High school blues. Check ooc before joining!

Yamanaka crashed through the brush. He could see their trail... they had made no real effort to disguise it, either wanting their friends to follow them or simply being occupied with something else...

...or both...

He was practically dragging Eiji along, running at breakneck speed, irritating the young fighter even more after his interruption.

Well, if Mai or Milo want to follow us, at least they won't have any trouble...


Tetsuru's smile slowly slipped away, and her tired expression re-appeared. She swallowed gently and glanced down, a flicker of fear appearing on her face.

"You see... Lea... we... didn't know our parent. Uh, parents. We only knew him... them... for a little while, and then they left, and we've been looking for them ever since. They left us with a lot of money, and we've been able to take care of ourselves, but none of it really makes any sense. If they were going to abandon us, why leave us with so much money? Why leave us together? Why not put us up for adoption? There are so many questions, and..."

She stopped, and bowed her head. For the first time in five minutes, Yoshiro turned around. His normally grave face was even graver, and he brushed his rakish dark-red hair away from his eyes to look straight at Lea.

"Our father lives here. We don't know if we even have a mother, because we... don't remember her. So... we want to find him. But there might be security, and he might want to test us. If he really didn't want us to find him, he wouldn't have left so many clues... and we won't indulge ourselves so much as to think that those clues were mistakes that we picked up. We need to get in and find him... this is one of his research centers, the best one, and we know he's here now."

"So we might need help getting in," said Tetsuru quietly. "But... after what happened to Momiji... we didn't want to endanger anyone. This wasn't even the purpose of the trip!" She shook her head wildly, shutting her eyes tightly as if afraid to cry. "We really just wanted to take you guys on a vacation! To have some fun! But... we thought that... we might just be able to slip out..."

Yoshiro's face twitched and he glanced up, narrowing his eyes. "What's that sound...?"

Soon, the sound of snapping branches and swishing leaves filled the air, and after a few moments, Yamanaka and a stumbling Eiji burst onto the scene. Yamanaka leaned down and panted softly, looking up and grinning after a few moments.

"H-Hey, we found you guys! Not going off on another adventure without us, are you?"

Tetsuru ignored him, however. She was staring at Eiji with wide eyes.


She stepped forward, and then rushed ahead and practically tackled him, hugging him tightly and burying her face in his shoulder.

"Oh, Eiji! I... I didn't want... to endanger anyone..."

Yoshiro sighed and turned around, looking back at the door. The entrance was dark, and beckoned...
ooc:Man! I'm getting tackled every where!!! \ _ / Heh....

Eiji stumbled through the bushes, trying to keep balance as the little brother of his greatest rival basicly dragged him through the forest, as if he was trying to escape somebody. Eiji suddenly triped over something that yellped, and landed face first into the ground.


"Sorry... Cerb... Eiji stood up, and wiped the dirt off of his face with the back of his hand. As soon as he regained full sight.The first thing he saw was Tetsuru, staring at him with wide eyes. But the thing that worried Eiji was that her eyes showed fear, fear he never seen before.

All of an sudden, Tetsuru ran into him almost making him loose his balance. She hugged him tightly and buried her face in his shoulder.

'Oh, Eiji! I... I didn't want... to endanger anyone...'

Tetsuru continued to hold Eiji tightly, sighing softly and running a hand across his chest. Remembering the last time she had done that, she smiled slyly, but quickly remembered the situation and immediately sighed again, her brief moment of pleasure now banished.


She placed both hands on his shoulder and pulled away slightly, looking up into his eyes. She was obviously scared, but there was a grim determination beginning to form, an emotion normally better suited to Yoshiro.

"Eiji, thank you for coming. I'm going to need your help."

Sighing again, she glanced at the ground for a few moments, summoning her strength before looking back into his eyes.

"My Father is down there." The emphasis she put on the word 'father' was odd. "It might be dangerous, or it might be incredibly easy, but Yoshiro and I want to find him. We need to ask him some questions. Such as why he abandoned us." She shook her head gently and had to lower her eyes again, unable to look at Eiji now, struggling to hold in her emotions. "I... don't know him very well. He doesn't know us very well. I don't know what he's thinking right now, but... I think he wants to test us... he's always wanted us to be stronger... I don't know... why... we couldn't just have an ordinary f-family..."

She shuddered slightly and closed her eyes tightly, taking some time to regain her composure before looking Eiji in the eyes again.

