D&D by email


Ezmi continues to scan the canopy for any more spiders (Spot 9) as she rushes to Drec's side, drawing a silk sash from about her waist as she does, using it as a quick tourniquet to prevent the poison in his veins from spreading any further. (Heal 13)
She notices several much smaller spiders gradually making their way down the web. Normally, the tourniquet would call for an attack of opportunity, but Drec's last stroke seems to have made the spider extremely weak and woozy.

L'amruil takes another two swings at it and fans the air.
(OCC: Hello everyone!!)

Thor a 5'1" dwarf lived a quite hectic life. He drank, he slept, he drank, and he ate...what a life. Having lived a distant way off from where he now stayed, he had few friends and had made poor progress on gaining any. Having had a few ale drinks the night before he had headed out on a stroll to clear his head. The day passing him by as he wandared further away from his makeshift shelter. A few hundred feet from where he had set up camp he all of a sudden heard noises thorugh the trees.

"Humans...Sounds like in trouble!"

Quickly reaching for his heavy crossbow he checks to make sure its loaded and bounds towards the noise. Staying low which is easy for a dwarf he tries to sneak into the clearing and see what is going on.

Init: 1d20+3=16 Move Silently:1d20+3=22 Hide: 1d20+3=16 Spot: 1d20=11
Thor sees a group of humans and an elf confronting a spider about the same size as him. Another spider already lies dead on the ground. One of the men, the human, has a wound in his arm from the spider. A woman with red hair seems to be trying to bind it. Thor sees some more spiders, much smaller than the other two, crawling down a large web stretched across the path.

"Leanna, Cassandra, L'amruil! If any of you have a means to set that damnable web to flame, I'd suggest you do it, NOW!" Ezmi called out at the sight of the other, smaller spiders.

OOC: Hello Thor, welcome to the she-ra men haters club. LOL
Cassandra revealed her true nature as she waved her hands and mumbled her magical words to cast a stream of acid against the enemy. It was dark and powerful magic and worked her words quickly with the proper tone and intonations. Unexpectedly, her friend's words caused her but a split second of lost concentration and she misspoke a small intonation in the second to last word.

The site was gruesome as instead of a stream of burning black acid encasing her enemy, the black acid flow down her arm, across her chest, to her stomach and then down her legs. Cassandra screamed out in utter pain and her eyes bulged as the pain overcame her senses. She was in disbelief that the magic had failed her. There was a noxious smell as her flesh melted.

"No...." Cassandra mumbled as her body fell to the ground in the pool of acid. After several seconds all that remained was her beautiful head, hands, and feet.

OCC: Thank you GM.... I bid everyone adieu ... I wish you happy adventures!

Ezmi was stunned by the sight of Cassandra's gruesome death, unable to do anything to prevent it. She stared at the melting corpse in horror for a moment. "Cassandra!!!" She shrieked as though she were the one being burned by the acid, reaching a futile hand toward the ex party member. Only her head hands and feet falling clear of the pool of acid that rested where she once stood. Ezmi felt the urge to wretch.

IC: I stared in disbeief and remembered why I prefered the sword to the spell. As much as I cared for my departed team mateonly one practicle thng was left to do. I raced to her corpse and began trying to free her shoes.
Thor wacthing the scene with disbelief creeps farther along the edge of the woods. Getting closer to the group with each step he wacthes as the beautifull spell caster attempts a simple spell, a brief distraction throws her off as acid pours from her palm. Her flow of words stumble as she looses concentration and the acid seemes to loose the fight against gravity and drools down her arm. Screaming in pain the stream of acid picks up speed and smolders its way down her flesh. Pooling at her feet she slowly starts to sink into the growing mass of powerfull acid her flesh and bones emiting hisses and smoke as the dissapears into the atmosphere. Continueing to creep around the edge of the clearing he hopes the spell casters failed spell gives him enough cover to be unseen and unheard.

Move Silently: 1d20+3=19 Hide: 1d20+3=14 (If they succed I should surprise the spider correct?)

Still about a 40ft from the large spider Thor takes cover behind a rock and props the heavy crossbow on it. Steadying his aim he sights the crossbow and lets loose a bolt at the spider.

