"Whats the matter Drec, afraid of a little rain? Trust me, you're not sweet enough to melt..." Ezmi jibed, giving him the same condesending tone he had given her about having stopped long enough to grab an apple. (Listen = 10 Spot = 14 for the night.)
OOC: Since the rest of the day's route is through the woods, it seems unlikely that you will get much wetter while traveling than you would while stationary. Only some kind of shelter would help.
IC: The storm shows no sign of letting up. The winds rise even further as the rain falls in sheets. It rapidly begins to soak through from the upper canopy of the trees, as wet drips begin to fall haphazzardly among you.
Leanna grumpily adjusted the damp cloak of her hood, pulling it down a bit further to keep the rain mostly out of her eyes. She was more than a little bit annoyed at the rain. She had hoped the trees would absorb the worst of it, but sadly, that didn't seem to be the case.
Moreever, the constant sniping back and forther between Ezmi and Drec was getting on her already frayed nerves. Didn't they already bed each other? Leanna thought.
Still, she trudged on quietly, walking alongside the Elven Cleric, L'amreuil, who seemed to be the least likely to chat her ear off with rainy day inanities.
(Spot - 14, Listen - 3)
"I wonder how much farther we have to go?" Leanna asked irritably, wondering if they could reach shelter by nightfall.
Cassandra watched in dismay as the rain poured and slowly soaked her clothing. She was determined if they were going to get wet anyways they should either find proper shelter or keep moving.
"So... Do we travel on or find proper shelter... I say we move on" Cassandra announced in a frustrated voice.
IC: "Well it is always just rain, until it turns to just sleet, and then just hail. It may even end at just a huricane, but that tends to be when one travel by boat."
You proceed onwards, the rain continues to pour down, but as the trees thicken around the path, you find the you're getting less wet. About mid-afternoon, Ezmi and Drec suddenly notice a large web strung across the path. They hear hissing noises from ahead and to the left as a great big spider jumps out of a tree in front of the party.
OOC: Game terms: Surprise round: Ezmi, Drec and spider act. (Everyone roll for initiative though.)
OOC: In the interest of quick resolution, I'm posting the spider's initiative (act of faith). If you beat it, act before it (though not if you were surprised). Otherwise, act in any order after it. Initiative: 13
EDIT- Spider is only about 20ft away from Ezmi & Drec. Slightly further from the others.
OOC: Initativ 15 Charge attack: (Natrual 19 criticle threat) 21 (roll 14 +4 str +1 attack bonus +2 charge.) Damage: 7 (Roll 3 +4 str possible x2 if critcle hit.) Weapon was drawn as a free action while charging. Actual post to come later.
OOC: 'Natural' means the dice roll, unmodified by ANYTHING. (Therefore, for example, cats got a natural 14, modified to 21, more than ample to strike the spider, but no chance at a critical hit.)
In general, when making an attack, provide your damage roll in case you hit, and in the case of a critical threat (usually a natural 20, sometimes 19 for some weapons), roll a second attack(if this would hit, you confirm the critical for double damage)
Ezmi has been walking with her quarterstaff as a walking stick in her left hand, and as she see's the giant spider jump from their left, she draws a couple of her darts from the belt on her right hip. She throws the first at the giant spider (att 12), while holding the other between her middle and ring fingers as Drec charges on toward it.
"I see what you mean Drec, when it rains, it pours. Ladies and Gentlemen, to arms!" Ezmi calls out in jest to Drec, then in warning to the rest of her party, hoping to afford them the chance to act on her warning. "If any of you have some fire at hand, i'd suggest you bring it to bear, but mind the trees." She added as she stayed her ground for the moment.
OOC: Entirely correct. You DID confuse me. I am befuddled and confounded and Drec just walloped the bejeesus out of that spider. (One thing, on critical hits, you roll twice as opposed to just doubling the damage. Thus Drec deals 7+1d8+4. Regardless of result, will be enough, but worth noting in future.)
IC: Ezmi's dart flies wide as she shouts to the party. Drec charges in and with a lucky thrust succeeds in eviscerating the threat. It slumps to the ground, leaving behind a thin trail of ichor on Drec's blade. Another spider comes down from above on a thread and lashes out at Drec with its fangs, leaving a deep bite in his arm. (5 damage, Make 2 fortitude saves. One immediate, one a minute later)
Next round: Both Drec and Ezmi act before the spider(in melee with Drec). The rest of the party rolls for initiative (again, the number to beat is 13)
Ezmi takes a quick glance about the upper branches of the trees to see if she can spot any more spiders that might decend. (This would be considered a move action if I am not mistaken? Spot = 2 Got a natch 1 here... Ugh!) As the second spider drops down from the canopy to assail Drec, Ezmi throws her second dart for its line, hoping to sever it, and causing the giant beast to fall to the ground. (Natch 20 [24 after dex] Threat roll... 14+4=18 Dmg = 3+2 = 5 to the spiders line.) "Everyone keep on guard, they come from the canopy!"
OOC: I wasn't certain on that, which is why I showed both d4 rolls separated by a +, and the total, if it did apply. Reguardless, DOC, the outcome I was looking for took place. Get em Drec! LOL
Oh, I do have a question though, his next poison save is in a full minute? Thats 10 rounds right? Is it possible to suck the poison out(+2 favorable roll)? LOL! Not that Ezmi would be willing, mind you...
No, I'm afraid not. It's a moderately deep wound. I might allow it for a 1 or 2 pointer. What you CAN do is make a heal check (or assist L'amruil with his, DC 10 to grant him a +2 bonus) which will replace the save if the Heal result is higher. Note: If you want to do that, I'll rule that L'amruil will cooperate (since we haven't heard from Donsehan in over 2 weeks) and roll it for him.
Leanna was startled and taken aback when the hairy devils began to literally fall from the sky... Though Drec quickly proved his worth, smashing one of the arachnids to paste with startling quickness.
For herself, Leanna pulled back, unlimbering her staff and readying it to whack any spider that came to close. She looked around guardedly -- She wasn't well suited to brawling with the local wildlife, but she would defend herself if pressed.
IC: I smiled at how quickly I beat that spider. I considered what I would use to wipe the goo from my sword. To my suprise another spider droped behind me and sunk its fangs threw my armor. I could feel its cold blooded venom enter me.
A dart cut its web dropping it to the ground and I swung at it in an attempt at vengence.
The spider lunges at Drec from its position on the ground, its fangs missing him as he plunges his sword into it. It recoils, wounded. The venom in Drec's wound quickly saps his energy (take 4 Str damage(temp), save again in 10 rounds)
OOC: Rolled init for Cassandra: 18 (she acts before spider, hypothetically)
L'amruil charges in with his swords, swinging wildly at the arachnid, and misses on both strokes. (Donsehan, until you start posting again, I'm running L'amruil for you, no RP, just motions/rolls)
little_golden will be leaving the thread, for mysterious and possibly sexy reasons of her own.
Brains123 will be joining the thread.
I may be looking for 1 more player: jerlon, popcorn, I remember that one of you wanted to be notified if there was room. PM me if that one is you.
cats: yes, I noted it.
IC: Cassandra waves her hands aroung and a cool blue glow shrouds her right fist.
Next round: Cassandra moves a bit closer to the fracas and readies an action to touch the spider with her spell if it comes too near. (Everyone else acts now, since all of you beat the spider for init, I think)