"Eiji-chan, I try to be happy all the time, but I've always been scared. Always been scared that he'll come back and try to hurt us to make us stronger. And hurt the people around us. So we've moved around a lot, trying to gain in strength, and finally joined a school where we could learn to increase our powers. We've always had the funds to do so, so things have never been a problem, but now... now we're getting close to people. Now we have real friends. Like... like you. So we want to confront our Father..."

Unable to contain herself, her eyes began to glisten.

"Eiji... I care about you... and... I don't want to l-lose you... so... I need to talk to my Father now... I need to know what he wants from my brother and I... so then I won't have to be worried about hurting anyone... a-and, then w-we can... we can... I..."

Blushing gently, she lowered her eyes and leaned forward against Eiji's chest again. Yoshiro had stayed silent throughout the entire conversation, still staring at the door, before turning back to look at Eiji.

"Eiji," he said softly, "I'm sorry. I've always wanted to be the strongest, I know. I've never wanted to rely on anyone. Now, maybe you know why... so it will be easier to ask... for your help. I don't care if Father wants us to do this alone. When I get to him, I will strike him down and make him tell me what my purpose is... but until then... I want... friends. So... forgive me."

He sighed deeply and looked away, staring back at the open door.

"Will you help us, Eiji?"

Tetsuru looked back up at Eiji, still blushing softly, and leaned up to kiss him gently on the cheek. Tilting her head slightly, she leaned in and whispered in his ear:

It only took a few seconds for Eiji to filter out what he was hearing. He himself being an orphaned child, he could understand what hey wanted... Plus the risk of danger only made him even more eager.

"Okay... I'll come with you."
Rikku and Lee

Rikku: I had been quiet. I'm not sure how Lea would act here. Such a strange turn of events. All of this and I had no clue at all? This place is quite strange to wind up with people like this and situations like an evil school principal to simply just apear here.

"I'm ready when you are." My voice was calm but in thought. We need to get this done quickly but safely, we have so little room to spare.

Lee: I was over the see hovering stareing at the night sky. "You'll die before I pay for my crimes. Katala this ends with you and me!" A cold wind blows along the coast and a shadow covers the scene. I look up and several clouds cover the moon from my veiw.

"Where are you Katala!" 'Oh you noticed?' "Is it that hard?" 'I supose not, I do ahve some powerful talents you know.' "Not strong enough to beat my power. You and I are going to pay for our crimes."

'Your power? Do you really think that?' What the hell is he starting on? "You think you can stop me? Then show yourself." 'You may naturally be a psy of impressive skill but your weak. Very few people are as strong as me, Eiji is a rare breed you see. Thats why I want his power. As for yours.'

I wait for his next peace of bable. He knows nothing of importance. 'You have almost no power on your own.' "I don't do i?" If he shows himself I'll show him how wrong he is. 'I gave you your power.' "Show yourself and I'll make you regret that!"

'You curse of turning into a girl. Or rather the girls curse of being traped in you is all the result of me.' My female form? He is the bastard that did this to me. "Youve mayed my life harder then I ever wanted and then you make it even worse by trying to destroy those close to me! You'll die! I won't stop tell I stop you!"

'You see there's a small flaw in makeing you an avatar. You lack the magic needed to fully suport her. So Rikku is absorbed strictly for casting spells when you truely tap into your avatar. Thats why I want you both. Only with you both are you at full power and if one of you dies the avatar is lost.'

"You leave rikku out of this." 'I will for now. After all I'm goign to get you first. Or have you not ntoiced I'm here with you and not her.'

OOC: I have the week of the 4th of july off, unless things change. So I hope to have Lee reapear around then.

Milo moved slowly through the shadows since he couldn't see because it was so dark. "Damn... I can't find Eiji anywhere! I swere that guy may really be an ninja!" Milo muttered in an agressive and annoyed tone, he couldn't even sence Eiji, nor the others who had went missing.

Milo suddenly came to an halt. His eyes suddenly became cold. But it wasn't because he was angry, but afraid, afraid that somebody was watching him.

"He's not dead..."

Milo shot torwards the area he heard the voice. "Who's there?!"

"Do you not know your own brothers voice?"

Milo grimaced as he as he eyes tried to adjust to an blue light. He could barely see, but was capable of seeing an outline of hiis brother. "M- Maki?"

"Hey! Theres no time for tearful reunions! You need to get back to the hotel!"


"I already said... HE's not dead!"

Milo now knew exactly who Maki was talking about, it was the only person's name Maki would say in vain "Katala..."

"Bingo! Give the boy an prize!"

Milo muttered something under his breath as he began to head torwards the hotel.

"Hey Rock Head!"

Milo turned his head "Thats a name I hadn't heard in an long time... What do you want now!?"

