Fuck It: Refux

OK, I'm biting...

Does anyone see being able to undress in 5 seconds as a sexy, or even desirable thing?

For me, the undressing is part of the fun. It's like unwrapping a present. Best done slowly so you can enjoy it...
I agree with Wander.

I think a slow seductive stripping is often the way to go ... But also half dressed frenzied fucking can be exactly what one needs.

And I think @Wriggle is trying to make people laugh and be silly by doing the 5 second video, which is a kind of seduction of its own.
It was never about being sexy.
It was wholly about playful fun, entertainment, comedy, and a unique challenge.

But it turns out people are also attracted to people being funny too, especially when they are willing to share their most vulnerable and unsexy sides to do so.
I will definitely try that as my next challenge.

And yes with a bit of taskmaster style rule bending - I did it.