How tall is everyone?

4'6.5" I thought it would have been a hinderance with the ladies until I realized at what spot on there bodies I came up to. After that my date calendar swelled considerably.....:eek::eek:
Amazing how the average height of a man in the US is 5'9.5 and average height of a woman is 5'4, yet apparently 90% of people on lit are significantly above the average. Me thinks people are bullshitting their height.

I'm like 5'3.
Me thinks I know what 8 inches looks like. And I can read a tape measure. I went to college, so I'm pretty sure I've got this.

Pennyanddime...welcome to Lit...
Amazing how the average height of a man in the US is 5'9.5 and average height of a woman is 5'4, yet apparently 90% of people on lit are significantly above the average. Me thinks people are bullshitting their height.

I'm like 5'3.

Height is the LEAST of the things they BS about.

5-8. Ish.