For an moment, Rock said nothing. "Never mind... I'll tell ya later..." Rock turned and disapered.

"I hate when he leaves me out of things!"
Katala in Lee

OOC: I'm going to skip some dilect and the entire nasty procces of Katala takeing over Lee's body for now. I plan to come back to it latter.

IC: "This is there hotel." I smile standing on the ledge. "Amazeing that she survived, still she is the perfect canidate for a message. Besides it's always so practicle to take away hope."

I moved over the edge and flew down the side of the building arms crossed and feet togeather. Soon I will crush the hope of the two I need. Once that is done I will colect the other half of my avatar, then I need only take Eijis power.

Ireach out and grab the open window to the room. Touji is tehre jsut as I expected. "I really shouldn't of flown off like that before." I moved in threw the window. Touji watched me with only the smallest amount of suspicion.

I walked over towards him and stoped with a look of faked shock on my face. "How long has she been awake." When he turned to look I hit him on the back of his head knoking him out cold. "Love sick fool." I looked over at Momiji. "I wodner if he'll literally die of greif after this." I smiled a bit running the scene threw my mind him geting up and reliseing he had failed to protect her a second time.

I moved over to Momiji and looked down at her. Now what would be most efective for makeing them hopeless but not enraged? I don't want them to hope for vengence, I want them to be completely void of hope, that what made this one so easy to take.

I supose I could slit her wrists and let her bleed to death. Then I could write Katala was here in blood on the wall. "Okay it's not my best plan but Lee has this sword at his side and I just want to use it for something.

I began to pull my sword out of it's sheeth, once an inch of the blade was out the door opened and milo stood tehre out of breath. I slid the sword back into the sheeth. "Milo?"

I walked over towards Touji. "Some one got to him." I look over at Milo. "Why are you short of breath."
Milo ran through the forest quickly, he was not only running torwards the hotel, but from Maki. "Quit following me! Do you know how creepy it is for your dead brother to be following you?!"

"Ah quit yer bitching and move it! Or do I have to start haunting you?"

"Okay! Okay!"

After five minutes of non-stop running, Milo had arrived at the hotel, but not having time, he decided to just sneek through one of the hallways windows. Maki went right through it.

"Okay, now thats creepy!"

"Lot of ghost here, some of them aren't to nice..."

"Thanks for the info..." Milo muttered as he tried to catch his breath.

"Two rooms down..."


"He's two rooms down to the right!"

"But that's...." Milo didn't hesitate to burst through the door expecting an ugly old man. But insted he met an calm Lee's eyes. "Oh... It's just you...!" Milo said, trying to catch his breath. He looked down, seeing that Touji was out cold, "What happ-"

'Some one got to him.' Lee looked over at Milo. 'Why are you short of breath?'

"Oh.... Uh... No reason!"

Katala's not here... What are you trying to pull Maki?!

"Rock! Its him, I can see Katala's soul inside of him!"

You're full of it Milo!

OOC: Sorrry to speed up your last post but thanks for going with it.

IC: 'Oh.... Uh.... No reason.' Rock I know you to well to fall for that. Why could you possibly feel the urge to run here? Oh well I supose now is a chance to punish you for betreying me.

"I don't see anything wrong with Momiji but prehaps you should check." Healing her after she foolishly interfeared with me takeing hold of Lee. "You cast the spell on her see if it's working properly."

I stood where I was and watch him apraoch her. I moved up close behind and made a fist of my hand. As big a fool as that thug Touji. I shifted my weight into a punch at the back of Milos neck.

A loud crack was heard as my fist met with his hand. "I looked suprise as he held my fist. Maybe you are smarter then the thug.
Milo caught Lee's hand right before it made an impact. "You know... Lee could throw an blow as silent as the cat hunting in the shadows... But you can't even throw an somewhat decent punch... I felt the force by the wind..." Milo let go of Lee's hand and turned around. "So, who are you? Really..."

IC: Boy a new body isn't easy to control is it. Sive difrences power difrences, I supose I'll need to refine my technique quite a bit before I'm as strong as I desire.

I pulled my hand back. "Who am I you ask?" I smile and gather more power ready to my cause. "You know me don't you Rock?"
"So... Maki was right... It is you Katala." Without warning, Milo quickly pulled out one of his daggers, and cut Lee's hand. "Why don't you go back to the hole you came from?"

IC: There was a quick slash and a cut on my hand. 'Why don't you go back to the hole you came from?' "Now now, thats not polite to say."

