Fuck It: Refux

I don't get offended by the public displays of desire.
I am fascinated by it. I wondered if I was jealous in some way, but I don't think I am. My personality doesn't suit that sort of cutesy lovey doveyness. But then maybe I just haven't met the right person.
It annoys me if in a game thread. But I feel excluded if they get monopolised anyway. It makes it more obvious I'm on the outside of whatever clique is posting. But I just move away until they are done. They tend to get bored and move on relatively quickly.
And I got carried away last weekend shipping everyone who was flirting because I was in a strangely romantic mood.
I obviously flirt with you wand3r, because I feel like I am part of you clique, though.
Yes but you flirt with a lot of people in almost every thread you post in.
It isn't the same as 2 people moving from thread to thread taking them all over. Which did happen.

It also isn't the same as being in one thread where constant and relentless thirst is going on. I find that just as boring and tiresome.

But then it is on me to make it more interesting.
Yes but you flirt with a lot of people in almost every thread you post in.
It isn't the same as 2 people moving from thread to thread taking them all over. Which did happen.

It also isn't the same as being in one thread where constant and relentless thirst is going on. I find that just as boring and tiresome.

But then it is on me to make it more interesting.
The thread-to-thread makeout session happens every day. It is supposed to be quarantined
Ultimately I think it doesn't bother me because I have an ability to look past posts and posters I can't be arsed with.
I can understand it in the chatrooms, that's where i started here many years ago, but in threads it's a bit annoying as the posts stay there (if that makes sense)

Some threads are too cliquey anyway, but that is a reflection on life... i just feel too awkward to even try. Sometimes its nice to just be a nothing on the edges who can vanish and no one notices
I was like that for a long long time. Its only been recently I've been more active. But I lurked and looked from the outside for ages.
one reason i like taking photos is i can hide behind the camera - see things through it as if i am not there, just observing. Plus, it hides my face
No, you don't need to because you're a great girl, but it can be fun!

Many moons ago me and @Daisy_Love used to have link battles largely for the same reason...
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So here's the situation...
You are wearing 5 items of clothing

Males - shoes, socks, trousers, shirt underpants

Females - shoes, socks, dress, knickers and bra.

Can you get naked in 5 seconds if you needed to?