'll translate if any of your characters speaks Ignan) and the movement intensifies, as does the amount of steam rising from the bubbling liquid)
Thor nods to the old man and quietly heads to the back room. Tossing the door aside he leaves it open for the others before settling into the pile of old sacks. Not one for long waits he rummages through the long burlap sack, that hangs from his belt, and pulls out a chunk of meat devoring it quickly.

IC: I quietly did what I was told. I felt out of my element here and wanted to tease Ellie to make myself more comfortable, but the fact was I didn'y know her relationship with this man. I didn't want to find myself on the wrong end of an angry spell caster.

"Alright, we'll get out of your hair for the night, don't blow anything up now, you hear?" Ezmi teased as she followed Thor and Drec back into the back room. She watched Thor devour his nights meal and wrinkled her nose at it. "Nothing quite matches the sight of a dwarf at meal time..." she razed as she brought out some food for herself.

If no-one has anything to add, I'll fast forward to morning (but feel free to post if you do want your characters to do things/RP)

The night passes uneventfully. The supply room isn't too bad in terms of comfort. It's warm, dry and fairly quiet. You awake in the morning to a faint scratching at the door and to wonderful smells of fresh bread and other foods.
Thor is the first to awake seeing as he was the first to fall asleep. After chowing down a large chunk of meat it wasent long before his head hit the sack. Standing up the dwarf raises his stubby arms strecthing his weary muscles. Checking to make sure everything is still with him he heads to the door. Before reaching it the strong smell of food drifts into the room.

"Looks like I woke up at the right time!"

He steps out of the room and looks for the source of the wonderfull smell.

IC: I watched the dwarf get up and strech. My eyes slowly adjusted to the candle light, and I rubbed them once over.

'Looks like I woke up at the right time!'

"Whats that smell, and more importantly whats that scratching noise?"

I sat up and I watch the dwarf open the door.

Ezmi yawns and stretches where she lay. It seemed as though she was more tired than usual, she figured it was her body fighting off the last of the large spiders poison lingering in her system. With a groan she rolled over, and hid her face. "I hate spiders..." she sighed.
Leanna, feeling refreshed from her sleep, stirred with the scratching on the door. Most likely a cat, she thought.

With a yawn, she sat up, looking about, the smell of fresh food in the air.
You hear a dull thud as Thor swings the door open. The alchemist gets up from the floor, rubbing his head. "I was just about to wake ye to break fast, but it seems ye were awake already. I must remember to do something about that door. It opens too fast."

In the main room, the tubing is no longer in sight and the big vat sits empty over a cold hearth. Instead, a small burner is keeping a flask of odd liquid warm on the table. It's odd in the sense that you find it strangely difficult to look at or to describe. It seems as if it's not quite real...yet. The alchemist waves at you all to follow him and heads for another door from which the food smells are emanating.

IC: "So do you cook Alchemist." I said to our host. I turned to the dwarf. "If you hadn't open the door and hit him, I probably would of."
Groaning, Ezmi got to her feet, draping the blanket around her. "Forget the food, do you have any restoratives from spider venom laying about?"
OOC: The group has rested for 2 nights since the attack by the spiders, so Ezmi's Strength has recovered. Drec is still at -2 (up from -4). L'Amruil has left the building.

IC: The old man grumbles at Drec: "I'm feeding ye breakfast and you're conspiring to hit me with doors. Young folk these days. Totally mad." In response to Ezmi's query, he shakes his head. "I'm sorry lass. If ye'd have let me know last night I might have been able to brew something up, but I've got no antivenom in stock right now. Wizardry's of little use in healing folk."

Breakfast is served and consists of freshly baked bread, cheese and fruit, as well as some boiled eggs. The items whirl through the air, carried about by unseen forces until everyone is served.

OOC: It's alright things are to easy at full str.

IC: All the foods flew about the room and I did my best to avoid being hit by flying eggs. I eventully ate and egg moved onto the pallet clensers of cheese and bread. I finished with a peace of fruit.

OOC: Actually, according to the notes I made on my sheet, I took three clicks of poison str dmg, so I have one more night of rest before I'm optimal... Right?


With a soft sigh, Ezmi arched her back and rolled her neck, alleviating some of her stiffness. "It is well okay, I had not felt my impending aches the night before, would it jeopardize our bonus too much if we stayed another night, with your allowance, that is, generous host." Ezmi came out and took a moderately full plate of food for herself, and began to eat, slowly, taking the time to enjoy every bite of it.