I took a step backward. "I'd be carefull, the body isn't mine." I placed my hand over the cut then with a purple flash the wound healed. "Lee body, My power, well for now any how."

"You betrayed me remember? You promised me that spell and instead betreyed me, thats why you and I are here." I looked at the hand. "Soon I will have Lee's body, Rikku's magic, Eiji's essance, and my own power. I will be a warroir like no other. I invite you one last time to join me."
Milo wasn't the least bit frightened. In fact, he laughed. "You know Katala... I would be afraid, if it wasn't for the fact that I know the scret power that could kill you."

Milo put his dagger back in its sheath, "An mere cut... an mere is all I need to put you in serious danger." Milo's voice became sadistic and cold, as if somebody taken over him. "Its been years since I smell fresh blood, and freash fear..." milo's eyes opened, showing not the calm brown eyes of Milo, but the ice cold green of somebody else. "This time, we will not let you take over our souls... this time... you'll be the one trapped inside an dark chamber for the reast of time!"

IC: "A single scratch?" I look him calmly in the eye. "Makes it a little exciteing but are you shure I would go? After all I am a free spirit. I don't really care much for prisons, and the blood you use isn't mine to begin with. It inocent little Lee's."

I gatehr my magic around me, I don't really wish to risk the body of the avatar weather I am harmed or not. It took years for me to aquire a body of this kind and I do not wish to trick some one into makeing a second one.

"Maybe we should try your experiment. let us see if I am traped with lee for the rest of existence or if Lee is stuck all by himself. Besides a fight would be so much fun wouldn't it?"
Milo just smirked, at the moment he wasn't himself. "Fine, lets just try..." Milo cracked his knuckles a few times until an green glowed emited. "Katala... Its time I finished what I started a while ago..." Milo sighed as he relized that Katala was stumped. "I'm Maki numbnuts!"

Maki wait!


Will this kill Lee as well?

Um... I dunno...

If this is going to risk Lee's life, you need to stop!

No way! I'm going to finish this now!


Milo's eyes suddenly regained control of his body again. "Leave Katala... because next time I will let Maki kill you, even if you do have control of Lee.

IC: "Milo, Maki, Rock, so many god damned names." Still I wish to keep this body in this world and Maki is right the power would work on Lee. I need to reform my combat skills in order to fight at my full power. That or the rest of the avatar. "I'll go for now." I moved to the end of the room and jumped out the window flying away. Lets see where is the rest of my power?
Meanwhile, at the cavern entrance...

Yoshiro glanced into the darkness, eyes narrowed.

"Let's go now. I don't know if Father's in there, but if he is, he's letting us in. We... shouldn't keep him waiting, sister."

Tetsuru looked down at the ground. The emotions she had been displaying towards Eiji were gone, all of a sudden, replaced by a void filled only with the weight of responsibility -- an expression rarely seen on her pretty features. For what was perhaps the first time, she resembled a woman, not a girl.

"Yes," she said quietly. "Father is waiting for us. We will not disappoint him."

"He may not be here," murmured Yoshiro, still staring into the darkness.

"He'll be here," responded Tetsuru just as quietly, her voice steady.

And, glancing at each other, the two siblings walked into the darkness.

IC: I walked behind the others listening to the conversation they had, cat hearing is an asset at times because there conversation was quiet. So they think their father is in here. I guess a dark cave would suit the type of magic user that parented these two, these two both use magic like pro's they must of started younger then me and have just as much potential.

I looked at Tetsuru a girl with her level of skill could probably of done that damn spell right. Why oh why did I work with that man. Oh well I am makeing up for my mistakes and prehaps he'll forgive me.
Eiji watched as Tetsuru and Yoshiro walked into the dark. All the while he watched, he felt an distant, yet powerful void. Whatever is in there... its strong... Eiji sighed and shoved his hands in his pockets. He turned and began to walk torwards the cave, only to stop, noticing somebody was missing.

Eiji turned his head torwards Yamanaka. "Are you comming Yamanaka?"
Yamanaka glanced up. The young boy was obviously nervous, but there was a certain glint to his eye... something had happened to him on this trip. Now, suddenly, there were people depending on him. And it wasn't so easy to just depend on Touji anymore.

Touji is troubled too...

I will do this for him. Someday, Touji, I'll protect you.

...what will THAT be like?

But whatever the case... I will. To repay him. This is for him, this is for my parents who can't be happy, this is for everyone...

"Of course," he said softly, and walked past Eiji into the cavern. The group of five entered -- three boys, two girls -- each with their own seperate, intricate pasts, no matter who they were. None of them really understood each other, no matter what they thought, but it didn't matter. They were all friends.

