D&D by email

OOC: Welcome back and sorry to hear it dident go to well....at least you got a break from things, even if it wasent that pleasureable.

Thor hearing the noises coming from the bush instantly grabs for his dwarven waraxes. As the beast emerges he studies it closely noticeing the strange case and collar. Prepareing for any kind of attack he readies himself to deal a mighty blow to the beast.

Initiative: 16
Ok, Thor beats the Worg to the punch. It's about 60 ft away. What does he do? (Note: Anyone else who can beat a 12 should also declare their actions)
"What are your intentions beast? Be you friend or foe?"

He waits for an answer studying the beast waiting to see any signs of aggression. At the first sign thor knows his axes will do the rest of the talking for him.

Sense Motive: (1d20)19 + 0 = 19 (Woo!! )

(Basically wait for an answer and if its aggresive then...well i'll post again then.)

Initiative Roll(1d20)+8 6+8 Total: 14

Turning to face the worg as it charges, Ezmi holds her staff defensively. She lowers her head and bares her teeth, growling a warning to the beast, cautiously stepping aside, allowing it to pass, if it wished.

(Attempting a handle animal roll, warning it against attacking, and allowing it an escape through us.)

Handle Animal Roll(1d20)+5 13+5 Total:18

"I don't think it speaks common, Thor..." Ezmi chides the dwarf through clenched teeth, continuing to growl out her warning.
"It might not speak common or any other language for all we know... Tis a foul beast that deserves to die!!"

The beast closeing the distance stares at Thor with a look of hate and disgust. Thor locks eyes and strides towards the charging monster with a look of determination. Raiseing the twin dwarven war axes he lets loose a fierce battle cry. The two connect with a thump as Thor slams both of the axes into the creatures sides. Hopeing to aim for a weak spot he prays for the best.

Right Hand:
Attack:1d20(16)+2 = 18
Damage: 1d10(7)+5 = 12

Left Hand:
Attack: 1d20(13)+2 = 15
Damage: 1d10(10)+3 = 13
Leanna isn't as quick to react as her companions. She takes a small step back from the worg, watching it as it growls at them and Ezmi and the dwarf prepare for it.

For herself, Leanna looks the beast over rather carefully. She's never seen a real life worg before.

When Thor charges the grey furred slavering animal, Leanna decides to contribute.

She murmurs a soft invocation, lifting her hand and slashing the air in front of her, as if pressing down on the beast. (Casting Cause Fear on the worg).
IC: The worg flies by Ezmi, without any particular regard for her warning and sinks its teeth into Thor's shoulder, dealing him 7 damage. Leanna, who is observing it carefully, notices that it seems somewhat less co-ordinated than it ought to be, flailing its legs around in a vain attempt to topple the dwarf. (Thor needs to make a fortitude save, however). It growls out something which sounds vaguely like words (Does anyone speak goblin?) and howls piteously as Thor's axes do their work. It seems unaffected, however, by Leanna's spell.

(Can I have actions from Thor and Ezmi and Drec (if >12 init) for next round, please?)

OOC: Brains, I calculate your atttack bonus as +1, rather than +2, because you've got +5, -4 because you're using both hands (and v3.5 rules for two-handed fighting, which are better than the v3 ones. The v3 ones were obnoxious.) You still hit, but I thought I'd let you know. Also, I'm assuming that you let the worg come to you, because if you had headed for it, you'd only have gotten one attack.
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OOC: Yes cats, that's surprised enough. Roll init for next round for Drec though, he might be able to get in on the action...

OOC: 13 guess I am next.

I move adjacent to the dwarf, stoping five feet away from the beast. Sword drawn.
Something white and feathered appears from nowhere and runs clucking into the underbrush. Pathetic fallacy has been overextended and the universe breaks causing this post to have never happened. The DM needs sleep.
OOC: So that post is in the same place as the well isn't it?
(OOC: I also got the two handed fighting feat if you dident know. If its still off with the feat then I can change it. I was going to take goblin too....but I went with orc instead.)

Leanna's spell doesent slow the monsters charge at all or even seem to phase it as it thunders on towards Thor . The beast slams its weight into him as it sinks its teeth into his meaty shoulder. Holding his ground he slams the axes home and deals mighty blows into both sides of the now howling monster. The axes sink deeply ripping into its abdomen. The beast breaking out into a flurry of movement trys to knock the stout dwarf over. Thor grunts at his attempts but firmly holds his ground with a +7 fort and a roll of 16.