Attack Roll: 1d20+5=17 Damage: 1d10=7

With an animalistic snarl, Ezmi strikes at the giant spiders head with her staff, intent on bashing it in. (19+1 = 20 to hit. dmg = 5)
A bolt thunks into the spider's body at the same time that Ezmi's quarterstaff connects. It dies instantly. Drec manages to free Cassandra's boots, complete with her feet, from the pool of goo which is gradually being neutralized as it eats its way into the forest floor. The tops have been a bit eroded and an acrid stench is slowly beginning to spread through the area.

L'amruil grabs a torch out of his pack and lights it. Nine spiders, each about the size of a rat, make their way down to surround him and Ezmi. (Ezmi can take an attack of opportunity against one) L'amruil swings his torch at one, frying it.

The spiders attack. L'amruil is bitten twice, and Ezmi once. The elf grunts and slumps down somewhat as the poison affects him (2 Str dmg). (Ezmi must make a fortitude save, no damage)

Leanna still needs to act before the next round. (24 hours or I determine her action)

As the nine rat-sized spiders decent upon them, one lands on Ezmi's arm and scores a bite, causing her to growl in pain, her eyes flashing with seething anger. She attempts to strike it against a near by tree as it clings to her. (Att 4+1 = 5) (fort sv 17+3 = 20)
Leanna is a bit stunned by the enormous backfiring of Cassandra's spell. She's never seen a spell go so very wrong before, though the Art is a dangerous path.

It's enough to make her nervous about casting one of her own spells, so instead, she joins Ezmi in whacking the nearest spider with her staff.

(Attack roll - 4).
Leanna misses the spider. (I'm assuming that you meant 1d20-4, so I rolled)

OOC: If you want, Leanna can make a spellcraft check to identify the spell which Cassandra was trying to cast.

A new round begins... L'amruil tosses his torch at the web, which begins to burn. Fortunately, the trees seem to be wet enough to be impervious to the fire which is rapidly consuming the web. Various old bones and miscellaneous pieces of half-broken equipment start to rain down as the webs hidden in the canopy above begin to burn as well. The elf draws his weapons again to prepare for combat.

Ezmi dances back from the rain of decayed bone and equipement as she shakes the spider free of her arm. She follows up with a BRUTAL strike of her staff at the spider that bit her.

(Att Roll(1d20)+1:15,+1Total:16 [Dmg Roll(1d6)+1:6,+1Total:7])
Thor grinning with joy from the dead on shot looks to his dwarven waraxes at his sides. Looking back to the heavy crossbow in his hands his brow wrinkles in thought. Finally decideing he steadys the crossbow against the rock and quickly begins to reload it, drawing a bolt from a sack hanging from his belt.

(Reloading crossbow Full Round Action)

IC: "I think I am going to be sick, and not from the bite." I took the time to put the boots, preferably with out the feet into my pack. I was rushed I want to protect the girls as is my job.
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(Actually, I meant that I had rolled 4 + 0, but I'm assuming that would have missed anyways. :p And my spellcraft check is 11 + 4 + 2 for 17 total.)
Drec shoves the boots into his pack, letting the feet fall where they may. (Gosh, WHY did golden pick such a nasty way to remove her character?)

Leanna determines that Cassandra's spell failed because it was far beyond her normal ability to cast. Many is the apprentice who earned a gruesome death by attempting a spell from their master's most powerful tomes before they were ready for it.

Leanna still needs to act for this round, then the spiders. (Again, 24hrs)
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Leanna continued to whack away at the nearby spiders, sweeping about with her quarterstaff in an attempt to fend the beasts off.

(Attack roll 14 + 0 = 14) (If I hit, damage roll 3 + 0 = 3)
Leanna squishes a spider with her staff. Five of the remaining six spiders continue to plague Ezmi and L'amruil, while one bites Leanna. Ezmi and L'amruil each receive another nasty little bite. (Leanna and Ezmi must each make a fort save. No damage, Leanna may make an attack of opportunity vs. the spider which bit her.)

Next round:
L'amruil swings one of his blades and manages to kill a spider with it.

IC: "We've lost one member already, lets retreat in the diection of that crossbowman." I moved into flankng position with Ezmi. (If I can do so, attack will fallow.)