Dear X

Dear you,

Maybe it really is time to move on and end this. Although being alone terrifies me, forgetting important dates tells me everything I need to know.

Can’t wait to travel this weekend and clear my head
I just wanted to say Hi, how are you. Big baseball fan in Canada so Blue Jays. Who's your team. We can have fun watch fests.
Dear Old Love,

I'm sorry it has to end this way. You've been part of my life for a long time and so it's not easy to admit that there are now too many problems between us. We've past the point of no return and it breaks my heart to admit it.

I've tried to be patient. I've tried to find other solutions. I believe I've been reasonable until the point where even I couldn't deny it had become ridiculous. You know all my secrets. You've seen the best of me, and the worst and I would never have it any other way.

You've never complained when I treated you badly, when I so often turned you on, had you fired up and eager and then I simply walked away. I could have been more thoughtful. I will point out, though, that I never hit you or shook you. Small mercies, I guess.

But, now, here we are. I have your replacement beside me, shiny and new. They're waiting for my attention and soon they'll get it. My love will soon ebb for you, and flow instead for them. It's sometimes shocking how fast it happens. But I'll never forget you. You weren't my first, you weren't my last. But at least when I pull the final plug on you, you can be assured that you were my everything, at least for a time.

Take comfort in knowing that I'm not going to smash you into smithereens. At worst, you'll be dismantled and find peace on the scrap pile. At best, you'll be adjusted (aka all smut absolutely wiped off) so my kids can use you for their own twisted entertainment. I'll try to ensure they don't hit you either. You were a good Acer, but it's now time to try Lenovo.

Always fond memories,

Dear convenience stores that sell Twizzlers but not Red Vines,

There will be a special place in Hell reserved especially for you.

A sweet little angel
Dear Young Enthusiastic Person,

It was all I could do to not laugh as you described the excitement and pleasure you felt from running your very first meeting in the "grown up" professional conference room. Your pride at making a slide deck and "action items" to take from the meeting is well placed.
Forgive me, because when you've been to and run as many meetings as I have you learn that meetings are indeed, the practical alternative to work.

Let me invite you to run my next few meetings.

Old, Jaded, but hopeful!
(apparently I'm the only one who posts here now?)

Dear X,

You know it was a good run. We had some great times. I remember especially how fun it was in the "new" stage.
But it was time. It really was, I was already thinking about it. Maybe you could tell?
I'm not going to pretend it was "me not you" was you. Things just weren't working right anymore, and I need it to work right. I need it to be reliable. I need it to be what I need.
But seriously, did you have to blow it up like that? I mean just completely shut down on me?
Just not respond at all?

As the tech said, "you keyed my car" on the way out. The "boot drive not responding" message this morning was not cool.
I'm still surprised you knew I was thinking about it. I mean fine, you did see me checking Dell a little. But I hadn't picked one yet? It was just, you know...a little flirting? The new one will have a bigger drive. More Cores. Faster Cores. More memory.
I'm sorry, but damn bitch, did you have to go nuclear on me? So now I'm stuck on the fucking little check out laptop for the day.

Ah well,
Love/Hate relationship with computers.
And a hat tip to @Tallulah82 who inspired this in part a month ago (see above).
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(apparently I'm the only one who posts here now?)

Dear X,

You know it was a good run. We had some great times. I remember especially how fun it was in the "new" stage.
But it was time. It really was, I was already thinking about it. Maybe you could tell?
I'm not going to pretend it was "me not you" was you. Things just weren't working right anymore, and I need it to work right. I need it to be reliable. I need it to be what I need.
But seriously, did you have to blow it up like that? I mean just completely shut down on me?
Just not respond at all?

As the tech said, "you keyed my car" on the way out. The "boot drive not responding" message this morning was not cool.
I'm still surprised you knew I was thinking about it. I mean fine, you did see me checking Dell a little. But I hadn't picked one yet? It was just, you know...a little flirting? The new one will have a bigger drive. More Cores. Faster Cores. More memory.
I'm sorry, but damn bitch, did you have to go nuclear on me? So now I'm stuck on the fucking little check out laptop for the day.

Ah well,
Love/Hate relationship with computers.
Dear Love/Hate

Went through that with mine. Planned obsolescence maybe? I wouldn't really know. I hope you backed up your memories there. I did somewhat when it happened here, but still lost a lot. I had to bust the little darling back to basic and it works again. But so much was lost. I am still recovering months later. Ridiculous.

So sorry for your loss
Dear Love/Hate

Went through that with mine. Planned obsolescence maybe? I wouldn't really know. I hope you backed up your memories there. I did somewhat when it happened here, but still lost a lot. I had to bust the little darling back to basic and it works again. But so much was lost. I am still recovering months later. Ridiculous.

So sorry for your loss
Dear so sorry,

Thank you so much for your kind words. We think the data drive was OK, it appears that the boot drive was the disaster. Although there may be a few things on that, they are hopeful they can get it off and recover the data drive.
But no...I was not as well backed up as I should have been. I may be a little fucked. And not in the good way.
The techs are cool thought (some of the above was stolen from them joking around with me this AM...bunch of young guys).


Update: I may be fucked. Data drive is the issue..... can't read.
Fuckity fuck fuck.
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Dear All X

I am here for myself and can post all by myself if need be. So go ahead and let the shunning continue. I've always been happy to play the Fool. *tips. fucking. hat.*
Dear Mistress of Fate-

Can we stop now? I think my turn is over…I thought you had moved on, but apparently I was wrong. Just give me one year off…please!

If I can one year with the good fate fairy it would be sooo appreciated!

Dear Ex,

I'm surprised at how fast I've replaced you. Tomorrow it will be official and I'll be happy.
You were good for a while, but the way you ended things was brutal. Yeah, I know, you knew I was already looking. I didn't think I needed to hide it, you knew it was over.

The new computer is in and set up by the tech guys.
(see this post for more context).

I got a new computer!!!
(and found some back ups of the old stuff and the disk recovery people think they can get me most of the rest a cost of 3 large. But, fuck it, that's what my operating budget's for, right?
Dear Ex,

I'm surprised at how fast I've replaced you. Tomorrow it will be official and I'll be happy.
You were good for a while, but the way you ended things was brutal. Yeah, I know, you knew I was already looking. I didn't think I needed to hide it, you knew it was over.

The new computer is in and set up by the tech guys.
(see this post for more context).

I got a new computer!!!
(and found some back ups of the old stuff and the disk recovery people think they can get me most of the rest a cost of 3 large. But, fuck it, that's what my operating budget's for, right?
I was thinking you got a new car! 😂