Fort: 23
Init: 18

(OOC: I guess I go first next round then unless someone rolls higher. )

Thor stares up at the beast as it still stuggles to knock him over. Drec hurries to the dwarfs aide now withen range to attack the foul creature. Thor lets out a throaty grunt and laughs deeply stareing at the creature before him.


Again he raises his axes and sinks them into the creatures sides. Aiming for the same spots he hopes repeat attacks will cut the monster in half. Sweat pours from his thick brow as he channels all his strength and energy into each blow.

Right Hand:
Attack:1d20(11)+2 = 13
Damage: 1d10(5)+5 = 10

Left Hand:
Attack: 1d20(18)+2 = 20
Damage: 1d10(10)+3 = 13

Damage: 23
Previous Damage: 25
Total: 48
Brains123 said:
(OOC: I also got the two handed fighting feat if you dident know. If its still off with the feat then I can change it. I was going to take goblin too....but I went with orc instead.)

OOC: I know. Without the feat, your penalties would be -6 and -10 for right and left hands respectively. (Or vice-versa if Thor is left handed). With the feat, it's -4 on each hand. If you were to use a light weapon in your off-hand, the penalties would be -2 on each hand. I think it's table 8-10 in the v3.5 Player's handbook. So unfortunately, Thor still only gets +1 to attack when using both hands...at least until level 2. It's not like he's suffering or anything, he's knocking the stuffings out of that worg.

IC: Thor's first strike misses the worg by a hair as it thrashes around, but his second connects, coating the fur with blood and sending the worg to the ground. The glow in its eyes subsides as it sinks to the ground, dead. (Each party member receives 150xp). What do people do?
Thor stands over his kill his chest heaving. He looks back to the others and then to his axes, the blood still dripping from them they make dark pools on the dirt path. He tucks them back into his belt not even bothering to wipe them off and calmly kicks the down beast. Useing a foot he nudges the case on its back gently...

"Well now that its dead...Any guess as to what is in the case?"

(Woo!! Thor kicked its ass!!!)

IC: I reach into my pack looking for the healers kit. "While I understand it attacked us, I think the beter question isn't whats in the box but rather why he has a box at all. I suppose the best clue is whats in the box.

I pulled out the healers kit. "Do any of you laddies know how to dress a wound?"
Thor watches Drec as he fumbles for the healers kit. He looks at the bite on his shoulder for the first time and shrugs his shoulders.

"I have had worse...but tis a bit nasty. I could use a bandage for it, if one of you could. Right after I find out whats in this damn thing that is."

He gives it a harder kick and waits to see if it does anything. Grabbing one of his axes he cuts it off the beasts body and looks it over in his hands. If nothing cacthes his eye he cautiously opens it....

Seven damage and you've had worse? I know drec is tricked out with 20hp but how much does thor have?
"Perhaps Esmeralda should check the box to see if it's trapped?" Leanna suggested. She didn't know if Ezmi had any particular skill with skullduggery, but she figured if anyone did, it would be more likely to be Ezmi than anyone else.

After making her suggestion, Leanna edges back slightly, just in case the box does erupt into some sort of fiery death trap.
The case is made of leather and opens easily enough, despite some rust on the clasp. Inside is a composite shortbow, built with a slightly firmer pull than usual. (Mighty comp shortbow: +1 to damage for those with a Str bonus) On the inner flap of the case, there are dwarven letters but they don't spell out anything that Thor can read. The language appears to goblin.

Additionally, the collar on the beast is made of good leather and actually has a small gem mounted in it.

OOC: Along with your chars' RP and stuff, can you folks please roll a new set of Spot and Listen checks? Thanks.
Thor ignores Leanna's insistance to have ezmi look at it and fumbles with the rusty latch. Seeing the bow and the letters he examines both before handing it off to one of the others.

"Dont have any use for a bow...or letters that I cant read."

He turns his attention to the collar and rips it from its neck. Looking closely at the gem he drops it into his sack.

"I'll hold onto this...might have some value."

He turns back to the beast and kicks it for a final time before securing his axes on his belt. Quickly drawing his crossbow he loads it while searching the bushes where the beast had come from.

Spot: 15
Listen: 9
OOC: Spot 14 Listen 13

IC: "Ezmi, have you been trained to use a bow? Leena looks to me as more the crossbow type and I'd prefer to be front. Cant Let Thor have all the fun."
Leanna frowns as the dwarf ignores her advice and simply fumbles about with the case. Well, at least there's no explosion.

"I have no need of a bow," Leanna confirmed, gladly surrendering any claim to the weapon to who ever else wanted it.