~Deacon's Fucked up Cancer Thread~

What are your levels at. My wife likes to stay around seven. She only takes pills though, no insulin.

Seven or under is the goal. I try to stay at a low six, but this dextrose Infusion is making it a bitch to stay low. I can only base it on my daily numbers, right ow because its only been four doses, but next month I'll see where I'm at.

I suffer from edema, which really adds to my problems. Water flushes the kidneys, but in my body, it builds up, starting in my legs and working its way up. If it gets ahead of me, it swamps my heart, and that lowers my ejection fraction, which is the volume of blood your heart can push per beat.

Right now I'm fighting to keep that balance, because I need to drink lots of water to flush the chemo from my kidneys every day. That means I need to up my lasix intake, which lowers my kidney function, so its a vicious battle of balances, lol.

Its not easy, but you deal with the hand you're dealt I guess.
Seven or under is the goal. I try to stay at a low six, but this dextrose Infusion is making it a bitch to stay low. I can only base it on my daily numbers, right ow because its only been four doses, but next month I'll see where I'm at.

I suffer from edema, which really adds to my problems. Water flushes the kidneys, but in my body, it builds up, starting in my legs and working its way up. If it gets ahead of me, it swamps my heart, and that lowers my ejection fraction, which is the volume of blood your heart can push per beat.

Right now I'm fighting to keep that balance, because I need to drink lots of water to flush the chemo from my kidneys every day. That means I need to up my lasix intake, which lowers my kidney function, so its a vicious battle of balances, lol.

Its not easy, but you deal with the hand you're dealt I guess.

A straight flush would have been nice.
So, just got off the phone with my brother. He talked to my dad last night. (I dont talk with my dad after a falling out over my mom and her bout with ovarian cancer)

Turns out he has colon cancer, but he hates doctors and didnt go in until it was much too late. He was rushed into surgery with stomach issues. Turns out it wasnt his stomach. The cancer was everywhere in his colon and other places. They actually pulled his colon out to try and repair it, but it just fell apart in their hands. They ended up removing it, but they sent him to hospice care and he isnt expected to live more than a month.

So one more reason to get that damn checkup people. Life's way too precious to take things for granted.
So, just got off the phone with my brother. He talked to my dad last night. (I dont talk with my dad after a falling out over my mom and her bout with ovarian cancer)

Turns out he has colon cancer, but he hates doctors and didnt go in until it was much too late. He was rushed into surgery with stomach issues. Turns out it wasnt his stomach. The cancer was everywhere in his colon and other places. They actually pulled his colon out to try and repair it, but it just fell apart in their hands. They ended up removing it, but they sent him to hospice care and he isnt expected to live more than a month.

So one more reason to get that damn checkup people. Life's way too precious to take things for granted.

Wow! I am so sorry DV.


Please know that you are loved and thought of in high regard by many of us here. I thank you for sharing your strength💋

I’ll be praying for your mom. Please repair the relationship with your dad. This is for your own peace of mind.
Wow! I am so sorry DV.


Please know that you are loved and thought of in high regard by many of us here. I thank you for sharing your strength💋

I’ll be praying for your mom. Please repair the relationship with your dad. This is for your own peace of mind.

My mom died in 2014 sadly. s far as my dad? He's chosen to disown me. Nothing I can do about it sadly. But, maybe he'll reach out, who knows. But I do know that if he doesnt, I'll be just fine. I know I did what was right, defending my mom (Dont fuck with Mom. She raised seven children)

Not to get too into my family past, just get checked out. Colon cancer is the easiest to cure, but you've gotta know you have it to get t dealt with. :rose:
I'm sorry, sweet man. When it rains, it pours. I'll be praying for your dad, that he rests peacefully and without a lot of pain. :heart:
My mom died in 2014 sadly. s far as my dad? He's chosen to disown me. Nothing I can do about it sadly. But, maybe he'll reach out, who knows. But I do know that if he doesnt, I'll be just fine. I know I did what was right, defending my mom (Dont fuck with Mom. She raised seven children)

Not to get too into my family past, just get checked out. Colon cancer is the easiest to cure, but you've gotta know you have it to get t dealt with. :rose:

Sorry Deacon...it sucks to have that kind of family drama. Hang in there!
Thinking of you. That’s difficult news to hear, regardless of your relationship.

I hope you are ok.
Thinking of you. That’s difficult news to hear, regardless of your relationship.

I hope you are ok.

I'm okay. I've spent the day reminiscing about the good times. When I was four he taught me to ride a bike. By five I could patch a flat. I grew up at the drag strip on the weekends where my dad raced a 56 Chevy. I was given my first car at 13 (A 67 VW bug) By the time I got my learners permit I'd taken it apart and put it back together.

40 years later we'd built over sixty cars and trucks, raced jet boats, and even snow machines. His knowledge gave me a very nice career, both in construction and on my own. He was one of the best commercial divers in the world (Everywhere from the North Sea, to the Gulf of Alaska) and he was one of the very best welders both under water and above.

He worked on the Alaska pipeline, and welded on many of the off shore oil platforms around the world.

