
To elide is to glide one's tongue carefully about a clitoris without touching the most sensitive part, e.g.: "Stop eliding," she cried. "This elision is a cruel torment!"

What's a stop?
What's a stop?

A "stop" is a feigned rejection of an amorous advance. It is often preceded by a "don't," which is essentially a similar feint. When run together, the two mild negatives make an emphatic positive, as in "don't stop." A "full stop," or "period," however, is often considered an emphatic negative in the realm of amour.

What is "feint?"
Feint is an adjective related to woodland magic, usually of an erotic nature, e.g., "Her feint kiss transformed his ass and delighted the morning cocks."

What is an ass?
ASS is an acronym for "Against Sensual Sex," an international group associated with Opus Dei and operating sub rosa to ensure that no one enjoys sexual activities.

What is "sub rosa"?

Sub rosa is when Rosa is on top, usually a cowgirl but in reverse.

What is a cowgirl?

Ciao, Tio :heart:
Ample is the use of electrostim, usually of the breasts.

What are nipple rings?
Representation is where you give someone a gift that you received as a gift from someone else. (Misrepresentation is where the someone else is the original someone.)

What is a horse?
A horse is a rough-furred leather striker that is quite thuddy and impactive. "Kicks like a horse" as an example.

What are examples?
Examples is the peculiar fetish wherein the pressure of sitting tests induces an orgasmic bliss, and revision acts as foreplay.

What is pressure times area?
What is pressure times area?

A psychological theory/construct that shows the amount of potential change ('area') one can expect from a given stressor over a specified time period ('pressure times')

What are stressors?
The endowed is the period of time between the marriage ceremony and the honeymoon.

What's a honeymoon?
Ejaculate is colloquial for a late winter.

What's late?
Prompt is the tradition of pussy-tasting at formal coming-of-age dances. The lead girl/woman is crowned as Queen and given a throne to sit on, the throne being of a design that allows her 'subjects' to taste her.

What's a crown?
Crowns are
- A term for areolae with a 'ring' of secondary bumps circling the nipple
- The head of a cock
- The act of slapping a recalcitrant sub on top of the head
- The act of just inserting the tip of a penis into a, typically tight to very tight, orfice

What is recalcitrant?
What is recalcitrant?

Certain heterotropic skeletal elements, such as the baculum in particular, are easily fractured during vigorous use. Bone material is initially resorbed during the healing process and then regrown in remodeled fashion. Such regrown bones are called recalcitrant.

What is "resorbed?"
Certain heterotropic skeletal elements, such as the baculum in particular, are easily fractured during vigorous use. Bone material is initially resorbed during the healing process and then regrown in remodeled fashion. Such regrown bones are called recalcitrant.

Um, ouch?

What is "resorbed?"

Term from gaming/crpg, "resurrection orbs" are common gaming themes that bring a character back to life.

What's resurrection?
A resorbed is a chandelier in the form of a suspended hoop, in which is bound a naked person (usually female) whose rear and esp. lower genitals are exposed to the room below.

Again! Resurrection is the attempt to harden a recently used cock by examining it orally.

What is a hoop?
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