Dear Litster, once more

Dear Please please please sign this!

@Bry1313 ruined my visions for the Lit convention, by assuring me that the only venue large enough to hold us all, was in fact imaginary. I can sign your slip, but you'll not be attending until we find a new facility

The disappointed grown up
Dear Dissapointed grown up,

Wtf! I just put a $4000 NON-REFUNDABLE deposit for that suite for the org.... after party! Now I'm gonna make sure it's all Hawaiian Pizzas for @Bry1313 at said after party.

Pineapple does go on pizza.
Dear Dissapointed grown up,

Wtf! I just put a $4000 NON-REFUNDABLE deposit for that suite for the org.... after party! Now I'm gonna make sure it's all Hawaiian Pizzas for @Bry1313 at said after party.

Pineapple does go on pizza.
Dear Questionable Tastes and Decisions,

Why would you invite @Bry1313 to a party in the first place?

You're not getting the party details anymore
Dear Questionable Tastes and Decisions,

Why would you invite @Bry1313 to a party in the first place?

You're not getting the party details anymore
Dear Putting words in my mouth,

I just said I was having hawaiian pizza in honor of him, NEVER specified he was invited, PLUS I am the one who paid for the after party venue, so I already know where it is.

I already know the location, so🤪
Dear Litsters

I feel VERY strongly that you lot have taken what was a sincere and sometimes sentimental way to post anonymous lovenotes, letters and sonnets, or indeed tales of wow, angst or chagrin to other as yet unamed litsters.....

And royally fucked it up.

I'm not angry with you. I'm just

Disappointed litster
Dear RoyalPenisHole,

Don't worry. I'm not starting a competing party with good pizza and a LaCroix wall to keep out the unwanted. Hope you have lots of fun with @Bry1313.

Nothing is going on here
Dear Not Nice Seal,

Will there also be fresh fish there? Or will the fish be on the pizza? AFAF. And you can keep the LaCroix, sparkling water is icky IMHO.

Yours Truly,
Your party is gonna duck compared to mine, I got the hot tub suite.
Dear Laughing but serious

That’s some bullshit that you think those two Benedict Arnold’s are feuding or even initiated this spamming. I started it with my original post, they are accomplices, not foes and if you send them boobs and reward their behavior of the last 48 hours, my spamming will only worsen.


The non drama Llama but sees their BS.
Dear Hungry Hippo

This thread has never been more alive and flourishing. I would also like a toastie.


The non Drama Llama
Dear Litsters @OrdinaryPerson and @crazychemgirl (I’m not even pretending this is anonymous),

I did not think it was possible, but this is approaching OP/Bry feud levels of ridiculous. If I show you my boobs will you stop spamming this thread?

Laughing….but totally serious,
Litster who is afraid my eyes will get stuck in the rolling position 😊
Not sure what it means that I'm so annoying Im always getting boobs to stop. But boobs, so I'm okay with that.
Dear Laughing but serious

That’s some bullshit that you think those two Benedict Arnold’s are feuding or even initiated this spamming. I started it with my original post, they are accomplices, not foes and if you send them boobs and reward their behavior of the last 48 hours, my spamming will only worsen.


The non drama Llama but sees their BS.
Stop trying to steal our boobs. No one likes a whiner.
Dear Litster,
I’m sorry this thread has been corrupted and hijacked. I can take responsibility for my part in the chaos.
Boobs are always appreciated, but not required. Though I could start another “e-fight” with @OrdinaryPerson if you want. That way you won’t feel guilty for sending out superfluous boobs.
Also … you, yes I mean you. I’m sorry I disappointed you, maybe boobs should be sent your way? Unless you don’t want boobs. I know someone who has a spectacular 10”er that is sure to impress.

The Agent of Chaos
Dear Litster,
I would appreciate you not using my name in your posts. We’re not big, buds, only posters who frequent the same threads and occasionally like what the other has posted. Do not attempt to make it look like we are anything more than what we are: two posters randomly posting at the same time.
Not a happy camper at the moment!
Dear litsters,
Please, please for your safety and your own personal well-being, be super extra triple careful with whom you share your personal information, selfies and other photos.
And be really careful who slips into your DMs with methods crafted from experience of getting things from you.
There are some really sick and twisted people on this site. Those people are fine.
It's the other ones who happen to be a problem.
No regrets and certainly not sorry.