And the door shut behind them. For a moment, there was pure darkness, utter silence, but then, the lights went on, and they could see what was really before them.

Metal. Metal everywhere. Suddenly, what was silence became a cacophony of sounds and grating noise. Robotic arms and tools, building who-knows what, conveyor belts moving, computers buzzing, monitors flickering, and feminine computer voices emitting information.

In the middle stood Yoshiro and Tetsuru. Around them was a sort of darkness, and a sort of light, that seperated them from everything else. They belonged there, but they were very different.

There was a sort of rythym to the sounds of the machines...


Huddled in the darkness, Touji brooded.

And Momiji slept peacefully, recovering.

The young man lowered his head and glared at the floor.


He closed his eyes.

"...you should be here!"
Eiji quickly shielded his eyes as the lights suddenly came on, due to his eyes were adjusted to the dark. He then carefully taken his hand from his eyes, and saw all of the machine before. "Wh- what in the flaming hell...?"

OOC: Remember Lee (Possesed by katala) knocked out Touji a little while ago, no harm in wakeing him up but he should be able to figure out Lee hit him over the head or have something similar in his mind.

IC: The door slamed behind me and I was left in total dark. Needless to say I was unnerved, the total lack of light had me blind, something I hadn't experinced in years. With my supior night vision seeing in the dark was a small problem for me, but with no light at all, I was beging to feel afraid.

The lights klicked on and I found myself blind again for anotehr reason but shortly my eyes adjusted and I found myself in a metal room my ears soar with noise.

"Is it me or is it loud in here?" Silly question my ears where used to subtle sounds this constant noise will take some time to adjust to, for now it was almost painful. "So is it to soon to ask where we are going?" I looked at Tetsuru and Yoshiro, I wonder if they will answer.

Cerberus scratched at the wall for an few moments realzing that not following the others was obviously an bad idea. "Damn! I can't get in!" After a few more attempts, and at least two minutes of whining, (which was basicly an desperate attempt that Rikku would hear him and open the door for him,) Cerberus finnaly gave in.

"*Sigh!* Why am I worried? I mean... They can pretty much take care of themselfs... right? So why am I trying so hard to get back in?" Cerberus stood therre for a moment to think about that. Then without warning, he went balistic clawing at the door again. "BECAUSE I'M BORED!"

Cerberus finnaly calmed down and gave in (This time for real!) "Geuss I should just go back to the hotel... Mai must be worried..." Cerberus gave one last look at the door. "I hope you guys are okay... What am I saying?! They have been through so much already! This has got to be an walk in a park compaired to every thing else they been through!"

Cerberus ran back to the hotel, hoping that the others would be back by morning.
Lee and Lea?

IC: Lee: I found myself wakeing from the pain Katala caused, under a tree. Their was a medow around me surounded by a forest. "I've been here before." I looked about myself, but why was I here before and why am I here now. Rikku was her last time too.

I stand up and begin to walk around the tree seeing a leg, that must be Rikkus. "Rikku, your here again too." 'No she's not here this time.' I look up and see some one that looks idenicle to me as a girl. "Who are you?" 'I'm the other spirit of this body. Your freinds call me Lea.' "Your Lea?" 'Yes, I've been here for quite some time now.'

"Why are you here? So your my curse?" 'I'm not really a curse, just an enchantment. You see I'm an Avatar' "Well why are you here, with me? Infact where is here?" 'This is the world of your spirit. It's not to bad, once you get used to it. Infact I find your spirit quite calming.'

"Well why are you here?" 'I was put into you.' "Well who put you in here?" 'Come now you should of figured it out by now.' "Rikku." 'Powerful Magic is needed to sumon an avatar, then you need a body to enchant with it. When I fight I need to tap into a strong magical source, you have no such source.' "That is why I met her here." 'With you void of magic, she is needed as a source in order for me to fight. Thats why she was called here.'

"Then why isn't she here always?" 'If I don't need magic she won't come here, I've only had to fight once when you where stunned at the tournament.' "Is that what happened? I didn't remember all the final match. That is because I was here and so was Rikku."

'Personally I'm content to just sit here, I lived all of my life, that was enough but I can't seem to find my way to the after life.' "Well then why do I become a girl?" 'I am an Avatar of fire, water draws me out. Hence you changeing when wet. Once my body is at the surface, I gain some control when you find your self with a strange situation, say those nights with Yoshiro, you give up most control. So I step in.'

So she is the reason I slept with him but why'd she do that? Does she actully like him that much? Well atleast I'm not gay.