I have very much to be proud of, and thankful for. He'll leave behind seven children, ten grandchildren, and four great grandchildren. He will be missed :heart:
I have very much to be proud of, and thankful for. He'll leave behind seven children, ten grandchildren, and four great grandchildren. He will be missed :heart:

This is so sad. I'm so sorry, Deacon. I will keep him and his family in my prayers. :(:heart:
My mom died in 2014 sadly. s far as my dad? He's chosen to disown me. Nothing I can do about it sadly. But, maybe he'll reach out, who knows. But I do know that if he doesnt, I'll be just fine. I know I did what was right, defending my mom (Dont fuck with Mom. She raised seven children)

Not to get too into my family past, just get checked out. Colon cancer is the easiest to cure, but you've gotta know you have it to get t dealt with. :rose:

Great attitude Deacon...but I already knew that about you.
This is so sad. I'm so sorry, Deacon. I will keep him and his family in my prayers. :(:heart:

Thank you JJ :heart::rose:

Great attitude Deacon...but I already knew that about you.

Thanks Dribble I try to stay positive, and some positive has come from it all. Looks like us Kids may have a family get together at Christmas, which hasnt happened in 15 years. It definitely has us all talking again, at least for now :)
Thank you JJ :heart::rose:

Thanks Dribble I try to stay positive, and some positive has come from it all. Looks like us Kids may have a family get together at Christmas, which hasnt happened in 15 years. It definitely has us all talking again, at least for now :)

You never know what the future may hold. Like yourself, I’ll leave room for the possibility of positive wonders. Please know you are an encouragement to and for me.
I'm so sorry, Deacon. 💔

And yes, I echo your sentiment. Colon cancer is becoming alarmingly prevalent in young people (30/40 year olds are starting to die). Please talk to your doctor about any change in bowel habits.
I'm so sorry, Deacon. 💔

And yes, I echo your sentiment. Colon cancer is becoming alarmingly prevalent in young people (30/40 year olds are starting to die). Please talk to your doctor about any change in bowel habits.

On a good note, my third grandson was born a few hours ago. Still waiting on the details, but I did get a picture. He gorgeous and perfect:D

So as one life ends, another enters in his place, to help carry his legacy.

I went in to start round five today, and my kidney numbers and white blood cell count are both way up. My A1C is close to 6.0 (6.2, but my target is 6.0) So I'm very happy with my efforts :D
On a good note, my third grandson was born a few hours ago. Still waiting on the details, but I did get a picture. He gorgeous and perfect:D

So as one life ends, another enters in his place, to help carry his legacy.

I went in to start round five today, and my kidney numbers and white blood cell count are both way up. My A1C is close to 6.0 (6.2, but my target is 6.0) So I'm very happy with my efforts :D


How long is this round for??

I can't wait to read your future post about seeing this lil man and holding him!!!
All my rounds will be 48 hours on, with a two week break.

Baby should be home on Saturday :D


All I ask for is a picture of his hand inside of yours. That would be so awesome to see.
Just checking in to see how you are and I see your positivity continues. This warms my heart. Still thinking about you often and checking in when I can. I am sorry to hear about your dad but I know how it can be when you distance yourself from a family member for all the right reasons. You continue to keep your head up, your heart full and your spirit positive. Much love ❤️❤️❤️

All I ask for is a picture of his hand inside of yours. That would be so awesome to see.

I will do that! Good idea :)

Just checking in to see how you are and I see your positivity continues. This warms my heart. Still thinking about you often and checking in when I can. I am sorry to hear about your dad but I know how it can be when you distance yourself from a family member for all the right reasons. You continue to keep your head up, your heart full and your spirit positive. Much love ❤️❤️❤️

As always, seeing you post makes me smile. You and a few others have gone above and beyond to help me, and I'll never forget that. I'm truly very lucky to know you Sweetie. :heart::heart::rose::rose:
Okay, so in the middle of the sixth dose as I type this. More side effects are showing up, which makes them happy, but me, not so much, lol. Sensitivity to cold, but not to my ice :) It really hurts my fingers to take ice out of the bag. Feels like pins being driven into my finger tips, lol.

My last blood test labs were really good, which did surprise everyone. My kidney function nearly doubled, and so did my white blood cell count (Due to the improved kidney function.)

I basically cut my protein intake down by two thirds, because I don't need as much as I had been eating. I feel pretty good today, but I am nervous about my PET and CT scans being done next week. It will tell us how well the treatment is working.

Having a project to work on does help, and so does having two of my grandkids around :D

So thats it for now :D
Okay, so in the middle of the sixth dose as I type this. More side effects are showing up, which makes them happy, but me, not so much, lol. Sensitivity to cold, but not to my ice :) It really hurts my fingers to take ice out of the bag. Feels like pins being driven into my finger tips, lol.

My last blood test labs were really good, which did surprise everyone. My kidney function nearly doubled, and so did my white blood cell count (Due to the improved kidney function.)

I basically cut my protein intake down by two thirds, because I don't need as much as I had been eating. I feel pretty good today, but I am nervous about my PET and CT scans being done next week. It will tell us how well the treatment is working.

Having a project to work on does help, and so does having two of my grandkids around :D

So thats it for now :D
